bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Good morning ARC, Bart, Jim & Rook.
Well WD, I realize that you’ve heard from Bill, Jim and Cru regarding your question, but I just thought I’d add my two-cents worth. Like everyone else on Tnet, I’ve been trying figure this out since the day I joined and I’ve only been successful once so far. Although, I found Cru’s response to be very interesting, “You need an outstanding historic (but many expensive beach finds as well) piece with a good story & good picture. Eye appeal helps. Likes help. Views helps. If I vote on it it (I kid but does seem to be a trend, although now I say it, it will kill it).”(Psst. Bill/ Pepperj, what would be a banner find from Canada? Asking for a friend)
I completely agree with you Bill, anything related to the earliest settlement of both of our countries has a shot.WD,
A few items that come to mind would be fur trade silver, early colonial era coinage such as Spanish, French and British, early military items. As you'd imagine civil war items would be rare north of the border, however, some have been found.
When Jim found he GW Button a few years ago I thought it had a real shot at making the BANNER, especially considering how many US-found GW buttons make the BANNER… alas it wasn’t to be.The banner, the banner, one could be banned for ever getting a banner for saying I think it's a banner, my banner find.
I think it has to do with what is rare in the area that one digs in. I dug a GW button down the road from me-rare indeed-possibly a first in Canada. Didn't make it.
Dug a 1858 20 cent piece in a heavy ploughed field-won the best find of the month on another forum-won numerous prizes at the club meeting. One member said it was the holy grail of finds up here.
Probably can mirror a number of finds that have made it up, but not even bothered posting them as either I've been too busy, or off line at the time.
Having not made it up there I guess I shouldn't be saying anything really about what is or isn't.
Example I found a near AU 1858 little nickel (Fishscale) I called the Mrs and left a message. Every time she wanted a little feel good moment she would replay the message back.
Her version " The excitement that you had in your voice-made me feel so good, that I go there, just to get a lift"
So what makes it for me-might not make it for another-what makes it special-is what it does for the finder.
I have to agree with your statement above WD, but then again, I’m also thinking the majority of members here on Tnet are American.At the risk of getting “booed,” it is my opinion that (cough cough) very rarely are there banner votes for anything other than American finds. I can’t speak for anyone, but myself. In my case it’s pure ignorance about all treasure in general. But, some of the Europeans find some extremely old coinage and for the life of me, I don’t understand why they don’t get banner for it.
I hope I am not opening a can of worms.
Welcome to the thread Cru.Firstly welcome all, just joined.
I dont think its possible to predict what will make banner. Since the new owners I get the impression they consider them less often (not so fast moving), maybe they have a monthly banner mtg. No idea.
But to answer your question, I don't see much unfairness from US to Canada. You need an outstanding historic (but many expensive beach finds as well) piece with a good story & good picture. Eye appeal helps. Likes help. Views helps.
If I vote on it it (I kid but does seem to be a trend, although now I say it, it will kill it)
It's basically a mystery to me, I had a few slip through the net last year, because I'm sure I will now need a hoard as the bar has been raised.
I try not to let it bother me, including the injustices I see on others or it will drive you mad & get you banned. I could go on but enough for now.
Oh buddy, sometimes you make me laugh so hard I accidentally tinkle.x10, wait x20 wait-you mean Dave in digging togs-you don't know our Dave. We'z goes out a digging-me'z "pigpen" Mr GQ not iff of dust pr dirt. I bloody don't know how he does it.
Well I brought him to a sticky clay field once, his soles of the rubby boots got muddy.
No the man could change them boots, the belt, takes of the knee pads-ready for a dinner out.
I just don't
Half hour before sunrise/I'm thinking daybreak actually the chorus of shotguns going off to take Daffy/Daisy Duck out.....
You mean...."out"? Like a Cap'n?