Gold Member
morning I guess I slept late
Later Rook
When the roofers get done you will get a chance to see how good a clean up job they do when you go out and check for roofing nails.
We had our house and both garages done a few months ago and I found a bunch of nails. I had just spent $ 1,200 on new tires for the Corvette so running over a nail would have pissed me off for sure.
Morning all. : )
Relevant chair, just more evidence that if you want a job done right you gotta do it yourself.
Right now I'm working on laying down a floor in my Mom's attic. I can take off whenever I want so long as I am working all the time. My other chores this time of year include duck hunting, keeping up the yard, duck hunting, looking after Mom, duck hunting, keeping up the house, duck hunting, splitting fire wood, duck hunting, and duck hunting.
Oh, and I also do a bit of duck hunting in my free time.
Edit to add- Rusty Relics, how did you get a black and white imaged out of that color cannon image? I could do it with film, no idea how to do it with software.
Hey cap, Have you ever heard of a Monkey head cannon?
How about a British 8 pounder from the 1700s?