The Raleigh Convention of 1860 of the K.G.C.

Franklin thanks for that one. Had to go back for a quick refresher in Greek mythology. The virgin warrior goddess who would take the form of a OWL or sea hawk at times. There is a connection between the old south and Athena. This ties some loose ends together for me. This might be a little telling but think you can see why it can tie ends together.

Senior Deacon

Note to Rebel please note the entrance to the chapel in the video. The inside is oblong it is situated east and west. With the entrance in the west. You have to go up seven steps and go between the pillars. A strange coincidence or a plan from something out of the past with a meaning. I tend to believe in the latter.

Senior Deacon

Note to Rebel please note the entrance to the chapel in the video. The inside is oblong it is situated east and west. With the entrance in the west. You have to go up seven steps and go between the pillars. A strange coincidence or a plan from something out of the past with a meaning. I tend to believe in the latter.

Senior Deacon

Agree, like a "Lodge"; "7" as symbolism is VERY important. 7 Steps to get into Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest "Retreat", @ 5 miles WEST of me, in Lynchburg, Va.; TJ was NOT a MASON... WAS "involved" with FRENCH Rosicrucians when he was in France. Poplar Forest is HEAVY with R+C "symbolism". Texas has GREAT Rosicrucian "influence" in KGC, which was "connected" with Scottish Rite Freemasonry. SRF is HEAVILY "influenced" by Rosicrucian "Teachings", which is why I "went" SRF, first... after M.M. MAY be LOTS of KGC KNIGHTS buried in that cemetery... Texas was a "HOT-BED" of KGC.

You can run a LEY Line from the northeast back corner of Poplar Forest thru the southwest front and the LEY Line will go right thru were the Beale Treasure is buried in Montvale, Va.

Eh...? Have ya found it, then...?

I want to revisit the democratic convention of 1860. I was doing some research in to local history and decided to see who were delegates from Texas to that convention. There were 8 delegates from Texas that year. Three were from the Marshall, Texas area. Two would serve as officers in the Confederate Army, later to serve in the Confederate government. One was a businessman that would provide food stuffs to the Army. The others were Texas government officials from Galveston, San Antonio, and Houston areas.

The interesting thing is that the three from Marshall made the Raleigh convention of the KGC. A full third of the Texas delegation was KGC. That is how entrench the KGC was in the southern democratic party. I have to do more work on the other names and in other states. It is also interesting that there was a time during the convention of the democrats that there was a walk out. The Texas delegation was part of that walk out. 7 of the deep south states that were later to become the Confederate States of America took part.

Senior Deacon

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