Good morning!
This weekend was a massacre - for my feet and legs. There's a bug down here called a "chigger", and they are practically invisible to the naked eye. They live in the leaves and grass, and when they get onto you, they bite to the point where you start to itch really bad, and go to scratch the bite to where you start bleeding. They feed on the blood. I must have walked through the NYC of chiggers, because I must have over 200+ bites on my feet and legs. It's torture.
In other news, I've made a bit of a break through in my ancestry studies. I've got one side of my family pretty well studied, except for my other side, the Spieles name, which is my last name. No one really knew much of anyone past my grandfather, but I recently went past him, and found Vincent Spieles, a coal miner and first generation American, Matthew Spieles (father of Vincent), born and raised in the Rhineland, Germany, and his father Mathaias Spieles, a laborer from the Rhineland, Germany.
Morning Rusty
So that's what they're called.
We had the same thing I believe a month or so back. Bites like crazy-itchy-inflamed bites. Poison ivy is nothing compared to the itching of those bites.
If you are going down the same road Rusty-My sympathies.
We found anti-itch lotions-and a high alcohol hand sanitizer mix relieved the incredible itching.
Nothing worse that having the bites on the boys-just saying.