K.G.C. member here to share some history and treasure hunting tips!

MissouriKGC are you actively searching for the hidden caches or do you know where they're at and posting sentinels? also I again ask what area of S/W MO are you in ? Joplin, Cassville, Springfield/Branson or possibly farther east in Ava/Gainsville area, just curious if I need to watch my back a little more closely where I'm searching

I'm not actively searching, occasionally I'll go out looking when someone calls me with a lead. To date I have only found the one small cache.

I'm in the Clinton, MO area, I also own a house outside of Fayetteville, AR.

No need to watch your back, as long as you get permission from the property owner before you go searching.

I can confirm three more counties in Texas that had castles from 1857-1862 at least. Bexar, Marion, and Harrison. Harrison most likely had a castle until some time after the war. This most likely morphed in to O.A.K. and we know that some sort of southern rights group was active up into 1880. This is from my personal notes taken from several different newspapers in the Marshall public library archives. Bexar county there is evidence on this board of it.

In as much as General Greer was grand commander of the KGC. I think that most likely that the castle in Marshall had all three degrees. It is likely also in Marion county had already least two degrees but most likely not the third. Most of the big land owners were members and contributed liberally. Harrison being the larger county back in those days 1850's it was larger than it is today. Gregg county was made from both Smith and Harrison county after the war. Longview in Gregg county grew larger than Marshall because of the oil boom in the early part of the last century. Today a fourth of Longview is in Harrison county. The big plantations were in Harrison county there were a few in Marion county. Marion county had the big transportation center. The cotton brokers and big cotton gins and warehouses were located in Marion county.

I will have to admit that I have not explored or researched the activities of the KGC in Caddo Parish Louisiana. There were several large plantations there and was also a important port on the Red River. At the time I am interested in Marshall was the headquarters of the trans-Mississippi Confederacy. At the end of the war there was a plan to move the confederate capital to Marshall. The situation deteriorated before the move could be made. There is even a treasure tale surrounding this move. Hope this will help you out.

Senior Deacon

A 3-story brick structure built on this site in 1857 by business leader George B. Adkins (1810-76), and called "Adkins House", ranked as a very fine hotel and served as depot for stage lines, including southern branch of Butterfield Mail, 1858-61. In this hotel the Confederate governor of Missouri, functioning in exile in Marshall, held several conferences with the Civil War governors of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Afterward the hotel was renamed "The Capitol." it continued as host to celebrities for years. In 1915, first floor was converted to mercantile uses. The building was razed in 1971-72.

East Houston St. at Bolivar Marshall, Texas

Here is a room tag I dug in Marshall from the Capitol Hotel star 020.webp where the Confederate Governors met

Etex Thank you for adding that rare piece of East Texas History. The hotel " Atkins House" was two block walk from the Missouri capitol in exile. At the bottom of the web page link you can see the old Capitol Hotel Hotel Marshall | Resources by Index Name | Harrison County Historic Sites Survey | Harrison County | Regional Resources Map for East Texas History | Center for Regional Heritage Research | SFASU Today it is a beautiful lawn for the Hotel Marshall right next to the town square and the beautiful old court house that was lovingly restored to its original beauty.

Many of Marshall's old buildings are gone. Sadly the few that are left are in disrepair. We are a nation that if it's 60 years old get rid of it. Where in Europe there buildings are just getting broke in after 100 years. It is good to see that at least some are starting to realize this are are saving the old buildings.

Senior Deacon

Back when Snowden defected I witnessed a marvel sight. I don't know if anyone else noticed but my brother (now deceased) and I saw a string of airplanes at about 20 to 25,000 feet up nose to tail in a string like Christmas lights. They passed over our home for almost 30 minutes. Hundreds of airplanes. It sounded like WWII. They all were headed SW or towards Texas. Did anyone else witness this? Also I don't believe we have to fear a Civil War II the way our country is going we may lose it in the very near future

First I ever heard of this. Very interesting. Thanks for posting.

