The "experts" I am talking about are not the treasure hunters - I think you are confusing who it is important to impress. Its very easy to talk
to the "experts" (the ones that are still alive) that the Forest Service, etc., are listening to. It's not the people you are meeting with every day.
If you convinced every single person here - it still would mean nothing. It is the university guys, etc. that are important. Also, you could show
the experts 1000 cave dwellings - again - it would not matter. Only the experts that have written their opinions, and only the area that concerns the stones (in your opinion) are important. That's the people who have to be convinced that you might have something, and you have to show all the why's and wherefore's before you will even get them back off their chairs, and start looking at the stones again, as they have already come to their conclusions. If you want, you should talk to those experts - not anyone here or on other forums. You will need to get someone important on your side. Its the way the world works. If it is important enough to you, that is what you will have to do, and the only way to do that is to prove to THEM (not us) that you have information that they do not.
I understand what you are saying - but, frankly, I've talked with BB for quite a few years now, and even if I don't agree with something, it
still is a conversation worth having. (imo)
I understand, to a point, some of the frustration - not just from BB, but from other treasure hunters and other treasures. More than once a person has spent many years looking for something, finally get it all figured out, only to have the government take it away - or try to take it away. (shipwreck diving comes immediately to mind, because, there is a lot of work that goes into finding a ship, diving on it, finding out which one it is, proving which one it is, etc., and then 6 countries, including ours, not to mention states, individually, all want a piece of the pie - or the whole darned pie). It makes a treasure hunter not want to tip their hands. But - regardless of those facts - you have got to, you have no choice. Your best bet is to, at the very least, get all the possible information and proof possible (without breaking the laws), and to get a professional expert on your side, before you tip your hand. (especially in a case like this).
Personally - I would absolutely LOVE to see someone find treasure - any treasure. It warms the heart of a treasure hunter.
I have talked to almost everyone (professional) that has examined the stones - and I have their reports. If - and that's an if, they are real, I don't think the solution is in the Supers. Because, I know, for a fact, that there is at least one place that you can "overlay" a stone map to another spot, and it is an exact match. All the squiggles, etc., match up, if you orient "north" where it is indicated, and you assume that all those squiggles are drainages. It even answers the question of that "symbol" (and I don't believe a Tobias has anything to do with it). Even then, it doesn't mean they are real - it just means that it matches a certain spot.
You know, I have a nephew who is a certifiable genius. He possesses absolutely NO tact, no social skills, he writes terribly, half the time I don't get what he is saying - but, he can do a math problem - a complicated algorithmic calculation - without writing down anything but the original problem - and come out with the correct answer, in his head. (it might take others 10 pages of calculations to accomplish). Its very annoying, and so is my nephew. But, there is no denying that, in certain areas, he's the man you want to hire to do certain jobs (and he has never had
a problem being employed), and they put up with his "personality" because of what he can do. So, I try to remember that, just because someone cannot or does not talk, or think or conclude the same things the way I do, it doesn't mean squat, and they could have something important to add.