You can't make this stuff up.
We went to Morehead Kentucky today, a college town so it's already weird. We saw a "lady" in a car ahead of us with bumper stickers boasting about her being lesbian, and three different stickers proclaiming she was a practicing witch. Hmm. Okay. A lesbian witch in Kentucky. You can't make that up.
We went to the large Peddlers Mall in Morehead as well. I always come out with bottles or books. I didn't find any bottles, but I found two books, one about the suurrender of the SS Nord Division, and a book about the Flying Tigers, so I picked both up. I also found a fine reproduction Hitlerjugen poster, with a picture of a smiling German girl with braided blonde hair, and blue eyes, standing in front of the banners and toting how fun it was to be in the Hitler Youth (in German of course) . Stereotypical, cheap, collectible. I grabbed that too. As I walk to the counter to pay for my goodies, I notice that the cashier is an 18-20 year old girl with wait.... guess.... Braided blonde hair, and blue eyes. Nope. I couldn't do it. I put the poster right back. I could only imagine the embarrassment that would cause for the both of us. You can't make that stuff up.
On the way home, we got on a rural country road that was 30 miles long, and twisty and turny, without any passing lanes. We got behind a car that was only doing 25 miles an hour, and followed it almost all the way home. As soon as there was a passing lane, the car sped up and wouldn't let us pass it. Jerk. So this continued until finally the..... jerk turned in her driveway, where it was littered with Biden and Amy Mcgrath Signs. Again, you can't make this crap up.