Don't most game just lay low when the winds are up?
Best of luck on your hunt RC.
It's Friday night at the social club for the bucks lately. No matter the weather...
IF doe are laying low , bucks will be seeking and checking out doe groups looking for receptive company. Well , some bucks will be.
I'll be going out for the sake of going out. Something I relish.
Still feeling rough though. And am losing my voice. Not that I need it to sit and wait for deer.
With the storm tonight tomorrow there will be folks sitting it out at home.
If the wind don't hammer my blind too hard , I'll ride it out a while. Or as long as coffee holds out. (And I try to reserve a cup in case I get busy with a deer after dark).
No big trees in range of where I'll sit , or anything to fall. The roads to get there will be more a threat.
The metal blind frame makes noise and window flaps flap.
I have wooden clothspins for weights. Made up a couple metal weights for window flap weights tonight. Worse case I 'll go with just one open window. Made a triangular shelf for a frame corner today too. It might fit. Will know in several hours...
A five gallon bucket is there already for a table. Put the heater on the floor and the crowding continues.
Toting lots of stuff. Binoculars, shooting stick, rifle, thermos , snacks ,enough cloths to explore the artic,though slowly...Phone, headlamp, pistols, knives, flashlight,my new glasses(hopefully remembered).
My prior bare bones pioneer hunter self sufficiency like an old time R.C.M.P. with only a sharp stick and a paper bag has gone out the window it seems. It has evolved into a Cadillac safari!
I'd grab the small plastic sled to haul the mess , but it is covering up the gearshift and dash of one of the tractors.
Going to be a tight fit in a 4x4 square area again , but that's what I get for not building a bigger blind.
Found one wood (Amish milled type boards except floor) built for less than lumber would cost me months ago. Octagon shaped . Metal roofed.
Left my number to get a delivery estimate and the guy never called. Like many businesses in construction , they're just hoppin busy this year.
Next year! Maybe.
I have a Nu-Way propane heater out in the yard for a blind. It will heat a lunch nicely too.
Sure would be nice to be able to stretch out and nap now and then.
Does it sound like I hunt too hard?
Thanks for the well wishes.
It's really about getting "out there" anymore. If the nice buck ("Boy Howdy") from a month ago turns up and poses in range (low odds there when he's been chasin ladies hither and yon) it will be frosting on the cake.
If not , I'll be alright. Less work with no deer to tend to. L.o.l..