I found this thread today and it was very interesting read. It's interesting to me how the history's of the areas y'all write of are that well recorded. Here where I live and hunt history I have to find and speak to the old timers. I was lucky enough to have many of them latch on to me when I was a kid and tell me the story's of times forgotten.

I found this thread today and it was very interesting read. It's interesting to me how the history's of the areas y'all write of are that well recorded. Here where I live and hunt history I have to find and speak to the old timers. I was lucky enough to have many of them latch on to me when I was a kid and tell me the story's of times forgotten.

That is the very best way to find out most of the truth! Ypu have to weed out the hearsay but it is more reliable, especially when the history books are full of half truths and lies to protect the guilty and baron of anything incriminating that makes the government look like blind fools!



There is much that I am not allowed to share and probably a lot that I don't know.

Every internet source that I have read claims that the K.G.C. was disbanded in either 1916 or 1922, the only mention of a post-1920's K.G.C. that I have found on the internet claimed that a new organization by the same name was founded by white supremacists in 2014, which is not true.

The $5,000,000 is a rough estimate of the face value of the coins put away, not including bullion and paper money. That's also just what was recorded, I would assume that much treasure was buried without record, and many of our records were destroyed.

I think the lack of truth can be based on early acceptance by the general public, press and U.S. Government of B.S. like this report on the O.A.K.. Sure, there is a kernel of truth here and there, but there is also a lot of B.S. facts that are included in the report. It seems as if TRUTH has been deserted by written history to make it less offensive to the reader. I am not sure who to point a finger at, but I am sure the group responsible for it also includes the same dumb@sses that want to remove historical confederate monuments from sight.
Report on the Order of American Knights (long)

Deo vindice, L.C.:icon_thumleft:

P.S. Did you catch this part of the report? "The facts detailed in the present report have been derived from a great variety of dissimilar sources, but all the witnesses, however different their situations, concur so pointedly in their testimony that the evidence which has thus been furnished must be accepted as of an entirely satisfactory character."

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There is no written history of this area. There was a rail road spur that ran to here and stopped. 99% of the people have no idea how far it ran or where it turned around. The roads have changed the way they used to run and old home places very few know who built them.

There is no written history of this area. There was a rail road spur that ran to here and stopped. 99% of the people have no idea how far it ran or where it turned around. The roads have changed the way they used to run and old home places very few know who built them.

Too many rely on what was " written " when researching this " history ".

The Record Keepers of native oral traditions have much insight to offer.

Most every thing here is oral. I've found several still sites by the directions giving to me. Found the old roads by old maps from the 1890s. Found an old black smith shop that the old folks heard stories about it was before there time. Then there's the stories of treasure they told finding signs of Spanish like they said we're here. Finding signs of civil war activity like they talked about. Haven't found any signs of outlaw activity yet but there is two story's about that. Most every thing they talked about is true and it is there to see when you find it.

There is also stories from when the Indians lived here. Several didn't go to Oklahoma and there ancestors showed the new people things and told stories of some of that history. I've heard a lot of different ones but the one that got repeated to me the most by a lot of different tellers is of a cave of gold. Location is always the same general area and the people involved in the story are always the same.

There is also stories from when the Indians lived here. Several didn't go to Oklahoma and there ancestors showed the new people things and told stories of some of that history. I've heard a lot of different ones but the one that got repeated to me the most by a lot of different tellers is of a cave of gold. Location is always the same general area and the people involved in the story are always the same.

Your bent trees plotted on a map may mark the perimeter of your cave?

I can't find anything to actually confirm KGC activity in Southwest Virginia. I'm going mostly off of gut feeling and family ties. Can you confirm or deny a KGC presence in the Old Dominion at any time past or present?

I can't find anything to actually confirm KGC activity in Southwest Virginia. I'm going mostly off of gut feeling and family ties. Can you confirm or deny a KGC presence in the Old Dominion at any time past or present?

How about the KGC being in Virginia all the time if you take in to consideration it's branches before it was actually called the KGC. When this country was first colonized it was due to a future outfit of the KGC known as the Knight's Templar.

How about the KGC being in Virginia all the time if you take in to consideration it's branches before it was actually called the KGC. When this country was first colonized it was due to a future outfit of the KGC known as the Knight's Templar.

