A former co-worker and I went out for salmon in his 16 footer on Lake Michigan.
Another co-worker who didn't fish (that we knew of) wanted so go , so he did.
Waves so bad (for those ocean familiar folks , the great lakes have chops vs swells, they pound a boat) we were doing more of an an exaggerated four foot jig action jigging when trying to troll than actually trolling. With the attendant side to side rolls.
The other co-worker finally got some color back to him after fading in and out for a while. Then asked when it was going to be his turn to drive the boat up and down. L.o.l..
He got to ride up toward the bow on the run back to the dock. Bang ,bang, bang . Pound,pound,pound , from chop wave to chop wave.....He pretty well got cured of wanting to go out on that boat in the wind.
Oh , no fish caught either on that day!