The Peralta Stones

cactusjumper said:
EE THr said:

I do understand the binary numeral system, and computer programming, so I am familiar with machine language.

I have worked at a Loran-C transmitting station, and I have worked on Loran-A and Loran-C receivers.

I have stood helm watch at sea.

Your attempt to explain away your mistake in saying that the angles in a triangle add up to 360 degrees, by bringing in binary numbers, is total drivel.

And from your statements, I can tell that you have no clue as to how Loran works.

P.S. The Omega system went obsolete in 1997. So if you could tell us, you wouldn't have to kill us.


I imagine bb was in the service a few years back, so it makes sense that he is still overly impressed with technology that becomes obsolete at a rapid pace. That does not make it any less accurate, information wise. He probably knows what he is talking about, it's just that he is as dated as the Omega System. Many of us have a hard time leaving our glory years behind us.

That being said, he should probably avoid schooling strangers on technology that became obsolete thirteen years ago (Sept. 30, 1997). Not hard to find information on that system, they even have books on the subject. Can't imagine anyone would care these days. :dontknow:

Take care,


very true ... but you forget one factor .. how long ago was waltz ed ..?

and when were the stones made .. see that has been my point from the start .. when you beleive your answer is the only answer you fail to see the true factors at play .. and thus the stone were never translated correctly .. the fact is .. the stones are created in DR tracking line and dot .. and as the Omaga system it to was forgotten for the newer compass based nav or tthe days after ...

the fact is no one really under staood how to read and plot DR line and dot \

your more then welcome to go see for your self ...

look at the page i posted to Oro .. they histroy record tells us out right they still today do not under stand fully the skills of reading and ploting DR tracking .. but when it is time i will be more then willing to explain how it works and why ..

and none of the dirrections on the stones have anything what so ever about the dagger pointing north theory .. i wish you well joe and i hope you live long enough to hear the legend has been solved ...

EE THr said:

cactusjumper said:
That does not make it any less accurate, information wise. He probably knows what he is talking about....

...Can't imagine anyone would care these days. :dontknow:

Take care,


Well, since he brags about the games he plays on us here at TreasureNet, then I figured he wouldn't mind if I played back.

First he uses a Straw Man argument, to shift the focus off his trig mistake, and onto another topic (binary numeral system). Trouble is, with a Straw Man, you're supposed to shift away from a losing argument, to one which you can win.

Instead, he shifted to a bunch of BS fluff.

First he said he was working on a 180 degree calculating method, instead of 360 degree. Then he goofed that up when he said no, it's 90 degrees. But then changed back to 180 degrees.

Then, when he saw he was in trouble there, he drifted it off into radio navigation systems, which he doesn't understand. For example, there is no such thing as a Loran repeater. A repeater would defeat the entire purpose of Loran, because it is based on precision timing down to one millionth of a second, and a repeater would throw that all off.

Then he mentioned using radar equipment with Loran and Omega. Radar operates operates at the higher ends of the frequency spectrum, but Loran and Omega are in the lower.

That's just some of the nonsensical fluff he put out, on the question I asked.

So, judging from his seemingly uncontrollable propensity to pad his posts with imaginary data, I don't thing BB can school anyone in anything, whether it's obsolete or not. And that's the gist of my post, not anything particular about a past technology.


P.S. I almost forgot---he says that all numerical systems are based on binary. That's just plain silly. Numerical systems are merely symbolic representations of the quantity of something. If you have a dozen rocks, no matter what language or counting system you use to represent that amount, you still end up with a dozen rocks. Binary is used in computers because it can represent the on-off state of a relay, vacuum tube, or semiconductor device, or, to count higher than just zero and one, several such devices in parallel.

my reply is simple .. you said you had been at the helm before . the only to people on a ship when i was in the navy that can helm are QM and the boisin deck hands ,, i was a QM on the flagship FFG-3 that and you are no dout a deck hand or bosinmate .. that proves my point ..!


Well, you do always provide a good laugh.

EE THr said:

What you saw on the boats were Loran receivers.

Loran-A stations generate one pulse per timing cycle, and Loran-C stations generate eight pulses per cycle, except the Master has a ninth pulse, a little further apart from the first eight, to identify it as the Master.

Loran-A receivers sample the pulse modulaton waveform, or envelope, while Loran-C samples both the carrier frequency and the modulated envelopes which form the pulse shapes.

Each Loran station, the Master and the Slaves, generate their own, clean, transmission signals. They all have receivers, and so each monitors all the stations in the chain (on the U.S. East Coast chain, there was also a monitor-only station on Bermuda). The Slaves synchronize their transmissions to the Master station, plus a different assigned fixed delay for each Slave. All the Slaves complete their timing cycle transmission in turn, before the Master transmitts again.