With all due respect franklin I'm looking for something a little more concrete than that. Like known members, a name (besides Bickley), sympathizers, castle location, activities or excursions. I mean no disrespect nor am I being condescending when I say it's gonna take more than someone flat out saying "well of course they were there, they were everywhere". Has there ever been a known KGC cache discovered in virginia, particularly west of Lynchburg?

I found this thread, while doing a search for "stars and owls" I found the word ( star ) early within the thread, but continued reading, in part due to the informative content, without the drama found in some other threads, and the other reason was hope in finding a link between it and my site.

I am looking for owl signs with star signs attached to them, in stone.

I have been unable to clearly lay to rest the possibilities that my site may be dated later than the mid seventeenth century.

Carvings in stone reflect a Spanish connection.

Carvings in trees and dozens of trees bent, pointing to " Empty " vaults, only add to confusion, due to age and distance to said vaults, so I ask this simple question.....

Did the KGC ever carve owls with stars attached directly to one another, in STONE???!?!??

I don't want to high jack this forum, so I request for documented evidence, one way or the other.

Let me be clear, as I really do not want to disrupt nor drag down the discussion here, it is one of the most clear cut and evidence based informative discussions that I have read.

The title said that one reason for the thread is to help treasure hunters of KGC caches, and I hope one or more of the KGC members have something that will cause me to change the title of my book, as Weekender and I work to find the fourth vault and hopefully be the ones to open it!



KGC mix their "hidden treasures" with OTHERS (Indians, Spanish, French, REBELS, Outlaws, etc.)... HOW can one tell...?

KGC mix their "hidden treasures" with OTHERS (Indians, Spanish, French, REBELS, Outlaws, etc.)... HOW can one tell...?

Yes they do and their treasure symbols are all parts of every section of the world even Egypt, Israel, British and even Knight's Templar and Viking signs. They use them all to cancel what they do not want found by amateurs only the Enlightened Ones.

I found this thread, while doing a search for "stars and owls" I found the word ( star ) early within the thread, but continued reading, in part due to the informative content, without the drama found in some other threads, and the other reason was hope in finding a link between it and my site.

I am looking for owl signs with star signs attached to them, in stone.

I have been unable to clearly lay to rest the possibilities that my site may be dated later than the mid seventeenth century.

Carvings in stone reflect a Spanish connection.

Carvings in trees and dozens of trees bent, pointing to " Empty " vaults, only add to confusion, due to age and distance to said vaults, so I ask this simple question.....

Did the KGC ever carve owls with stars attached directly to one another, in STONE???!?!??

I don't want to high jack this forum, so I request for documented evidence, one way or the other.

Let me be clear, as I really do not want to disrupt nor drag down the discussion here, it is one of the most clear cut and evidence based informative discussions that I have read.

The title said that one reason for the thread is to help treasure hunters of KGC caches, and I hope one or more of the KGC members have something that will cause me to change the title of my book, as Weekender and I work to find the fourth vault and hopefully be the ones to open it!



Mikel, I'm not aware of any, but it would help to describe the star for us.....how many points does it have, if it's a 5 pointed star is it upside down by any chance, etc. It's my understanding that a KGC owl is a deposit symbol, and any sign adjacent to it is either a directional or the signature of the person making the deposit. As Reb has mentioned, it could be a mixture of "groups" or individuals. For instance, a KGC owl with a Quantrill man sig. I'm not an expert in this though, so I will leave it to the knowledgeable ones to chime in here.

Either way, Good Luck and much success to you in the hunt! I'm looking forward to a copy of that book. :icon_thumright:

Thank you, all very much. I am still working to get everything out of my old laptop and transplant it into the newer one. At the same time, I am going thru discs to find parts of photos.
If I find a way to show this carving from two directions, I will do it thru PMs.

To post them publicly could creat a race that I could very easily lose.

If I connect the dots in PMs, and you have explained the meaning of these s/s, it will shorten the race track, and I may survive the race.

I will work toward that end, for now.

Thanks and God bless.


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