Hola amigos,
Somehiker wrote
As for the suggestions that the creators of all of the stones may have been Franciscan?
Why?...Would they have had a motive for doing so?
Were they being accused of something that could have led to their arrest and expulsion as well?
Did the Franciscans use the heart anywhere as a symbol of their faith?
The Jesuits did,in books and on "trade rings".
Were they and the Jesuits adversaries...in the southwest?
Did Chuck Aylor create the heart at Twin Buttes?Did DeGrazia,the Don's or the Franciscans?
Not to mention any of the things in the photographs that I have shared.
If I should start using a quote that I feel applies to my own search,will that become "evidence" that I was in cahoots with any of these folks? If I do,I will just have to make sure that it does not include hearts or horses or crosses or trails or circles or or or.
Yes the Jesuits and Franciscans were adversarial to some degree in the southwest, through much of their history. The Franciscans were the first to plant missions within Arizona, starting with Awatobi in 1629 and adding four more within a couple of years. They remained until the Pueblo revolt in 1680, which resulted in 21 of 33 Franciscan padres among the dead. The Jesuits accused the Franciscans of "poaching" (of souls) in "their" assigned territory, and technically this was correct. The Franciscans arrived in southern AZ by 1768 after the Jesuits expulsion, and took over (literally) the former Jesuit missions, building most of the missions we see today in that region. The Franciscan missions were secularized 1827- 1834 by order of the Mexican govt, and the friars were replaced by secular clergy largely by 1830. So yes, there was reason for them to hide treasures of the Church from the grasping hands of the Mexican government before they were sent out and replaced by secular clergy - secular meaning governmental, not the same as the priests who formerly ran the missions for they answered to the government FIRST. It is likely that they had the assistance of Amerindians in this protecting of Church property too - think of how you would react, if the Feds announced that they were going to take over YOUR church and all its assets, would you not think of perhaps helping to prevent those assets from vanishing into govt coffers?
The symbols on the Peralta stones you refer to, the heart, the cross, the dagger, and used by Catholics in many Orders not just the Jesuits. I can't see anything on the Peralta stones that definitely makes them Jesuit and rules out Franciscans, which doesn't PROVE that Franciscans made them either, just means they can't be ruled out. That "
horse of Santa Fe" has been linked to Franciscans as a saying, which does sort of point to them. Horses, as well as several other livestock are associated with St Francis, founder of the Order. The Franciscans being much closer in the timeline to the 1847, <
being present in AZ til 1827-30> than the Jesuits who left circa 1767 also does suggest them as somewhat more likely than the Society of Jesus.
I don't have the answers to the rest of your questions.
Gollum wrote
Now, if Bob Corbin was a liar
Why do you keep going there? Who is saying that Corbin lied? Are you saying that
if the overheard statement was wrong, that means Corbin
MUST have lied, been on drugs or was drunk? Can not an honest man, simply repeat what he has heard, which may or may not have been a correct statement? He could be repeating it
verbatim, and the statement still be wrong, which does not make Corbin a liar, drug addict or alcoholic for that matter. You tend to see a lot of things in black and white, don't you amigo? You must also know that if this were a court case (it is not) then Corbin's recollection is not even admissible as evidence since it is HEARSAY. I have a lot of respect for Mr Corbin and his wife, and do not suspect even a tiny bit that he is lying or misrepresenting what he overheard, just that this overheard statement is really a thin bit of ice to go a skating on. If we were on the other sides of this discussion, you would refuse to accept it on the basis that it is hearsay, I would bet.
One more thing, I am NOT locked into the idea that the stone maps MUST be fakes or modern creations, that position isn't exactly proven 100% either.