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Morning Pepper.
It could still work out Dave, it probably would be a better fit-but you're going to swallow a hit$. But it might open up another door around the corner.
Eddy Albert decided change wasn't all that bad.....
Just going out to the tractor supply store in Brockville last week-what do I meet on the road coming towards me? One of those $500,000+ New Holland combines with 28 vehicles behind it-I thought of you right away.
Bart, it sure sounds like you're living a great life in Florida and you're doing a job that you truly love!Wow.....im super lucky to be sailing the seven seas making a decent living doing what I love. I can't imagine the stress of worrying about meeting all those marks dave. I would have an ulcer at that job worrying about the next days work load !! I love fishing fishing is my life. I just keep repeating that when the seas are 10 ft. And I'm on hour 16 in my day. I've also had some great beachside BBQs that I also got paid for. Im a firm believer in doing what one loves.....its usually what we do best !!
Mornin all!
Looks like you found a no fit position.
Sounds more like a make work ,keep busy scenario. Danged near telemarketing.
A friend passed on that enjoyed a Canadian fishing trip with some other friends and I. I didn't ask him about his "how's " of selling used industrial equipment , but he did all right.
Out leading friend bought from him over the years for his businesses.
You fit or don't. And when it's obviously not a fit at the beginning , it's not likely to improve.
Somewhere a group is pounding the table demanding more efficiency and profit.
How that gets promoted and transferred is where employee satisfaction comes in.
And who wants to work with demoralized co workers in an environment of an overhanging axe ?
A salary that suits getting through drier times , with additional commission as incentive to perform/sell is enough.
IF an employer wants to dictate every nuance of how to do a job , they don't need me.
I'm the guy that turned down commission years ago when working sales and had a decent wage.
Crazy. But my boss was a good egg and not rich either.
Then one day a customer insisted I was selling him something at a higher cost than a lesser device could suit him , solely for my commission.
I pointed out the president of the company and told the man to ask him how much commission I earned.... Because I don't earn a commission.
He left with what I told him he needed to suit his needs.
Not saying straight commission or any other combo would not be acceptable.
I am saying , let the sales force sell. By recognizing the need of the customer. Not the board demanding more profits due to their perceived needs. Or the people reacting to the boards demand trying to squeeze more blood out of a turnip.
Justify a sales staff by sales. After you provide a solid reputable and service based value in both business and product for them to move.
Then advertise for your sales staff. Or pay them thousands more ,or reimburse them to do so.
A poor run company can ruin a sales career. At least at that company.
A former manager (no , we didn't have quota's or sales meetings ,or minimum requirements...) told me , "everyone that comes in that door has a reason.".
L.o.l.. He was right.
And to watch and hear him on the phone when he answered it , you'd think you were dealing with the best for your sake. As well as know who the customer was talking to. Because he'd remind them after.
A con artist would pop in now and then. A fun two way street if read right away. A lesson if not.
Guess I was fortunate there.
Others , not so much till bit.
The 5000 tractor died, just went click when I went to start up again.
Got a lift of lumber on the front.
Cleaned posts, seems to be at the starter.
Lots of power for lights and flashers.
Tractor mechanic on his way, really need a more reliable tractor.
One day I could hug then, another I could torch em!
Being 47/48 years old I have to cut them slack.
I've put out a couple feelers on getting a pole barn built.
No bids yet. Tells me folks are plenty busy.
Your lumber is worth...Well you know what it's worth. (!)
You checked the ignition switch contacts and connections on that Ford? And starter switch? (Yes , you likely did , twice.)
No idea sure what it has for a solenoid. If it has one. Alright , I looked it up. Not saying it's on your year tractor , but it's like the solenoid on Fords cars in the sixties/seventies we used to have to clean grounding surfaces on wheel wells of. When mounted on the wheel wells.
The solenoid could be jumped with a pocket knife on those without the ignition on.. As the hood did not have an interior of the car latch. Fun times...
A "click ,click" meant weak battery , or ground , usually. Power wasn't getting past there enough to do anything.
Which you already know...
Jim, I just happen to know that New Holland recently opened up a new store in your area... they're also a Mahindra dealer.
You can always text me and I'll send you Jody's contact info if you need it. He may be able to help... just saying.
Good morning ARC & Jim.
Another warm one here in Southern Ontario for the next few days.
Morning rook and ARC.
Hope you guys are doing well these days... anymore hurricanes on the horizon to deal with?
Love your new batch of chicks Jim, you'll have to keep us posted on their growth.
Dave I was doing the kick the gravel pout yesterday while chatting with the wife. "Arfing tractor - someday's I could hug it-another day I could touch it"
Reply was "Maybe you can get yourself a new one for your 65th-no make that your 70th.
It's getting better-at least it's a "Never"![]()
That sounds familiar.....finishing the last of the battens on our ceiling job !!Finally did the old screw driver on the solenoid lost power to the dash lights also. Headlights, 4 ways work fine. So it seems to be a wiring issue someplace. Managed to finish moving the 6 lifts of board and batten around into the shop parking lot. Now to start staining the 200+ 16ft inch pine boards plus the battons.. Yippy.......
If your tractor is from 1972 Jim, it doesn't really owe anything, but it will become more of a money-pit as time goes on.
Maybe it's time to retire it in 2022 on it's 50th birthday.
I realize folks get attached to their equipment... but equipment is a lot like chickens, you have to know when to let them go and get a newer chicken.
See I love the old-reuse a rubber band till it breaks-I only buy new when time is due.
Spending a grand here or there on small equipment no problem.
Spending $40-60K on something that is used for logging, digging, pulling, lifting, isn't warranted in my lifestyle.
Oh I sometimes dream of having a simple new-then again I would have to take care of it-watch I didn't scratch it-worry about this and that.
Nope not for me.
Then again you sound like a salesman Dave-telling a customer what he needs-instead of what he wants.![]()