The Peralta Stones


The answer to your question concerning my prospecting ability and knowledge, is Yes. I have a pick,shovel,pan and a rock hammer and have found two gold veins in my area. But that really is not the kinda knowledge I needed to solve the stones. It was just a matter of deduction really.
Listen to the stories for location points to explore and search the land for these tell tale signs while looking for what was on the stone maps as I searched. Basically, all I needed to do was look at the map.

I have sent Mr.Scott a message and I did give him some undeniable evidence of my finding. All we have to do now is wait for his reply. I didn't give him all the Maps locations yet, just the priest and horse maps. the others will take time to show everything. These are not quite like the horse and priest map, in the way that they lead you to the mines.

Please don't think that I don't respect you for the great wealth of information that you have but I know something that you don't and that annoys you.

Quinan Bear said:

The answer to your question concerning my prospecting ability and knowledge, is Yes. I have a pick,shovel,pan and a rock hammer and have found two gold veins in my area. But that really is not the kinda knowledge I needed to solve the stones. It was just a matter of deduction really.
Listen to the stories for location points to explore and search the land for these tell tale signs while looking for what was on the stone maps as I searched. Basically, all I needed to do was look at the map.

I have sent Mr.Scott a message and I did give him some undeniable evidence of my finding. All we have to do now is wait for his reply. I didn't give him all the Maps locations yet, just the priest and horse maps. the others will take time to show everything. These are not quite like the horse and priest map, in the way that they lead you to the mines.

Please don't think that I don't respect you for the great wealth of information that you have but I know something that you don't and that annoys you.

You are mistaken here amigo, I am not annoyed at what you believe you "know" at all, I simply am not convinced you have it right at all. :-\

What prevents you from doing the rest of what is needed here amigo? As you yourself said, "Listen to the stories for location points to explore and search the land for these tell tale signs..." you can't expect folks are going to be convinced by some satellite images alone.

As has been posted, and no offense intended here but you are not the first to come forward and make the very same claims you have. So far, NONE have shown a speck of gold. This is after all, a lost gold mine or as some claim, a whole GROUP of gold mines and a stash of gold treasure so...... is it so un-reasonable to ask to SEE some gold, from the claimant who says he or she has found it? Our mutual amigo Santa Fe New Mexican seems to think it is unreasonable to ask this, but without it, many of us are simply NOT going to buy the theory. Not trying to be a hard-nose about it, but think about it a moment amigo - would you believe if I told you that I found a lost silver mine, and would not or could not show you a single photo of a speck of silver? I am willing to bet that you would NOT.

:coffee2: :coffee:

I wish I had a nickle for every person who had this same "I have it, and I know it beyond a doubt" claim, I'd be so rich, I could afford to have other people go look for it for me.


I have been trying not to say as much for the last half page.

Looks like your little one isn't so little anymore.
Major destructive stage ahead. Nothing is safe.



These Stones, nore I, have claimed that all these mines were ALL gold mines.
The Lost Dutchman's Mine can't be truely linked to the Stones without that elusive gold sample.
There are MANY mines listed on the Stones.

If you really want to see my findings? Send me a message with your email and I will send you a Google earth link that will prove to you, that what I have is undeniable evidence.
Perhaps these doubts you have can finally be put to rest?
I would post them on here but I can't. the program won't allow me to post it so that you can use it.
Just send me a message asking to see it and I will send it to you.

This is WAY more then I planned on showing you but if you insist on proof, then I guess I have to give you some.....

Why do you think that the stones are even treasure maps?. Do you have any other type of documentation or anything that mentions the existence of these stones. It's my understanding that they just "appeared" and no written reference to them has ever been found so what makes them treasure maps? has any treassure ever been found using them. What symbol or mark on those stones translates in "treasure vault" what is your Rosetta stone for translating these stones and converting the symbols into mines or vaults
If you are convinced that they really are treasure maps them you must have some idea who made them or who was actually doing the mining. If you really have no idea who created them why are you so convinced that they are even real treasure maps?


Um, I have no idea what you're showing other than an overlay of a map onto a landform under it. How does one match the other?


Like I posted to you on the other forum:

If Scott answers your email, you may not like what you read. I will tell you just like I told John Kemm. Either you or get someone else who believes in your hypothesis to go to the spot you suspect.

Instead of bombarding every Treasure Hunting Forum on Earth with your whacky overlays. GO TO YOUR SITE (or get someone else if you are not able). Do some poking around, take LOTS of pictures.

When you have your whole case ready to present to Scott Wood, present it to a skeptic first. See, that is what Scott and every member of the USFS and BLM Staff are. If you can get a random SKEPTIC to tell you that you might have something, THEN take your theory to Scott.

