It seems that things are crawling along slowly in the project world. Things certainly take longer to do in real time than in the theory dept.
The drains in the garage are finished and the floors were poured last week. Just painting to be done, and the original centre floor needs to be ground (sloped towards the drain)
The quotes were $5000 to cut the centre floor out and re-pour the whole pad (why ) Just cut the floor 10ft x12in. and install the drain and pour a patch, The grinding machine will rent out at a $300 for the day, so I will do a gradual slope running from the side wall of the bay to the drain. Oh this sounds so simple in theory doesn't it Jim
So I saved a cool $4250 on the one floor alone.
The docks are just about completed now the contractor just has to smooth a few things out.
The old system I have to continue of pulling it up the hill and dragging it up the road 400ft to the shop yard, where I will load most of it into a garbage bin later.
Got the 4 main corner posts in the berry patch yesterday, mostly backfilled, and will level and compact today.
Have to reinstall the 800 ft polytope that is marked off in 10ft segments for the poles and posts. (80 total)
This line will make things easier for lining everything up in the process going forward.
Plus I'll have 4-200ft ropes that I will roll up and keep for future fencing needs-just makes measuring a lot simpler.
We had a car park across most of the farm gate entrance yesterday as the hikers were out in full force doing the hike-but can't park 20 ft further away from the trail head. WTF
So go through the process of getting it towed-and at the last minute the two brainless came running down the road to save their car. (From the GTA-no less)
Then a truck parked in the entrance blocking 60% of it.
I tried to get it towed but the service was busy so I wrote a nice note on a piece cardboard and placed it under the wiper blade.
I just said I hope they enjoyed the day, and next time give it some thought on how their parking effects the safety of others and the next time it will be towed.
A few months ago a new White Porsche Cayenne blocked the entrance and caused the stoppage for delivery of the dump trucks that day.
I was just at the stage of -OK- This just cost me hundreds of extra dollars-(didn't know I could get it towed free - expense falls on owner)
So I'm sitting on the tractor-watching the truck rumble down the road.
My left shoulder kept saying dump the loader bucket of manure over the car-right shoulder said don't ( they have some great debates at times)
The different options were thought over-debated - and the left won over in the end.
Looking down on the gear box of the old Ford 3000 I saw a greasy oil soaked blue shop rag.
Now this has been laying there for a good season since some repairs were done, covered with dirt/oil/grease.
Now this new while car had white leather interior-so I greased the inner side of the door handles just enough that they would dirty up their little fingers, and justice was done.
(I realize that it might not be the most mature approach to the problem-but it puts a little grin on the left shoulder-and the right keeps shaking it's head saying-You bad )