THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

I was about to ask the same question.

Which one is Jenny and which one is Dave in that old school pic ??

Dave is 5th-from the right, in the back row-under "ME".

I'm going out on a limb and say the one in the purple front row and centre.


Morning to the rest of the crew.


Hey guys....look real close and you can see he has marked himself and there is a heart around Jenny!! I wasn't looking close enough. Caught it on my third look.

Dave is top row #5 from right to left.....marked me in red.

that Jenny is a cutie too !!

Jenny has to be the one with the heart around her head.

Good catch-missed that one.

OK-I like legs-It was my wife's calves that turned my head. :headbang:

Dave is 5th-from the right, in the back row-under "ME".

I'm going out on a limb and say the one in the purple front row and centre.

Before I saw the red "me" I thought you were referring to yourself pepper....I was looking for you too....I was thinking how cool it was that you guys went to grade school together !! Silly me....I understand now !!

Well last night the MR spied a mouse in our garage. So I guess I have to clean up all of my finds today. This wouldn’t have happened if he would have built my she shed like he promised. Just saying.
Have a Blessed day everyone!

Good catch-missed that one.

OK-I like legs-It was my wife's calves that turned my head. :headbang:

A little sharing.....

Met the Mrs in university night classes (accounting-imagine that :laughing7: She wanted t become a deputy minister in Gov't-I was going for my business degree)

A group of us used to go for a tasty dessert/coffee after the weekly class.

While walking down Yonge St. Toronto we passed a young punk rocker-multi coloured hair spikes that stood a foot up off the head.

Wife jokingly commented "There's one for you Jim"

I said "I think I'll pass"

At that moment she (wife) did a half turn/twist back exposing the calfs and said "What about me?"

Right there it was instantly the blood pressure went up-friends for 3yrs-been together for 31.5 yrs.

Funny thing wife doesn't recall that event-but I have it ingrained in the brain.

Good morning shipmates.
Thanks for leaving the rope hanging, but I could have done with out the nets and all the fish hooks, but thanks I made it! ...does any one have a box of bandaids?

WD glad the little guy is ok. Hope things slow down for you, and you can go out and play.

Bart if the weather people paid more attention to the wildlife they would do a lot better on predictions. There's a whole heck of alot more mankind doesn't know, than he knows.

Be safe out there all of you.

We may have rug rats incoming for a double today, unless a friend is watching them.
4 birthdays this month, non stop kids and clean up. It's a two' fer, two kids and your cleaning up four months. At least auto correct didn't try and fix that one...probably knows it's the truth.

Morning Pepper you and the critters are doing well I hope.

Been up since 6 made the coffee but haven't had any yet. :blob5::coffee:

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