THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

hey ARC....I got smart and left one of property's all boxed and squared away for hurricane season....I managed to delay putting the patio all back in order. Boss called and said maybe we should keep the house ready for hurricanes....I told him ill get right on it !! All done.....don't have to worry about that house.

Morning Dave, Bill, Rook

hey ARC....I got smart and left one of property's all boxed and squared away for hurricane season....I managed to delay putting the patio all back in order. Boss called and said maybe we should keep the house ready for hurricanes....I told him ill get right on it !! All done.....don't have to worry about that house.

This was and is a smart move... I will continue preps as well... I am always in "storm mode" during seasons and prior anymore.

Got caught half arsed once... ONCE ! ! this was due to getting slack and waiting to see what it was gonna do... which was a mistake for me... I have a lot to get in order.

Did not like it one bit... still am PSTD'd from it. heh

Errr "PTSD" rather... you know what I meant :P

Funny how the mind forgets....I was kinda excited for Irma to hit.....a week later I was sitting on the floor of my destroyed kitchen crying as land crabs scurried around my living room !! What a long grind it was to get up off that floor and put everything back in order. But after a brief cry and a moment of being overwhelmed......I went to work and never got down about it again.....ARC...I had forgotten completely the misery of Andrew !!

We have owned computers since the early 90's and still I have a real issue when the issues arise.
I decided to go down the Apple road in 2013 after yet another crash of the video card in the XPS.
Microsoft was the preferred system but with amount of protection one needed it seems was getting to the point where I switched.
The amount of problems from virus/malware has dropped to nearly zip over the past 7 yrs.

This is where I think that maybe it is handy to have a young brain around.

Funny how the mind forgets....I was kinda excited for Irma to hit.....a week later I was sitting on the floor of my destroyed kitchen crying as land crabs scurried around my living room !! What a long grind it was to get up off that floor and put everything back in order. But after a brief cry and a moment of being overwhelmed......I went to work and never got down about it again.....ARC...I had forgotten completely the misery of Andrew !!

Had Andrew gone south across keys... OR north to Miami... That story would run along the same lines of Katrina.

Keys would have been scoured bare.

Bart... have you ever read about the infamous storm named "The Labor Day" hurricane ? ? ?


"The Great Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 (formally known as Hurricane Three) was the most intense Atlantic hurricane to make landfall on record in terms of pressure,[1] and tied with Hurricane Dorian in 2019 for the strongest landfalling Atlantic hurricane by maximum sustained winds, with winds of 185 mph (295 km/h). It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record until Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. The fourth tropical cyclone, third tropical storm, second hurricane, and second major hurricane of the 1935 Atlantic hurricane season, the Labor Day hurricane was one of four Category 5 hurricanes on record to strike the contiguous United States, along with Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Hurricane Camille in 1969, and Hurricane Michael in 2018. In addition, it was the third most intense Atlantic hurricane on record in terms of barometric pressure, behind Hurricane Gilbert in 1988 and Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

The hurricane intensified rapidly, passing near Long Key on the evening of Monday, September 2. The region was swept by a massive storm surge as the eye passed over the area. The waters quickly receded after carving new channels connecting the bay with the ocean; however, gale-force winds and high seas persisted into Tuesday, preventing rescue efforts. The storm continued northwestward along the Florida west coast, weakening before its second landfall near Cedar Key, Florida, on September 4.

The compact and intense hurricane caused catastrophic damage in the upper Florida Keys, as a storm surge of approximately 18 to 20 feet (5.5 to 6.1 m) swept over the low-lying islands. The hurricane's strong winds and the surge destroyed nearly all the structures between Tavernier and Marathon. The town of Islamorada was obliterated. Portions of the Key West Extension of the Florida East Coast Railway were severely damaged or destroyed. In addition, many veterans died in work camps created for the construction of the Overseas Highway, in part due to poor working conditions. The hurricane also caused additional damage in northwest Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. "

People clung to palm tree tops to survive.

Good morning!

This weekend was a massacre - for my feet and legs. There's a bug down here called a "chigger", and they are practically invisible to the naked eye. They live in the leaves and grass, and when they get onto you, they bite to the point where you start to itch really bad, and go to scratch the bite to where you start bleeding. They feed on the blood. I must have walked through the NYC of chiggers, because I must have over 200+ bites on my feet and legs. It's torture.

