The Peralta Stones


  • Quartz Rock.webp
    Quartz Rock.webp
    209.3 KB · Views: 877
sorry, i had a bad computer problem a crash and a recovery .. no sound yet .. .. latter

i guess i have a bigger problem then i first believed .. the sound card has shorted to the main case .. blanking all my custom settings and causeing a lot of issues ... it will take time and a lot of long hours to set and reprogram the settings and the loss of data is years of hard work gone .. over 1 TB of data lost so far ...

good luck to all ..

Blindbowman said:
sorry, i had a bad computer problem a crash and a recovery .. no sound yet .. .. latter

i guess i have a bigger problem then i first believed .. the sound card has shorted to the main case .. blanking all my custom settings and causeing a lot of issues ... it will take time and a lot of long hours to set and reprogram the settings and the loss of data is years of hard work gone .. over 1 TB of data lost so far ...

good luck to all ..

You had over 1 TB of data and no backup???
You can buy a 2 TB usb-drive for just over 100 bucks - it's a no-brainer!

yeah, G-E-E-E-N-Y-U-S!

Loke said:
Blindbowman said:
sorry, i had a bad computer problem a crash and a recovery .. no sound yet .. .. latter

i guess i have a bigger problem then i first believed .. the sound card has shorted to the main case .. blanking all my custom settings and causeing a lot of issues ... it will take time and a lot of long hours to set and reprogram the settings and the loss of data is years of hard work gone .. over 1 TB of data lost so far ...

good luck to all ..

You had over 1 TB of data and no backup???
You can buy a 2 TB usb-drive for just over 100 bucks - it's a no-brainer!

lol that was the main problem i was useing the back up when it happend .. and yes i do have back ups for some data .. not all .. i was working on a dishnet video klink to my 42 inch LCD . i was going to switch my LCD back and forth between my computer and my tv dish till my TV tuner card is up and running correctly .. but the sound card had other plains .. these cases are made so damn cheap now days the card locks suck ... .. i pushed on the sound jack and the hole card came lose and . mad bad things

its computers for ya ..

at the time i had one of my main back ups open ... that was a no no computer has about 90% of the bios is custom config .. so it will not run with out the right config in it .. it will not even boot up with out that correct bios, the cmos is the same way ... the cmos is overclocked..

if you know anything about Asus MB you know what i am saying ..the commando had a larger range of MB configs .. and each one was difgfrent with the CPU and ram used , the 965 EE can be a real handfull to get it to work with the rest of the toys ..

if i rebuild i will go quad and to hell with the P965 EE

it puts you at the 3.6 speed but the config for quad is not what the chip wants to level out at ..if you forse it with over clocking it really dose not like it much ...

i have ex 1tb and i should use it for things like this before this happens again in the future ..

this stuff happens if you build custom ..i was down about 18 hours or so but i am back up with a few more things to work on but she did not like much ...i was playing minecraft and still had the window open for that it blank my game safe for the last 2 months ...

you like these computers when they are running right .. but they are twice as much fun when they crash and burn ..

i am glad i had my expedition data safe ..and backed up ..

gollum said:
yeah, G-E-E-E-N-Y-U-S!

sorry mike thats not the case when it comes to this computer .. i had my main HD 300 raptor running 15k and did not put the back up in for a few months after so the data that was on it before i added the 1TB ex was protected by a in 1tb

but i dont leave open for just this reason and thanks for reminding me it was a dum thing to do at the time .. but when you get fighting with new gear and for get to close out the open windows ,. when they do go down and flat line that data is at risk...

well said, i earn that this time ..

(With 3350+ posts in this topic, most of which I've read at one time or another, please forgive me if this idea has come up before)

Let's suppose (just for fun) that the Peralta maps are authentic, and that they actually led to a treasure (note the past tense.) A thought occurred to me that most people are working backwards at solving the maps, trying to find out where they lead to (or rather, as you'll see, where they led from.)
My idea is that the stones were initially placed in the mountains by our erstwhile cache hiders, the heart stone being at the "beginning" (probably near some distinctive landmark.) To recover the treasure, you'd decipher the clues to find the next stone (and so on and so on) until you reach 'X marks the spot'. (In this scenario, to make sure you aren't making any mistakes in interpreting them, you'd haul the stones along with you as you go.)
Finally, you reach 'X', dig up the treasure, and take off. You don't need the stones anymore, so you dump'em (where they are found many years later, and we've all seen the trouble that has ensued since.)
Now, all this assumes that our cache hiders mined in the mountains and stockpiled their finds (probably over several years) and weren't able to make it back themselves (in which case they wouldn't have needed any maps, knowing where they buried it), and so left directions to the people they sent later on where to "start". Or (wickedly possible), they came back and removed the treasure (no need to do anything with the map stones placed in the mountains), and much later somebody else followed the stones' directions (to an empty cache. Can only imagine the looks on their faces when they discovered that.)
Plausible? No need to follow the maps, they were already at the treasure site!

(Just musing.... :wink:)

Zephyr said:
(With 3350+ posts in this topic, most of which I've read at one time or another, please forgive me if this idea has come up before)

Let's suppose (just for fun) that the Peralta maps are authentic, and that they actually led to a treasure (note the past tense.) A thought occurred to me that most people are working backwards at solving the maps, trying to find out where they lead to (or rather, as you'll see, where they led from.)
My idea is that the stones were initially placed in the mountains by our erstwhile cache hiders, the heart stone being at the "beginning" (probably near some distinctive landmark.) To recover the treasure, you'd decipher the clues to find the next stone (and so on and so on) until you reach 'X marks the spot'. (In this scenario, to make sure you aren't making any mistakes in interpreting them, you'd haul the stones along with you as you go.)
Finally, you reach 'X', dig up the treasure, and take off. You don't need the stones anymore, so you dump'em (where they are found many years later, and we've all seen the trouble that has ensued since.)
Now, all this assumes that our cache hiders mined in the mountains and stockpiled their finds (probably over several years) and weren't able to make it back themselves (in which case they wouldn't have needed any maps, knowing where they buried it), and so left directions to the people they sent later on where to "start". Or (wickedly possible), they came back and removed the treasure (no need to do anything with the map stones placed in the mountains), and much later somebody else followed the stones' directions (to an empty cache. Can only imagine the looks on their faces when they discovered that.)
Plausible? No need to follow the maps, they were already at the treasure site!

