Morning Bill
Morning ARC, Jim, Ethan & rook.
Funny... because I couldn't sleep.
That's a nice size shop you have there.
Question Bill: Since there's been a rumour that you are into food (growing/cooking)
I'm wondering if you do any sprouting?
Well we tried it over the winter with some cheap grow lights I bought online. It didn't really pan out but might get a better light assembly this fall and give it another shot.
They do sell some pretty elaborate kits specifically for micro greens but odds are you could jerry rig your own version. There's some online videos covering it.
Well, you can clearly state on a resume that you are outstanding in your field.Plant a garden, they said.
It will be rewarding, they said.
I have got cucumbers, squash, and zucchini coming out of my ears! I’ve been cooking, baking, slicing, dicing, shredding, freezing and dehydrating! And the sweet corn is ready! Spent all last night with 6 friends picking, shucking, cooking, cooling, scraping and bagging. 116 bags of corn and there are still 6 rows left! And they can’t help any more.
Y’all take care!
I’m going to need a minute or a month! [emoji3061]