We had the field cut, and started to figure out the berry plot angles.
Buddy figures where I plan to put it we might end up with a gravity water feed from the pond-that would be great. Soaker hoses and drip lines would really cut down the watering needs.
I'm switching out all the sugarbush tap lines to a smaller size, so I'll have all the lines and taps to rejig for the drip lines.
Want not-waste not.
I finally sourced some fencing supplies but it will take a road trip to Toronto (GTA) to pick it up tomorrow.
Something I'm not all giddy about either pulling the 16ft car hauler for 7hrs of driving.
I called up an old mate and caught up on the last decade-he has a 12KW diesel generator for sale, so I'll pick that up as well since I'm almost on the doorstep.
This will supply emergency power for the house and a main power supply for my 40'x80' shop.
I'll install a bank of batteries for LED lighting in the shop and then I'll be all set.
I could of ran power to it 5yrs ago, except the fact we get charged a rural demand for power-even if we don't turn on a light switch.
So in what the demand charges would have been over the years added up this well pays for the generator.
So I guess I'll clean out the truck-I wonder what I'll find.

Prepare trailer for the haul-might even check the lighting system and tires.