The Peralta Stones


Thought I better check in with you and see if you were saying anything worth replying to.

"it would out right make your theory wrong and for good logical reason.."

I don't have a "theory" do. There is nothing to back up your conclusions, except talk. My conclusions are based on physical evidence, most of which I have posted pictures of. Anyone with a topographic map, and some knowledge of the Superstition Mountains and her history/legends can make their own judgement.

I will ask you the same question I have asked many others..... Tell me where my map is wrong. If you can prove what you say, I will be happy to give you credit for finding the fault. If you can't, I will continue to ignore your posts.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:

Thought I better check in with you and see if you were saying anything worth replying to.

"it would out right make your theory wrong and for good logical reason.."

I don't have a "theory" do. There is nothing to back up your conclusions, except talk. My conclusions are based on physical evidence, most of which I have posted pictures of. Anyone with a topographic map, and some knowledge of the Superstition Mountains and her history/legends can make their own judgement.

I will ask you the same question I have asked many others..... Tell me where my map is wrong. If you can prove what you say, I will be happy to give you credit for finding the fault. If you can't, I will continue to ignore your posts.

Joe Ribaudo

my name is robert or bob ..

who said all i had was theory ..?

thats out right not true ..

i have stated and i will stand by my choice to hold back till my permits are legal ..

and i am sorry joe ..i can prove you wrong in less then 10 mins .. if it took that long ...

the stones uses 3 main factors in its layout of code

you have yet to correctly define anyone of them joe .. how would you expect me to reply any diffrently ..?

the stones were not designed to find the LDM

you do know that right ...?
Walta's only knew what the peralta had told him that night setting by the camp fire ..did you notice he never stated he work the placer in the wash ...he never showed placer gold ,yet the placer was only 400 ft away you know why joe .. because the story of him shotting the peralta had to be true or he would have known where the tunnel was as well .. he had herd they were they some where but he never saw them him self ...the peralta may have used the stones and found the mine but thats not what the stones were for ...

they were made to locate the tayopa tunnel( the Pa mine ) and the tayopa trove .. yes they show the location of the Ma and the placer and the hoya .. but the focus is clearly the Tayopa .

its been a long day .. patching roof and mowing lawn,, 3.4 mile hike .. to be honest with you i real dont care at this point ....i hope you find something joe .. i really do ..

BB - despite the spelling and grammar errors, I have some comments regarding your response:

1) Walta's only knew what the peralta had told him that night setting by the camp fire ..did you notice he never stated he work the placer in the wash - not only potentially wrong considering the story of the Florence carpenter providing Waltz with a dry washer, but also impossible to prove as a fact

2) ...he never showed placer gold - And you know this how? Impossible to prove again

3) yet the placer was only 400 ft away - no proof whatsoever despite your claims

4) you know why joe .. because the story of him shotting the peralta had to be true or he would have known where the tunnel was as well - completely faulty logic considering there is no proof in the above 3 comments.

5) .. he had herd they were they some where but he never saw them him self - Yet once again, impossible to prove without having been there

6) ...the peralta may have used the stones and found the mine but thats not what the stones were for ...

they were made to locate the tayopa tunnel( the Pa mine ) and the tayopa trove .. yes they show the location of the Ma and the placer and the hoya .. but the focus is clearly the Tayopa . - Completely unproven with a single fact

7) its been a long day .. patching roof and mowing lawn,, 3.4 mile hike .. . - I find it quite interesting from a purely pschological point of view how many of your posts end with comments regarding the tasks you've accomplished during that day. One might even think it has something to do with a constant need for praise and pats on the back - something to do with insecurity. I'm sure that's not the case, but it IS curious. By the way, 3.4 miles? Is that all?? I've been climbing a few mountains a week, rain or shine. Keep it up though, every little bit helps!

Cubfan64 said:
BB - despite the spelling and grammar errors, I have some comments regarding your response:

1) Walta's only knew what the peralta had told him that night setting by the camp fire ..did you notice he never stated he work the placer in the wash - not only potentially wrong considering the story of the Florence carpenter providing Waltz with a dry washer, but also impossible to prove as a fact

2) ...he never showed placer gold - And you know this how? Impossible to prove again

3) yet the placer was only 400 ft away - no proof whatsoever despite your claims

4) you know why joe .. because the story of him shotting the peralta had to be true or he would have known where the tunnel was as well - completely faulty logic considering there is no proof in the above 3 comments.

5) .. he had herd they were they some where but he never saw them him self - Yet once again, impossible to prove without having been there

6) ...the peralta may have used the stones and found the mine but thats not what the stones were for ...

they were made to locate the tayopa tunnel( the Pa mine ) and the tayopa trove .. yes they show the location of the Ma and the placer and the hoya .. but the focus is clearly the Tayopa . - Completely unproven with a single fact

7) its been a long day .. patching roof and mowing lawn,, 3.4 mile hike .. . - I find it quite interesting from a purely pschological point of view how many of your posts end with comments regarding the tasks you've accomplished during that day. One might even think it has something to do with a constant need for praise and pats on the back - something to do with insecurity. I'm sure that's not the case, but it IS curious. By the way, 3.4 miles? Is that all?? I've been climbing a few mountains a week, rain or shine. Keep it up though, every little bit helps!

your full sh** cup .. do you know that .. you better take a look at what you just posted

there are two ways to make your self look totally foolish .. one is saying things that are not true just because you believe they are and because you want others to believe your right ..when your not .. .. the other is shoting your mouth off to the person that dose know the answers ....your doing both right now

i can only remind you greed is a sin ..

