ya....your right dave.....first day my wife says to me "Who is this woman your following" I had no idea !! Someone follows me I follow back. Well this ain't T-net !! Already have a stalker, and had to block what I could only describe as online sex solicitation from 2 different woman. What I will say is for the wood work and selling mahogany its been great. Just have to ignore the kooks as they pop up here and there !! T-net was wise to keep it family friendly !! You should see my shark fishing buddy....he gets at least 3 frothing mad haters that want to kill him every day.....he makes his own posts called kooks of the day !! Its been an interesting education in social media.....i have been able to connect with the right people in the fine wood world....cutters, carpenters, guitar makers, epoxy pouring experts...etc. that part has been great !!