THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

You guys and girls kill me you really do with your 'viewing Tnet on your tablets and phones and not being able to see the pictures properly', you're all so old! :laughing9:
Just for clarification, see the pics below.

Here's a funny one...

Today I went to the health food store to pick up some probiotics for my wife and the clerk asked me if I was a senior?

I said, "why do you ask"?
She said, "because if you're over 55 then you're a senior and you get a 10% discount."
I said, "I've never been asked if I'm a senior before, but I'm 56 so I guess I'm now a senior." :sadsmiley:

There, now we're all seniors! :laughing7:


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Buying beer for my bribe the other day, the clerk as for my I D. I told her I was flattered. She said give my your ID. Yes mam. I told her I was born before id's were the thing. She said give me you date of birth. Then she was embarrassed. My bride was happy. Next time see can go through that mess.:laughing7:


I realised that I was a senior when the young gals no longer considered me a threat.....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

It did have it's advantages though I managed to have a fair amount of young female coworkers who I considered friends at the tail end of my career.

It’s fun Going to the grocery see all kinds of stuff.:laughing7:

Some days I wonder what's up with people.

I thought I should go over to the side of our field and get some apple drops for the chickens (They really love apples)
So I have two choice go through the sugar bush or the hamlet/hwy to the field.
So going through the hamlet this car pulls out a yard straight in front of the truck.
I slammed on the brakes, lay'd on the horn-that or the passenger side of their car was going to Tundra'd.
They flip me the bird-then did the brake job in front of me as well.
So I followed them up the hwy, and passed them on the double lane.
Going past them I kind of put the palm up like asking them why the finger-got another 2 birds thrown in my direction.
Game on they wanted get in front so I gunned it, so did they. Had them up to 150KPH (90mph) Speed limit is 50mph
I let them go as we were running out of highway and it was getting congested up ahead.
So we merge onto the two lane-and they did the brake fast in front of me again. (Flipped the bird out the side window)
I took a photo.
We went around the corner and way down on the straight I catch a cop pulling out, so I pulled over while he was doing the turn onto the highway. I flashed my high beams and waved, he threw the lights on, carved a u-turn in behind the truck.
I told him what happened, and he asked me to describe the car-here's a photo of car and plate.
Could I describe occupants?
Old man white beard-woman in passenger seat-old also-pink flowery tent dress. (Old hippy's using the finger still)
Did I see where they went?
They pulled in right past the gas station
He said thank you-and said watch getting back into my truck and he was gone.
Little senior road rage-But I got the last :laughing7:


Don't know if it's the covid or what but lots of folks acting strange these days....kind of like the 60's and 70's without the drugs and booze....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

In my defense, I’m on an iPhone 6 with and oil slick cloud blobbing out 1/3 of the screen. Now what I find funny is the fact that you are one year younger than I with a 17 year old kid and I have five grandkids, the oldest of which is 17. Boy let me tell you, when you finally get to the grandkid stage, whoo doggies, you will be feeling your seniority! lol!

Shoot! Crud! That means I am quickly approaching great grandma stage! Son of a biscuit! [emoji2957][emoji19]

Don't know if it's the covid or what but lots of folks acting strange these days....kind of like the 60's and 70's without the drugs and booze....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
What I remember of the '60's, most of the time it was heady with a lot more fun with a good musical soundtrack, muscle cars, and groovy cool until you saw the revolving lights in the rear view- then it was bummer time in the summertime, man.

Good night folks, Stay safe.


Don't know if it's the covid or what but lots of folks acting strange these days....kind of like the 60's and 70's without the drugs and booze....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

I'm guessing folks are suffering from cabin fever some what. Now in the defense of the mad trappers out there it might have been warranted.
But folks of today have had it way too easy for too long.
A little inconvenience and geez everyone and their dog goes nuts.
That or maybe a lot are already feeling off and this has had some serious effect on their mindset.

Morning Jim. :wave:
Sorry to hear about your near accident yesterday with the guy near your town, sure hope the cops were able to find him.

In my defense, I’m on an iPhone 6 with and oil slick cloud blobbing out 1/3 of the screen. Now what I find funny is the fact that you are one year younger than I with a 17 year old kid and I have five grandkids, the oldest of which is 17. Boy let me tell you, when you finally get to the grandkid stage, whoo doggies, you will be feeling your seniority! lol!

Shoot! Crud! That means I am quickly approaching great grandma stage! Son of a biscuit! [emoji2957][emoji19]

I hear you about the grand kids WD, in all honesty that's something I've never given much thought to. :icon_scratch:

My daughter has a 7 year plan for a university/masters degree, so I don't expect to see any grand kids for at least 10+ years.

Hopefully when they do arrive they'll be willing to push Grandpa Dave around the field in his wheelchair to do some detecting. :laughing7:


Morning Jim. :wave:
Sorry to hear about your near accident yesterday with the guy near your town, sure hope the cops were able to find him.
He took my phone enlarged the photo-wrote the plate number down-with a thank you.

I hear you about the grand kids WD, in all honesty that's something I've never given much thought to. :icon_scratch:

My daughter has a 7 year plan for a university/masters degree, so I don't expect to see any grand kids for at least 10+ years.

Hopefully when they do arrive they'll be willing to push Grandpa Dave around the field in his wheelchair to do some detecting. :laughing7:

Well Dave life likes to throw a little curve ball once in a while.
Daughter finds love and marriage-and you could be pushing a little carriage.
Staring at the ceiling you say to the Mrs "Didn't see that one coming" :dontknow:

Morning Tnet.

Morning forum people

Morning Dave..... pepperj.......AARC

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