(Just musing.... :wink:)


That's a good musing. Its' also basically what I posted about half a page ago. HAHAHA,41448.msg2572849.html#msg2572849,41448.msg2576472.html#msg2576472


mike is correct .. and so are you Z ... the heart insert is the in pocket key , the other stones were placed where they were put and that was not where they said they had been found .. i believe freddy cyrstal had place the stones at the location but thats out right not true .. after translating the stones .. Freddy had nothing to do with why the stones were put there .. .. we all beleive what we were given and told where the stones were found ,, they were not found there .. and i am postiive about that .. you dont code there location into the stones and then change that location and put them somewhere else .. thats not logical ..
no the stones were placed much closer then we were told ... :coffee2:

and yes i will get back on topic .. thank you ..


I am still anxiously awating the results of your FOIA request to the FBI concerning the "tests" on the Stone well as Beth's. I thought there was some kind of average time span to get such a report. Does it run into months......or years? :dontknow:

I am betting they won't even know what you are talking about. ???

Take care,


somehiker said:
I did find one of the nicest samples of white quartz that I have ever seen out there.
About 20" high and about 70 pounds.Could be a big vein somewhere up the canyon.

I would label that as "El Diente", sure looks like a horse tooth! Quien sabe? Homar

That would be some BIG horse missing a tooth.Maybe "El Diente de Oro" would be a better name for it?
Pretty rock,though.
A couple of minutes after I took that photo,three deer hunters,all in camo,passed by within 15 ft.Not one of them noticed me there.
They probably didn't see any deer that day. :wink:


cactusjumper said:

I am still anxiously awating the results of your FOIA request to the FBI concerning the "tests" on the Stone well as Beth's. I thought there was some kind of average time span to get such a report. Does it run into months......or years? :dontknow:

I am betting they won't even know what you are talking about. ???

Take care,


they can tell you nothing joe ..

they are already here ...!

somehiker said:
That would be some BIG horse missing a tooth.Maybe "El Diente de Oro" would be a better name for it?
Pretty rock,though.
A couple of minutes after I took that photo,three deer hunters,all in camo,passed by within 15 ft.Not one of them noticed me there.
They probably didn't see any deer that day. :wink:

It does seem proportional to the left rear hoof, and "El Diente de Oro" could make that a Mexican horse? Bingo! We've got the remains of El Cobollo de Santa Fe!

Far too diminutive to be from the mouth of El Cobollo ,Homar.The hoof is proportional however,as is every other anatomical part of what was clearly the model for he who first immortalized the horse of Santa Fe.Far more than a scattered collection of mere "remains" ,he is what he is,posed exactly like that of his depiction upon a small slab of stone.
That small detail,a notch in one hoof only of the Stone Map horse,seems important though.



  • Left Rear Hoof inset.webp
    Left Rear Hoof inset.webp
    106.4 KB · Views: 668
I am back and forth about this one… "8-N-P"

I feel this was an afterthought either by the creator of the “Stones”, or was scratched in by someone after they were found. :dontknow:

It would be interesting if there were any hand writing samples of those that were intimately involved with the stones after they were found… :icon_scratch: :help: :read2:


8 N P.webp

Rocks that look like faces and heads are always interesting,especially when they require no special viewing points,shadows,time of year or day...etc to see them.They get even more intriguing when they also feature hearts,X's and other markings that are in common with those on the Stone Maps.
This head is about 10 ft - 15 ft. above the base of the cliff.A "lump" behind where the ear would be,and behind the ear plug, looks kinda familiar as well.
A stone,with an "indian head" carved upon it,was claimed by both Bob Bair (who also claimed that Travis Tumlinson carved the six Zeros on the back of the Heart) and Bob Schultz,a friend of Travis,to have been found by Travis Tumlinson.Bob Schultz later stated to Bert Love that the Indian Head stone was discovered north of the Columbia River,however this may have been an "oops" afterthought by Schultz.



  • Indian Head with Heart.webp
    Indian Head with Heart.webp
    176.7 KB · Views: 665
Halfway between the Priest and the Horse
Beside the trail.



  • signpost.webp
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Awesome. My only concern is; how REALLY old are they? Was it someone's idea of good fun in 1967? There have been soooooooooo many people roaming the Supers since 1891 looking for the DLM and since 1964 trying to solve the Stone Maps, how do you know what to trust as an authentic monument?

I mean, we already know that several of what old Dutch Hunters thought may have been monuments were torn down by them. Petroglyphs were altered (the "Peralta Map" does not look the same now as it did in the 1950s). How many "extra" sunbursts and "oro" engravings have been added in different places over the years?

If anybody REALLY wants to know why the DLM hasn't been found yet (to the best of our knowledge), you have only to look at the old time Dutch Hunters for your answer. Different camps that have hated each other since the day Waltz died in 1891. Each camp tear down monuments keeping the locations their secret. People dying and not passing on their secrets.


I can only say that I wouldn't base any serious hunts on anything found recently out there. Maybe there are one or two stories I would take the time and effort to hunt out, but those stories have been out there for MANY YEARS, and well hunted before I was born.

Very Frustrating!


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