Blindbowman said:
Cubfan64 said:
BB - despite the spelling and grammar errors, I have some comments regarding your response:

1) Walta's only knew what the peralta had told him that night setting by the camp fire ..did you notice he never stated he work the placer in the wash - not only potentially wrong considering the story of the Florence carpenter providing Waltz with a dry washer, but also impossible to prove as a fact

2) ...he never showed placer gold - And you know this how? Impossible to prove again

3) yet the placer was only 400 ft away - no proof whatsoever despite your claims

4) you know why joe .. because the story of him shotting the peralta had to be true or he would have known where the tunnel was as well - completely faulty logic considering there is no proof in the above 3 comments.

5) .. he had herd they were they some where but he never saw them him self - Yet once again, impossible to prove without having been there

6) ...the peralta may have used the stones and found the mine but thats not what the stones were for ...

they were made to locate the tayopa tunnel( the Pa mine ) and the tayopa trove .. yes they show the location of the Ma and the placer and the hoya .. but the focus is clearly the Tayopa . - Completely unproven with a single fact

7) its been a long day .. patching roof and mowing lawn,, 3.4 mile hike .. . - I find it quite interesting from a purely pschological point of view how many of your posts end with comments regarding the tasks you've accomplished during that day. One might even think it has something to do with a constant need for praise and pats on the back - something to do with insecurity. I'm sure that's not the case, but it IS curious. By the way, 3.4 miles? Is that all?? I've been climbing a few mountains a week, rain or shine. Keep it up though, every little bit helps!

your full sh** cup .. do you know that .. you better take a look at what you just posted

there are two ways to make your self look totally foolish .. one is saying things that are not true just because you believe they are and because you want others to believe your right ..when your not .. .. the other is shoting your mouth off to the person that dose know the answers ....your doing both right now

i can only remind you greed is a sin ..

I took your advice and re-read what I posted, and all I can say is "I calls em as I sees em."

Other than the "climbing a few mountains a week" comment which I couldn't resist, there's nothing I said that's not a fact. Anyone as accomplished as you obviously are at applying logic would of course see that immediately, so I'm not certain where you're having problems connecting the dots.

Feel free to quote me here publicly and print it out for your records when I say I'd be thrilled to meet you in person and publicly say I was wrong about everything you said as soon as you've positively offerred indisputable proof that you've discovered the Lost Dutchman Mine and/or the source of the gold that once came from it.

Greed is indeed a sin - I believe it's called coveting in the Old Testament. I've been guilty of sinning all my life, but coveting is one of those I don't have a problem with :)

Please carry on, and I look forward to standing before a televison camera oneday patting you on the back for proving me wrong. Of course, don't expect me to hold my breath. :) Gotta get going - I have a couple more mountains to climb today.

Blindbowman said:
...... my name is robert or bob ..

who said all i had was theory ..?

thats out right not true ..

i have stated and i will stand by my choice to hold back till my permits are legal ....

There's your automatic easy-out: no tickee, no laundry. Surprise, surprise.

Springfield said:
Blindbowman said:
...... my name is robert or bob ..

who said all i had was theory ..?

thats out right not true ..

i have stated and i will stand by my choice to hold back till my permits are legal ....

There's your automatic easy-out: no tickee, no laundry. Surprise, surprise.

so your saying if you found it you would tell everyone where it was before you got a permit and made it legal ...ya right

i am glad i dont live in that house i would be picking up broken glass all day long :coffee2:

Javaone said:
Cubfan64 said:
I know :) It's like a sickness or that weird fascination of looking at a wreck when you pass it on the highway - now and then I just can't help myself :P

It's OK Cubfan. I think Oroblanco has the same sickness too.... ::) ;D

i think that's written into the definition of a treasure hunter..

Javaone said:
Javaone said:
Cubfan64 said:
I know :) It's like a sickness or that weird fascination of looking at a wreck when you pass it on the highway - now and then I just can't help myself :P

It's OK Cubfan. I think Oroblanco has the same sickness too.... ::) ;D

Hehe - ok, ok.... Touche' :) what can I say, I'm a weak weak man :)

Cubfan64 said:
Javaone said:
Javaone said:
Cubfan64 said:
I know :) It's like a sickness or that weird fascination of looking at a wreck when you pass it on the highway - now and then I just can't help myself :P

It's OK Cubfan. I think Oroblanco has the same sickness too.... ::) ;D

Hehe - ok, ok.... Touche' :) what can I say, I'm a weak weak man :)

Not Weak by any means... You just needed a booster shot. ;D

Javaone said:
Hey Joe - Have you come to any conclusion as to what this might mean?

If you don't mind saying...

