Good morning.
So yesterday I'm on an industrial parkway in Boyd County Kentucky, driving 60 in a 55. It's the most boring road in the Union, straight, level and nothing to see. To drive anything less than highway speeds is mind numbing. But I do my best, to follow the rules, and my top speed usually hangs around 60. Yesterday I was doing that, and a state trooper past me, and turned on his lights. I about died a thousand deaths, and my heart went up in my throat. NO! Not my first ticket! He turned around, and flew past me, after someone else. Talk about giving someone an unnecessary stroke!
Not really sure what happened to yesterday it came and went in a blur it seems.
Did get the driveway, yard, back laneway done with crushed 5/8 limestone.
It's nice not to be stepping on round stone, or having little spots of mud, and it's pretty level on the first day of levelling.
Have some little areas that will need a tweaking but over all we're liking the results.
Drove up the back laneway to in reverse at 15mph and it was great, smooth, straight, and great improvement over a lane that was made in the forest originally.
Was just getting ready to release the chickens from the fenced in triangle and they were nowhere to be seen. Then this big Turkey Vulture took off from a large pine tree, then up popped the 5 chickens hiding in the thick undergrowth, and came a running over to me to be let out.
Problem I buried the bottom 6" of the fencing under gravel to protect the area from the 4 legged critters going under the chicken wire. So it was a 150ft walk up the lane to get them out. (Need gate to be finished) It's amazing that they have the innate ability to know that they were a meal for this raptor.
20 minutes later while the Mrs and myself were watching the chickens and going over what was the next battle plan for the landscaping the chickens all took off under the two leaning aluminum extension ladders. We looked up and sure enough the buzzard was right over head. We walked out in the open and it took off-now it's another thing we have to worry about before getting my first omelette made.
That’s quite the driving. No tickets
It’s been years since I got one, but no shortage before that.
Good job!
Morning Rusty
I tip my hat at you having a clean driving record.
I've been wanting an 8x8 floored platform a couple feet off the ground that could hold several hundred pounds of weight.
Came up with an easy 300 dollars cost at the lumber places website , and quit looking.
I shouldn't have a record, I'm 17. 18 in October.
Hello dutch, I've never met you here before!![]()
2x4 lumber is now .93cent a ft. Crazy prices.