Blak bart
Platinum Member
thank you pepper.....were gonna have fun either way is just gorgeous out there.
Looks like the missus will be making some green tomato chutney, chow chow, etc....she picked a whack of tomatoes since the overnight temps are cooling down.
We're closing in on 300 lbs of tomatoes this season.
Going back to bed....
Had a hummer get in a spider web yesterday morning. We tried washing her right wing with Dawn, even put her up on a the feeder. Around an hour later she wasn’t there. We don’t know if she made I or not. Nature takes its own course sometimes.
Good gesture of yours with the hummingbird. Odds are it came around and made it thanks to your help.
Morning RC
Mornin Rook.
Ladyfriend has a daughter in Meridian.
She's established and used to the clime , but it almost bugs me she sticks it out there.
And of late , cultural conditions make her race more an issue than it was. And it was bad enough before that I'd have either got in trouble being white , or left the area back then.
But such go folks to where they choose I guess.
The dang storms at times though . Whew. Just a matter of time before getting slammed.