It would seem that you need to reread your own conclusions:
http://1oro1.com/Hidden Caches/stonemaps.html
I believe they, pretty much, agree with what I have been posting.
Here are some of your more pertinate comments:
[At some point in time in the 1960's, Mitchell met a California Geologist from CSULA (Cal State University Los Angeles) named Martin L. Stout, and asked him to try and authenticate or age the stones. Stout went to an old colleague of his at Redlands University in Redlands, Ca. The man's name was Steve Dana. Professor Dana was supposed to have dated the Stone Maps to the mid 1800s. The only problem with this is that there is no written evidence (that I have found), and both Professors Stout and Dana have passed on. I am waiting on a response from Professor Dana's Wife as to her having any knowledge of his assessment of the Stone Maps.
Next comes a very contentious phase of the Stone Maps modern history; The SEC Trial. Many versions of the story say that MOEL was using the Stone Maps to generate Stock sales, so the Feds wanted to make sure they were authentic. They confiscated the stones from MOEL and had them tested. I used to believe this as well, but have evidence that shows this not to be the case.
Here is the truth about the SEC Case against MOEL Inc:
MOEL was indeed selling stock in the company. They had failed to register one form that would allow them to legally sell stock. This trial was to make certain that no fraud had been committed and to rectify the situation. Here is the SEC Litigation Release that details the charges: .........
As anyone can plainly see, there is no mention of the Stone Maps anywhere in the litigation release. They played absolutely no part in the SEC Investigation.
Below are the results of the SEC Trial. As you can also see, only Clarence and Grace Mitchell were enjoined (stopped) from selling stock in the company.]
I have trusted your research in this matter, especially since most of them agreed with mine, plus you have the copies of the documents.
I agree with almost every word in your own conclusions concerning MOEL and the Stone Maps, but could find nothing showing they were forced to sell the stones by a court order. Can you tell us your source for that information?
Take care,