K.G.C. member here to share some history and treasure hunting tips!

Wm. if you do.... Don't tell anyone.
It might put you in a different tax bracket.


Clinton, MO Area

Might wanna carry an AW with a license, too... AR-15 is good.

New Member & First Post Here...I admit I have 'Browsed' a few times & I Love This Site! The topics, photos, detecting tips & History. My Very,Very Large Family as most were, were one of the first settlers to come to Missouri from the South, Specifically Henry Co (Clinton, MO) & surrounding counties or townships. I've known of, heard & seen while hunting & fishing a few markings of the KGC etal all from Family. That is my 'Link' so to speak. I also do my share of genealogy. As stated by other members that's about as much as I can say, BUT I HAVE HUGE CONCERNS. I'm sure it's not limited to this area & I'd like to know if others share my worries & what they are doing to curb & protect what has been intrusted for so many years.

The reason that I chose to first post here is that although I have not read all the way through this thread yet, but so far I haven't seen the Elephants that are in the woods, creeks, flats,rivers, lakes,caves,cemeteries, Large Rural Pre Civil War Estates etc. mentioned. My concern is like so much of the rural areas in this country METH & HEROIN! I ran across a Meth Lab in the woods while hunting! I don't worry about marijuana but the other two are destroying the minds, family values & the promises made long ago & not so long ago. What will happen? Those of you who have been chosen or who are a legacy, do you have a contingency plan? It scares me & I really & seriously would like to know. In my area it's beyond rampant & very dire.
Thank You!

Self-Protection...? BETTER to contact your local Law Enforcement agencies... places MAY be "under investigation"; MANY POT patches & METH houses found in Bedford County, Va. here; home of the Beale Treasure...

Rebel, Thank You. I do always carry self protection & there are trail & surveillance cams for any Meth cookers & trespassers/thieves. Unfortunately there are very few law enforcement in some of the poorer & spread out counties. Some counties have only two officers that go off duty at 11:00pm! They are on call for emergencies.

I didn't make myself clear on my question before. I'll try again. For ages & generations, stories, clues, hidden family, military (confederate & union) & secret society heirloom & valuable locations have been passed on & protected by each generation. Now in these areas there is soo much Meth & Heroin use that WHO will be the next guardians? Old home places are being stripped of metal, copper & anything that can be sold or traded for drugs. Even people who have week-end places at the lake can't leave Anything decent in their own place when they leave! I just wonder Who will be intrusted with the legacies?

The information was awesome! Let's get the treasure all over the country! I have the answers for all the clues! I can read the rocks, the trees, the symbols! I don't like to brag about it! BAD KHARMA! GET TO A TREASURE SIGHT and i will help you find treasure! Look at some of my posts! I'm not going to spew BS!
Only things that are proven TRUTHFUL!

The information was awesome! Let's get the treasure all over the country! I have the answers for all the clues! I can read the rocks, the trees, the symbols! I don't like to brag about it! BAD KHARMA! GET TO A TREASURE SIGHT and i will help you find treasure! Look at some of my posts! I'm not going to spew BS!
Only things that are proven TRUTHFUL!

Why don't you recover the treasure you already said you found in Danville?

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