Like I said before, since 1983, there has only been one Treasure Trove Digging Permit issued that I know of, and this was to a man that has been researching the DLM since the early 1950s.

If you can't at least do the things that I laid out for you to do, then you have absolutely no standing, and NOT ONE PERSON in the USFS or BLM Office will take you seriously.


Quinan Bear said:

Just because someone built a building there, doesn't mean that there is not a vein near there.

Look at the land there. you will see the faults and the changes in rock. This is a different type of gold formation as the one you see from the priest map. that's right, two different ways that gold occures. I believe that this area holds a very rich vein. you need to read the land to find it though, because it was hid many years ago.

Hi Bear, Building ? ... I am sure you could be correct just becuase a building is somewhere does not mean there is not a vein there. However I do not recall saying otherwise.
As for the stone maps, as I have already stated I am no more than an interested observer in the LDM forums, I honestly have no wish to ever go in search of the mine, saying that I would like to make one of Joes rendevous.
As previously stated you could probably learn a lot from the people who frequent these forums, but honestly it looks like if any of your theories get challenged you go on the defensive.
There is nothing wrong in believing what you want but look how fast you made a reply (to me) when it was Joe who posted the "building" Slow down..... absorb..... maybe you could learn something !!


Bear, Here is a picture I posted some time ago on another thread, can you see how google might make something appear that isnt there.
And this is no trick, use the cords in the picture and take a look for yourself.



  • IH.webp
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The real question is: How could you miss the building when you perused Google Earth :dontknow:

If you can see mines and a vault, how did you miss this rather large building? You have still danced around my questions.

Joe Ribaudo


I understand one thing here. You and a few others, have it set in your mind, that I don't have any idea of what I am talking about.

Now... I have sent you a file from google that shows you every detail that is on that map. None of that map was changed in any way, except to make it fit to match. It's not my fault that you can't get it or even want to take the time to really look at what I have sent you. The pic I put on the forum is just a sample and can't be viewed quite as well. The one I sent you, can be faded in and out to show you what the land looks like under it. I also showed you a google pic of one of the pics that CJ posted. Do you still think that google is so different from that photo?

You all can deny me,including Scott, but I assure you that these places will be known by all, one way or another, with help or no help. If I am told to forget about my claims. then I will have NO choice but to post my findings to the world and let them all go look. The only way to stop a Stampede of treasure seeker now, would be to take me serious. If not, once all my maps are revealed I am sure many will see them for what they are. They will all know that it was I that gave them this information and I still will be known, as the one that solved them.

So you see...I was just trying to get legal help and to protect these places and for them to be seen for what they are.

I was not avoiding your question. I didn't say that I never saw that building. I just said that there was a vein in that area. I would also like to state, that the stones maps, show me the exact place of these mines.

You as well will see who gets the last laugh....

If I showed you a photograph of a mountain side that had pin marks showing you the location of each mine within 100 feet, Would you except that as proof?

Here is something for you all to think about.
Let's say, we are back in time. The year is 1847. You are one of the first people, other than the natives, that is entering the Mountains in search for gold. Naturaly, you would be looking at the geology of the landscape. 2 reasons. To see for mineral bearing rocks and how they travel through the Ranges and canyons and the other, is to map your place and to know how to get out. At one point in time, you get to know the Apaches and their ways of seeing things and the land around them. You see that the natives have gold jewelry and when you inquire, they show you these places and how the veins travels thought the land. Throught bad run ins with too many people stealing the gold from these mountains and pissing off the Apaches. You needed to hide all these places but you want to be able to find them again, so you climb the highest point ( in this case Weaver's Needle) and map out these mines. To ensure that the mines would still be safe, even though the maps were discovered. You would select markers that nobody else would think of looking for.
It is possible that this person took a silk cloth and framed it, then proped it up in a way that he could see the land in question, through the silk. He then would trace out these things onto the silk with a pencil or something. After creating the map, he would gather up either, fine sediment or clay and create a putty-like, mud brick. While still wet, he would trace the map, onto the mud brick. then he would cook it in the sun or on a fire. Something like a brick.

Instead of making one map that shows all the mines, he made many, some were made on the same stone with others. This would make, finding the mines, almost imposible. Couldn't this be one thing that could have happened?



Maybe you just couldn't comprehend the advice I gave you. Maybe I just didn't put it simply enough. Yeah, it's probably all my fault. Here we go again:

1. Get your facts together.

2. Get someone (if you can't yourself) to go onsite.

3. Investigate your claims and take LOTS of pictures.

4. When you have all your s**t in one bag (so to speak) present it all to a skeptic. If they think you have got something.........

