THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Morning Bill
First off-:coffee2:xxx

Weed whacking before the therometer gets too high.

Work on the chicken enclosure again.

Guard chickens

Check live trap-notice I didn't do that first......:laughing7:

Went out to play yesterday so I have to deliver some tractor/machine parts to the local repair shop-thinned the herd in the shop yesterday, and my friend bought the stuff.
It's easier for me to go to him and have him repair the tractor instead of try to find a part that will work.
Had the stuff for 5yrs sitting on shelves collecting dust.
So that will fill the truck bed up and make some room in the shop.

Tomorrow the excavator and other equipment arrives to redo the gravel driveway, move 5 loads of gravel out, that is piled up behind the garage, sort 8 loads of large rocks at shop, move a huge blue clay pile out of the field.
The rubble rock from the 8 loads will fill in two small ravines that are 25/35ft long that that tiling has broken over the years and it's eating the bank away into the field, it's where it goes down 6-8ft on the edge.

Bill I seem to have enough to keep the days filled, the nights short still in life.

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Top of the mornin to yas!!:hello:

Morning Rook and TC

Morning Dave, good luck on the hunt.

Gee our crops are still a little green down this way, still be a few weeks before any grains start coming off.

The one permission bought out a small farm, century old house and 50 acres, so I'm waiting for the Barley to come off.

What does the emblem read along the top, can't make the lettering out very well. (I feel like falling down a rabbit hole of looking up the company.)

Morning GB you find anything with the detector lately ??

Morning GB1and bart.

Morning GB, and to you Bart

Good morning pepper, rook, GB, ARC, and all the rest of the characters in this show.

Good morning pepper, rook, GB, ARC, and all the rest of the characters in this show.

Does that mean this show has actors-which means it has royalties-which means $$$-OH BOY! I'm happy/happy :hello2:

Trust me ain't all its cracked up to be.......I was supposed to be filming a show this summer.....I believe I got the hollywood brush happened once before about a shark fishing show.....way to much killing and blood and to much shooting. I still have some hope though.....I believe something will come of it someday !!

20200721_124818.webp strange aluminum token I got last weekend. John McDonough philanthropist for education 1779-1850.....1987 cant read the back....I'm still cleaning it.


So now I finally know what they're called. I remember during my trips to Barbados they'd warn us not to eat these apples along the beach or even stand under the trees during a rain as the runoff would give you a rash.

There a real bi**h bill.....early in the summer I was digging under one and when i stirred up the dry leaf litter the dry dust stuck to my sweaty skin.....after wiping the sweat on your sleeve your face starts to feel warm and gets swollen and puffy. Soon your eyes start to burn and water and you cry Tabasco sauce !! This tree is by far one of the most toxic things I've ever been around.....if your a hundred feet away and just look over at it wrong it will burn your arse !! It's got in my eyes twice and each time it was a 2 or 3 day ordeal. Burning eyes and crusted shut in the morning !! Manzanilla de la bueno !!

Cool token bart.

Good morning TC... GB.

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