A repeater would really mess up the timing in that system. Besides, since it is based on the speed of radio waves arriving at different times due to different distances, any difference in transmitter location would defeat the whole purpose.

The Slave stations wouldn't just repeat their received signal anyway, because there would be too much noise, and that would reduce the range because the sampling in the receivers would be adversely affected by all the noise.

The way you get a reading is when the receiver's sampling gate(s) are at the correct position on the pulse(s), you read how much time delay was added to get it there. Then look on the Loran chart for two lines with numbers closest to your reading, and interpolate in between. Then get another reading to a different slave. A third reading makes it even better.

Also, a repeaters re-transmitted signal is on a slightly different frequency.

So there are four reasons why repeaters don't work with Loran.


You should always read all of the person's last posts, before replying to the first, and putting your foot in your mouth. :laughing9:

And yes, I was a Seaman for a few months, before I went to Electronics School and Loran-C School. With your amazing, super-human, deductive reasoning skills, why couldn't you figure that one out?


EE THr said:
With your amazing, super-human, deductive reasoning skills, why couldn't you figure that one out?


*lol* you plain forgot his out-of-this-world-computer (where he just recently lost several years of data because the TN-website went down ...!)


ohhh - I forgot to mention that his computer is overclocked - fancy forgetting such an important issue when you are going to the www watching certain websites ... dang, I must be getting old!

shock!!! you mean he doesn't spend all of his time playing world of warcraft,

i thought he must have been in the navy a lot longer than the time he's claiming to correct all those charts and do the 80,000 sextant sightings he has said he has done,


EE THr said:

Well, you do always provide a good laugh.

EE THr said:

What you saw on the boats were Loran receivers.

Loran-A stations generate one pulse per timing cycle, and Loran-C stations generate eight pulses per cycle, except the Master has a ninth pulse, a little further apart from the first eight, to identify it as the Master.

Loran-A receivers sample the pulse modulaton waveform, or envelope, while Loran-C samples both the carrier frequency and the modulated envelopes which form the pulse shapes.

Each Loran station, the Master and the Slaves, generate their own, clean, transmission signals. They all have receivers, and so each monitors all the stations in the chain (on the U.S. East Coast chain, there was also a monitor-only station on Bermuda). The Slaves synchronize their transmissions to the Master station, plus a different assigned fixed delay for each Slave. All the Slaves complete their timing cycle transmission in turn, before the Master transmitts again.

A repeater would really mess up the timing in that system. Besides, since it is based on the speed of radio waves arriving at different times due to different distances, any difference in transmitter location would defeat the whole purpose.

The Slave stations wouldn't just repeat their received signal anyway, because there would be too much noise, and that would reduce the range because the sampling in the receivers would be adversely affected by all the noise.

The way you get a reading is when the receiver's sampling gate(s) are at the correct position on the pulse(s), you read how much time delay was added to get it there. Then look on the Loran chart for two lines with numbers closest to your reading, and interpolate in between. Then get another reading to a different slave. A third reading makes it even better.

Also, a repeaters re-transmitted signal is on a slightly different frequency.

So there are four reasons why repeaters don't work with Loran.


You should always read all of the person's last posts, before replying to the first, and putting your foot in your mouth. :laughing9:

And yes, I was a Seaman for a few months, before I went to Electronics School and Loran-C School. With your amazing, super-human, deductive reasoning skills, why couldn't you figure that one out?


LOL my brother and partern was a ET for 17 years ,, your not worth the time and effect ..


It's not about me. And it's not about your brother.

It's about your statement: "a azimuth angle is based on the binary as machine language."

You're the one who added all the rest of your gobbledygook, and still could never explain what you imagine that statement was supposed to mean.

Maybe you'd better go consult Moctezuma, and let him help you get your story straight.


EE THr said:

It's not about me. And it's not about your brother.

It's about your statement: "a azimuth angle is based on the binary as machine language."

You're the one who added all the rest of your gobbledygook, and still could never explain what you imagine that statement was supposed to mean.

Maybe you'd better go consult Moctezuma, and let him help you get your story straight.


i dont like remote veiwing mummys a touchnull likes to touch a object and see its past its much like seeing a dream come to life ....

the only real diffrence is i get to step back and forth between the to realities , and i am glad i can ..

did you know he was a tall man ...really big dude ....i would say 6' 6" or 6' 8" just guess by the size of the mummy ..