5. Get ahold of either Scott or one of the BLM Agents and make an appointment (donuts help)

6. Will all depend on whether they throw you out laughing or tell you how to proceed.

All you are doing right now is trumpeting yourself up on every internet forum. That is the opposite of the proper way to proceed. All you are doing now is making yourself look just as foolish as every other nutjob that has made the same claim as you! Be the nut on top of the fruitcake! Not one of the hundreds in the middle!


Why didn't he just draw it on paper instead of 20lb slabs of stone? this was one really good prospector to have located all of those mines, and whose vaults were those that appear on the map?
To me that theory seems a little weak


Oroblanco said:
Santa FE NM - what the heck are you posting? Is this something we are supposed to have neato 3-D cardboard glasses to fully appreciate? Or does it require six Wyoming shots of Mexican tequila to get the full effect? :dontknow: :icon_scratch: Man, amigo I wish you would take a look at those pix without any 3-D glasses on to see what I am talking about - it will give you a headache quick! :o :(

You didn't answer my question either amigo. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Quinan Bear - thank you for explaining; the "fifth Peralta" stone was found in recent years by the Dillmans, in the Superstitions, and they have stated this 5th stone really changes how you should interpret ALL the others. I just wondered if you had compared it with the other four, and factored in the changes. I don't have a photo of it, if anyone is about to ask, sorry.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. :thumbsup:

Hi Oro - has the stone that the Dillman's claim to have found ever been shown publicly anywhere? I was trying to recall if they even actually found it in the Superstitions and it pointed them to their site in Utah, or if they used the known Peralta Stones to identify their Utah site and then found the 5th stone there.

My memory sucks on stuff like this that I'm only casually interested in.

Other than the family selling their DVD about the stones pointing to Montezuma's Treasure, I haven't heard a thing about them in a couple years - how bout you or anyone else?

Bill96 said:
Why didn't he just draw it on paper instead of 20lb slabs of stone? this was one really good prospector to have located all of those mines, and whose vaults were those that appear on the map?
To me that theory seems a little weak



There are a hundred good reasons for directions to a mine/mines or vaults to be engraved on stones instead of paper. Did they have paper back in 66AD? YES, they did. They wrote on paper in 66AD. Now, go and google the term "copper scroll".

The Copper Scroll is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It differs from the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls in that it is a map to treasures of gold and silver. Paper deteriorates, gets eaten by bugs, chewed by rats and mice, destroyed by water or fire, any one of a number of things.

Why would you think a treasure map would need to be documented? Does your common sense tell you that if someone two hundred years ago made a treasure map of any kind, that they would turn around and write about it? If so, your common sense is askew. Treasure Maps are usually highly encoded and very secret. The only people that know about them at all are family members, and the only people that know how to decode them are very specific family members.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think Quinon has a shot in heII of being correct. HAHAHA I just think the Stone Maps are authentic.



"I understand one thing here. You and a few others, have it set in your mind, that I don't have any idea of what I am talking about."

What you fail to realize, is that we have only your posts to judge if you know what you are "talking about". Anyone who has actually been in the mountains is probably pretty well convinced by now........that you don't have a clue.

I don't need to go to the location you posted, because I have already been there. As I told you before, people have been sending me pictures and maps for many years. A number of authors have consulted me on some sections of their books.

I have no doubts there are many, many Dutch Hunter/Stone Map aficionados out there who just smile at my limited knowledge but you, my friend, are not even on the horizon. This is not intended to denigrate you personally, even though I realize that is how it will be received, rather it's to jar you into the reality of your situation.

While not impossible, the odds that someone like you, with such limited knowledge of the Stone Maps and the Superstition Mountains, will stumble on anything of importance using nothing but the tools you have shown us, is astronomically remote.

I am writing this knowing it won't slow you down or convince you to become educated on the subject, but perhaps this reasoning approach will cause some other newbies to do their homework before gifting us with their wisdom.

No one is going to give you the respect you want so badly, without seeing that you have paid your dues.

Take this post any way you want, but it tells a story you need to learn.

Having said that, your Priest and Cross is the best I have seen, although there are a number of problems with it. The rest of your map is not so impressive. The idea that you can see mines or a vault location is best.

You have been asked to explain what you see on the stone maps that identifies what your locations hold. What do you consider the "Church Reliquaries" to be?

"I was not avoiding your question. I didn't say that I never saw that building."
Are you now saying that you did see the building on Google Earth? Is the vein you describe north, south, east or west of the building?

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

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