Well yesterday was one of those did/didn't go as planned days-then again when one is writing the script in real time is a comedy of errors sometimes.
Act 1 - Got the topsoil as planned-black gold-warm tea still so it's still cooking. Will tarp and let brew for later use this summer.
Back lane fill worked out fine where the stump/root ball came out-the dump truck just did a 2" tire compaction.
Now the day got interesting when we went to the sugar bush lane.
Act 2 - The knoll turned into a sold rock bluff-can't do a cut, so we did a sweeping S curve which meant taking a tree down on the first bend.
Well having a tall forest the crowns are 60-90'and it's hard to lay a tree down when there's no space.
Outcome was the crown hits another crown which turned out to be a core rot tree which came down hit another so now I ended up with 3 spaghetti tangled crowns/trunks laying together all ready to spring apart.
Act 3 - Went well removed of a rock, two small stumps.
Act 4 - Excavator won't fit between alp and a 3' sugar maple. Solution widen trail.

Have 2 trees in the way-one is a 20"+ maple that has lost part of it's Y 15" up.
Core rot, wood pecker working on a section, we can see a hole through the trunk that leaves 40+ft of crown above the hole.
Dangerous-so we decide to cut it down instead of risking it snapping and folding back onto the excavator.
Nothing works as planned the operator takes the saw and starts cutting and the breeze came up and everything changes quick in the bush.
Water floods out of the cut (tree filled with water) saw gets pinched. No problem push tree to unpinch-works saws releases so does a few more gallons of water-saw gets drenched. tree comes down.
Off to the saw shop-I need a smaller saw-go to local shop-look at a pair of small saws for limbing-trying to decide.
"Oh you can look but I can't sell you one" Says the

what ever this human replica was trying to be. WTF!

(Nothing like having a simpleton trying to get a worldly education when they have not gotten to first plate yet-this one is still not in the parking lot outside the ball park)
Off to the repair guy-now I have 2 saws in the shop...GGGRRRR!
Act 5 - OK-Off to clay pile-move 12 truck loads-coyote standing in field watching us-has a bit of hip issues-probably Lime Disease infected.
Act 6 - Going to dig pond deeper now that we have a 20ton excavator with ripper teeth on the 2" bucket.
Simple thought-clay under water one would think that it would be softer than dry clay-wrong.
Ripping teeth strips of clay, bucket just slid on the clay, pulling excavator toward the pond on each draw.
Engine working hard. Well got another 4ft at the one end when the day ended.
Act 7 - Went to get the big burl out of the maple tree, got all my safety gear, loads up block and tackle ropes.....into back pack climbed the ladder truck, get up to the burl and it's 1-' above my head-say what.drop ack as it's heavy between the rungs of ladder, secure it, back down 40 rungs, lift ladder, extend it a tad on the readjustment, back up, now the pack had slipped, bock is caught between rungs.
A screw it, unload some gear up the rest of the 25ft, get the harness ready to do a chock around the burl-now I'm 8ft below again. Screaming at the world right about now.
Problem with ladder truck-get off mind is telling arse.
Back down-stop at pack-throw anything out that is not caught-go back to bottom adjust the extension/higth-back up get the bag/block/misc and toss onto the ground-ladder slowly getting pulled down with gravity while i'm up and down.
I put everything back down on the truck-don't mind the height-but this ladder stayed up for a week last summer without moving, earlier this summer 2 days it didn't do any fall.
I want to work-it sinks like a ship with a hole.........
Act 8 - Saws back-not running great-clutch spring problem-the limber saw is gutless........
Lost 2 squash plants yesterday-bean leaves getting eaten by something.
Kale got devoured by some bug that has a big set of chompers.
Give up-went in to eat dinner-instead ate my forgotten lunch-Arc has expired long before I read...I regress
Today is another day-let the fun begin.

Just got text message-operator/contractor has to go bury a horse (sad news) got caught up in the fencing yesterday.......
I really hope today is going to be a better one.....I'm not acting this one out.....