EE THr said:

It's not about me. And it's not about your brother.

It's about your statement: "a azimuth angle is based on the binary as machine language."

You're the one who added all the rest of your gobbledygook, and still could never explain what you imagine that statement was supposed to mean.

Maybe you'd better go consult Moctezuma, and let him help you get your story straight.


Save your energy and apply it where it might better serve you. It's like talking to a parrot - sounds like fun at first, but it's not a real conversation. And the parrot doesn't actually know what he's talking about.

Springfield said:
EE THr said:

It's not about me. And it's not about your brother.

It's about your statement: "a azimuth angle is based on the binary as machine language."

You're the one who added all the rest of your gobbledygook, and still could never explain what you imagine that statement was supposed to mean.

Maybe you'd better go consult Moctezuma, and let him help you get your story straight.


Save your energy and apply it where it might better serve you. It's like talking to a parrot - sounds like fun at first, but it's not a real conversation. And the parrot doesn't actually know what he's talking about.

lol but the parrot most likely saw where the treasure were barried more then you ever will

i am good at that .. you hit the nail on the head dude ..

so my skills do shine threw

get off your high horse and ask a real question SF .. dont just add to the troll and jokes with out adding some real logical question.. to many people here do and say only what they think will keep them without the risk of looking foolish .. yet none of them have any more clue then the rest ..

and you can teach a parrot a lot of things .. but he is the one getting you to feed him

who is the real parrot ?


Yeah, I know. But sometimes a person just has to experience something for themselves, to know for sure. :coffee2:


Insanity is the coward's way out. :tongue3:

Is there any evidence the stones are leading to the waltz mine? Also I think I read somewhere that waltz left a pan on top of a hill by the mine. Has anyone found it? I found a mine and there is an old pan on a hill by the mine. I think the gravesite on the stone is a mass burial where a lot of spaniards were buried. Here are some photos that are from the trail that is marked with hundreds of signs and symbols.


  • a lonely picture.webp
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  • a lonely picture.webp
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here is a photo of a sign above the mine that is under the indians nose. It says there is death there. There are two tunnels thatI know of and one hole that leads into it. One tunnel has a metal door and a trap with a false cieling and rocks to fall on someone. The timbers gave way and it is half triggered. It is filled in with dirt but leads to a vast mining operation. You could get lost in it. The rocks are on a 7 foot column and the arrow appears to have been hit with a low charge projectile.


  • ben 031.webp
    ben 031.webp
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It is an interesting hobby,trying to fit so many little bits and pieces together.
Way back in 1764,a fella by the name of Juan Nentvig authored a book which he titled "Rudo Ensayo",a description of Sonora and Arizona.Within the pages of that volume is a sketch of a "maze" that was found carved into one of the walls of Casa Grande.This photo is not a picture of the carving at Casa Grande,however.It's not the one that was found at Montezuma's Castle,either.I have included a reproduction of Nentvig's sketch for comparison,as it does seem to resemble the carving on this rock face in many ways.
There may be no connection to the LDM,gold mines or even the Stone Maps.But it is all kind of intriguing to my way of thinking.Perhaps others may find this to be the case as well?

Happy 2011!!
May good fortune find you all.



  • unknown 23-10-2010.webp
    unknown 23-10-2010.webp
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I still say you find the most amazing things out there SH! :)

Hope to catch up with you again this year sometime - looks like you found something pretty interesting.


If the lines in the photo are enhanced, it is the same maze with the addition of a dot in the middle.enhanced maze 23-10-2010.webp

EE THr said:

Yeah, I know. But sometimes a person just has to experience something for themselves, to know for sure. :coffee2:


Insanity is the coward's way out. :tongue3:

playing the fool is fun you get to see who people really are .. your not some one i would want to know ,, go ahead and put me on your ignore list ..

EE THr said:

If the lines in the photo are enhanced, it is the same maze with the addition of a dot in the middle.

I wonder if the dot was added at some point.To indicate the location/presence of something of importance?
It's obviously not a mine,so how old could it be?The Pima and the Hopi both have legends about similar places,as do many ancient cultures.It's a complicated topic with many avenues to follow.

Cubfan64 said:
I still say you find the most amazing things out there SH! :)

You have seen a few things out there that have been mentioned in some of the stories.I've shown or directed you to some of what I have found and more that you have come across on your own hikes off the beaten track.More fun than shuffleboard,ain't it.

Hope to catch up with you again this year sometime - looks like you found something pretty interesting.

Hope so as well.Would appreciate some backup.Keep in touch.

All the best:Wayne

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