Blak bart
Platinum Member
got double header fantasy Cobbs too.View attachment 1854528
Dave: Tiquearian.
On your pup.
Not saying you don't already know....The breeder will play a major roll in your pups development and socialization in that time frame between birth and eight weeks.
What is ,or is not done will affect the outcome.
You'll want to know if you don't already what the pup experiences. Sights and sounds and changes vs same scenario for eight weeks.
Other dogs. (Beyond litter). Different textures underfoot.
Eyes,ears,mouth checked frequently. (The vet appreciates that as much as the owner(s).
We've even used a q-tip/cotton swab between toes for stimulation.
What is worth avoiding at all costs is a pup that was isolated with momma ,and or it's littermates and nothing changed. Humans equating to food alone. With occasional distressing vet trips for shots. (Change of environment. Change in routine. Change in sights ,sounds,involuntary dizzying movement , being handled by strangers ect.
As a former breeder watching other dogs at the vets sometimes, between the owners lack of experience or applying any rational , and the dogs previous experiences; there are some unpleasant goins ons.
Vs a dog that is having a good time visiting a vet. with someone it trusts is looking out for their well being.
For an unsociable , don't like any change routine regimented dog that don't know what a lawn is,or people,or what to do with people. Isolate the pup/group. The longer the isolation , the more the drawback evolves and ingrains.
It'll make for a nervous guard dog. Kind of. The vet won't applaud. Nor most anyone in contact.