THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

ARC all I can say, is that I'm glad we don't have sharks swimming in our freshwater lakes. :tongue3:

As far as your question about painting goes Jim, last week I finished sanding the back deck.
If I can't find a new job by at least the end of October, I'm going to have to put on my painters cap, as Colleen has a 'Honey-do list' as long as my forearm. :laughing7:

Gee Dave I figured you were finished with all the time spent on detecting, restoration of rings.
Lots of playtime you have.... :laughing7:

Saw 2 sharks on sun. One nurse shark witch is no threat, and one small black tip circled and circled but im a much bigger meal than he could deal with. Like I always say if my cat was 150 pounds it would eat me !!

Oh... and just to finish up... the whole reason I was even in the water to begin with in that particular spot was not to dive... I was setting anchor to just chill out and have some lunch on the face of one of my favorite islands...

my dogs pup had decided he was going to stand on the diamond alum box just when a wave pitched and off he dove... he was swimming around so I got in with him... we were swimming and then he went to want out... so I pushed him onto deck... and went back to swimming... I started freediving to bottom and back... was 12 foot or there abouts...

Was in for maybe 10 mins or so... no mask nothing... but see I dive without any gear all the time... I free dive more than not anymore... too long to put on gear :P

I can dive down and back in WAY less time than I can even gear up... I do this all the time.

When I was young my nickname was fish because I swam like one and could hold my breath and go father underwater than anyone else.

I took pride in that... and use to "show off" this skill all the time for attention etc as a kid.

People would see me go in and begin to freak out when they would not see me resurface and just when they were aout to dive in to save me... I would surface wit a smile :)

Anyway... my girl hates it... and when with someone new... she will have to keep them at bay from diving in after me... she hates it everytime. heh

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Gee Dave I figured you were finished with all the time spent on detecting, restoration of rings.
Lots of playtime you have.... :laughing7:

Well Jim, all I can say is the soybean leaves are starting to drop here and the harvest will be starting soon.
This will reopen at least six of my old sites from last year... so I'm doing my best to delay finding a new job until at least November. :laughing9:

I do have an interview with a headhunter in Montreal this afternoon, so we'll have to see.

Well Jim, all I can say is the soybean leaves are starting to drop here and the harvest will be starting soon.
This will reopen at least six of my old sites from last year... so I'm doing my best to delay finding a new job until at least November. :laughing9:

I do have an interview with a headhunter in Montreal this afternoon, so we'll have to see.

Ok you strayed from the topic of painting.
By now you must realize that the dark chore cloud hangs low over the shoulders when out detecting.
That ache feeling of guilt knowing that the paint brush should be in hand, instead of the magic wand.
So put on the painter's coat, grab the brush, get Err done-me man before the soya beans be a harvested.
(Note to readers-trying to throw guilt trip onto Dave) :laughing7:

Saw 2 sharks on sun. One nurse shark witch is no threat, and one small black tip circled and circled but im a much bigger meal than he could deal with. Like I always say if my cat was 150 pounds it would eat me !!

Snorkeling on the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef, the operator that was running the group out 20 miles off shore to the spot. He just finished with the safety drill instructions.
The wife asked him what about sharks?
Reply: Just stab the nearest bloke you see.:headbang:

Ok you strayed from the topic of painting.
By now you must realize that the dark chore cloud hangs low over the shoulders when out detecting.
That ache feeling of guilt knowing that the paint brush should be in hand, instead of the magic wand.
So put on the painter's coat, grab the brush, get Err done-me man before the soya beans be a harvested.
(Note to readers-trying to throw guilt trip onto Dave) :laughing7:

Jim, Jim, Jim, by now you should know where my priorities are... detecting, research, then more detecting. :hello2:

If my wife wants a room painted she can bloody well grab a paint brush and do it herself, I'll even shake the paint and open the can for her!

Just don't tell her that I said this ok... happy wife = happy life. :tongue3:


Keeping in simple for supper tonight thawed out a couple of home made butter chicken burgers and I whipped up a shredded carrot salad on the side.

Bill, I saw this video on another site (CMD) and thought of you. :laughing7:



Thanks for the chuckles....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7: No potatoes tonight some pork loin done in the slow cooker with some left of carrot slaw and some cukes from the garden. For starch some rice sidekicks.

Working on another batch of sauerkraut. 2 large bowls of cabbage I've chopped and massaged several times.

I'll give it a couple of more massages tomorrow morning the soften it up some more before transferring to a 1 gallon fermentation jar.


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Goodnight crew.

Goodnight all....

Good morning Tnet

Morning pepperj

Good morning Jim and rook. :wave:

I just sent you a text Jim... I've got an interview on Monday at 10am at Bob Mark New Holland in Lindsay on Monday morning. :thumbsup:

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