In other news, I've made a bit of a break through in my ancestry studies. I've got one side of my family pretty well studied, except for my other side, the Spieles name, which is my last name. No one really knew much of anyone past my grandfather, but I recently went past him, and found Vincent Spieles, a coal miner and first generation American, Matthew Spieles (father of Vincent), born and raised in the Rhineland, Germany, and his father Mathaias Spieles, a laborer from the Rhineland, Germany.


Morning Rusty.

Morning Bart, Bill & rook.

Another day, but not another dollar... more like another day of job hunting. :BangHead:

On a happier note, last night I was given permission to detect a local Loyal Orange Lodge out in the countryside.
The warrant was issued for this site in July 18, 1845.

I'm going to drive by there tonight to walk the site and create a plan of attack, as opposed to running around the site "swinging like a flapping chicken." :laughing7:

Funny how the mind forgets....I was kinda excited for Irma to hit.....a week later I was sitting on the floor of my destroyed kitchen crying as land crabs scurried around my living room !! What a long grind it was to get up off that floor and put everything back in order. But after a brief cry and a moment of being overwhelmed......I went to work and never got down about it again.....ARC...I had forgotten completely the misery of Andrew !!

Being overwhelmed and shedding a tear seems to be more common than one thinks.
We were doing a major renovation on a condo from a 2 bedroom into a open concept 1 bedroom. No easy task as it involves a lot of other folks as well-electrical, electronics, plumbing, noise, noise proofing....
We wanted wall sconces in the bedroom, which meant running two runs of 14/2 BX cable up behind the drywall and notching the concrete wall a little bit to lay the cable flat.
I was going to get 3/4 drywall to accommodate the bit of the cable that still protruded out of the face of the concrete wall.
The superintendent of the building called, the wife called me that I'd better get home to see what was happening in the condo as the noise complaints were flying.
I opened the door and witness this dude in 3ft dreadlocks (that were flying in every which direction) with a jack hammer carving a channel up the load bearing wall of concrete in a 19 story building. (We were on the 17th)
Now from a notching a channel where one could fit the pinky finger in-to a channel where one could fit the upper forearm in is a major F/U to say the least! The dude was hitting the rebar in the wall.

A ran over pulled the power cord out of the wall and yelled STOP!
Reply:"What de madder mon?"
STOP! Get the .... out-Now Please everyone.

I walked out in the hall to compose my disbelief-the tears flowed-then the phone calls for get over here and help repair this before anyone sees it went out.
Sometimes it call be overwhelming and a shed off a tear brings it all back to-lets tighten the belt back up and get er done.

Good morning!

This weekend was a massacre - for my feet and legs. There's a bug down here called a "chigger", and they are practically invisible to the naked eye. They live in the leaves and grass, and when they get onto you, they bite to the point where you start to itch really bad, and go to scratch the bite to where you start bleeding. They feed on the blood. I must have walked through the NYC of chiggers, because I must have over 200+ bites on my feet and legs. It's torture.

In other news, I've made a bit of a break through in my ancestry studies. I've got one side of my family pretty well studied, except for my other side, the Spieles name, which is my last name. No one really knew much of anyone past my grandfather, but I recently went past him, and found Vincent Spieles, a coal miner and first generation American, Matthew Spieles (father of Vincent), born and raised in the Rhineland, Germany, and his father Mathaias Spieles, a laborer from the Rhineland, Germany.

Morning Rusty.

Sorry to hear about your "chigger" troubles.
We're pretty lucky that way in my part of the country, by the end of August most of the bugs are gone and the detecting is pretty much 'bug-free'. :thumbsup:

Not so much in my buddy pepperj's part of the province though... us 'city-boys' aren't near as tough as you all who live in the country.
We have a tendency to cry when our favourite sports teams lose and when the weatherman calls for rain on the weekend. :laughing7:

Anyway, I'm off to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things... now where's that darn COVID mask got to?!

Have a good day guys!



Like a... um.... errr.... ahhhhhhh.... ehhhh....

A cat on a hot tin roof :P

People clung to palm tree tops to survive.

I still read that account in my quest for treasure.....I have found one of the sunken barges that housed the veterans working on the railway.....they were swept out to sea and drowned....I get old nickels sometimes there....haven't been there in a long time. And of course the destroyed railway has left debri everywhere !!

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