THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Well the time has come to thin the flock. Meaning there's too many roosters and the pecking order is turning into more now.
I'm pretty sure the white rooster had a hit by a Raven yesterday evening-all 4 roosters came through the yard just a trucking, blood flowing from the side of his comb/head.
He's picking on the hen, and the others jump on him for jumping on her/and it seems that day has come I have instructions to thin-or have them thinned.
So I guess I'll have to unhang the hunter/gather hat, the one that's been hanging up in the back of the closet/mind since 1979.
Wow that's a longtime since I took an animal for the purpose of food.
Going to have to dig a little deep-put the emotions in the drawer so to speak.
But I knew in the back of the mind that this day would come-and when one has animals for food it's part of the cycle.

I would think dairy and beef farmers experience this dilemma whenever it's time to 'harvest' their herds/flocks Jim.
I can imagine it's hard to not get emotionally attached to the animals you raise from birth to the end, but this is why we raise some animals, to provide food for our existence.

As a comparison, personally I don't hunt, but I sure don't have an issue consuming venison steak, moose stew or bear meat. :thumbsup:

Good morning Bill.

Morning Bill.

No more sneaking in Bill... I have the watchdigs... errr watchfogs... err watchdogs watchin. :P

Morning Bill.

No more sneaking in Bill... I have the watchdigs... errr watchfogs... err watchdogs watchin. :P

Probably still asleep, the man needs a coffee.

Good morning ARC, Bart, Dave, Jim & Rook. The desktop is acting up lately and freezes up so I have to shut down and reboot.

Probably the old clunker is getting tired just like me....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I would think dairy and beef farmers experience this dilemma whenever it's time to 'harvest' their herds/flocks Jim.
I can imagine it's hard to not get emotionally attached to the animals you raise from birth to the end, but this is why we raise some animals, to provide food for our existence.

As a comparison, personally I don't hunt, but I sure don't have an issue consuming venison steak, moose stew or bear meat. :thumbsup:

In reality some do-some don't in the farming world. Have a buddy that goes through the sorrow every season when the time comes to thin the herd. Have others that have to qualms about doing the do, as it's just part of the cycle.
I used to hunt and grew up eating/hunting and stopped in 1979. We have friends that have offered-I'll come do it if you're not up to it. But I feel that if I have to do it-I can go through the process.

In my heart I know what they have consumed, and how they have lived, and that's one of the most important stages on what we consume.
Not a factory output meat-not a bird that is mass produced and force fed basically.
I know of a guy that raises chickens for KFC-use to do 65,000 in a 4 rotation per year. Grow the bird to 4.32lbs-then it was 3.86lbs gross weight.
Now that's growing a bird to a science-still he got paid for the 4.32 and saved feeding them when it was the less weight requirement.
So the next time you get a bucket-and it looks like a pigeon-you'll know why.:laughing7:

Good morning ARC, Bart, Dave, Jim & Rook. The desktop is acting up lately and freezes up so I have to shut down and reboot.

Probably the old clunker is getting tired just like me....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Morning Bill

Maybe download a virus/malware cleaner to see if that helps.
It's times like this where the old need a young one around to get things in order.
Though I really thought the best invention was the push button vs the rotary dial phone.

Then again you probably remember talking to the operator to make a long distance call.:laughing7:


We got all the fancy programs to protect and clean up the desktop it's about 7 years old now and gets lots of use between me and the missus. We've got a service contract with the geeks squad so maybe I'll give them a call to run some remote diagnostics on it.

And yes I remember talking to the operator for long distance.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


Ah the days of being on a party line-we used to be just one of 14 homes. Great fun-unscrew the mouthpiece of handset then sit and sandbag to the gossip. :laughing7:
Today it's FB/Twitter.......

Ya know....I wonder why *anyone* charges for "long distance" anymore?!

This message I just posted went all the way around the a second! :tongue3:

Anyone remember getting a phone call for a penny, on an old pay phone? :tongue3:


Ya know....I wonder why *anyone* charges for "long distance" anymore?!

This message I just posted went all the way around the a second! :tongue3:

Anyone remember getting a phone call for a penny, on an old pay phone? :tongue3:

View attachment 1867871

It was always a dime for me.

Good morning Whadifind, Bill, Rook, Bart, Pepper.
Another day. That is still a good thing ��

I missed Anti, and ARC,
Morning mates. ..... arrrrgg, more smoke from the fires.
Where’s that weather machine when you need it?

Morning Idahodutch.

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