Thanks in advance

Hi Jerry,

That particular symbol represents Comet Peak. It is located northeast of Queen Valley; See 7.5 Topo Quad, Florence Junction, Section 31, T-1S, R-11E. Just below Whitlow Ranch Flood Control Basin. This location is a very important placement marker, it represents an important directional line and it is also associated with astronomy.

Have a great weekend!

Ellie Baba

Hi All,

Attached are a couple of photographs (1 & 2) that depicts our friend the priest. I had just taken these photographs three days ago. These photos also represent the El Cabollo de Santa Fe Sara/monument. The priest is located in the center of the horse's head, and will only appear when the sun is located in a certain position; time of year and time of day. The rest of the year the priest remains hidden within the El Cobollo Sara. The priest's eye is also located where the horse's eye is located. They have been bound to each other as the Architects had intended.

This photograph was taken at a time that the priest would be visible, but the horse head would be found to be out of phase. Also note that the photograph was taken very close to the sara so as to bring out the details of what was hidden within the horse's head and neck. The El Cbollo Sara itself must be photographed from a greater distance to truly recognize the complete sara. The third photo represents El Cobollo at a later time during the day and the priest cannot be found on the horse's head where it was previously located.

I still have to find a good distant shot that depicts the El Cobollo Sara near 100% phase.

I can guarantee without any doubt that the town of Santa Fe did not exist when the El Cobollo Sara was constructed.


Ellie Baba

Ellie Baba wrote
I can guarantee without any doubt that the town of Santa Fe did not exist when the El Cobollo Sara was constructed.

Are you saying that the feature you outlined is man-made? Thank you in advance;

Oroblanco said:
Ellie Baba wrote
I can guarantee without any doubt that the town of Santa Fe did not exist when the El Cobollo Sara was constructed.

Are you saying that the feature you outlined is man-made? Thank you in advance;

Yes, in most part, enhancement would be a better definition to use as this and other techniques can be recognized and found in the maze of symbols and figures known as "shadow writing." Or as I would call these monuments SARA; shadow animated rock art.

The viewing field is constantly changing (animated) throughout the year and different times of the day. The sara monuments are connected directly to the stone maps proving their validity. The stone maps were made for only two reasons; 1.) To lead kindred members to the actual caches, and 2.) to lead everyone else away.

Take care Oro,

Ellie B.

Hi Group,

Treasure Hunting is a profession, no doubt about it. You may be a rookie using the modern internet to research and look at the earth in ways that mankind has never imagined. You may have read every book written on the subject and believe that you are as knowledgeable as any writer that ever penned any information related to the LDM or any other treasure for that matter. You may be an armchair treasure hunter looking for answers as you take this new hobby to lofty heights.

The question that you must ask yourself is this; am I truly a professional treasure hunter? As I read the different posts that can be found on treasure forums all over the web I do see one major factor. Most of you are beginners and some are trying to learn whatever they can to place their feet on equal ground with the more experienced or well known members found within certain forums. There are no schools or universities that teach the profession of treasure hunting. Just like any other trade one must start at the bottom end of the scale and start as an apprentice who must spend x amount of years learning from a professional of the craft. Later on you would become a Journeyman or receive a title indicating to all that you are actually a bonafied treasure hunter. Who are the Journeyman and who are the apprentices? We each have to decide for ourselves and we must do it honestly.

All of you newbies out there must choose wisely as to whose camp you are going to ride with and this is a most difficult task. Some of us are born naturals and some will never get it. Treasure Hunters typically fail at finding any treasures as they want to keep their secrets and take them to the grave which eventually happens. There is the problem related to greed and trust. History continually repeats itself as is the case on these forums. Every few years we find that our current discussions resemble those of the past. As new members become older they finally realize the truths that were ascertained by the older members and the cycle is repeated. Go back into the archives as far as you can and you will be surprised to read certain materials that you had just read moments ago that were posted on the same forums today! Kind of like re-reading all of the LDM books over, and over, and over again. Sounds like fun, huh? We will continually recycle the old information until someone gives us something new to test out and prove its worthiness. Who is willing to take on the task? There are so few and most of them never visit these forums unless they want a good laugh. And yes, most of them never found any treasures either.

Hope this helps some of you.

Ellie Baba

There are lots of "faces" etc., that you can pick out of rocks - here is one of mine that we found.



  • rock face.webp
    rock face.webp
    28.3 KB · Views: 439
Ellie Baba said:
Hi Group,

Treasure Hunting is a profession, no doubt about it. ..... Just like any other trade one must start at the bottom end of the scale and start as an apprentice who must spend x amount of years learning from a professional of the craft. Later on you would become a Journeyman or receive a title indicating to all that you are actually a bonafied treasure hunter. Who are the Journeyman and who are the apprentices? We each have to decide for ourselves and we must do it honestly.

.... Treasure Hunters typically fail at finding any treasures as they want to keep their secrets and take them to the grave which eventually happens. There is the problem related to greed and trust. ..... And yes, most of them never found any treasures either....

Notwithstanding the proper use of technology to locate unseen anomalies, techniques which must be learned through experience and can be taught, I assume you are referring to aquiring certain other skills such as historical research, discovery and recognition of clues found in the field, and interpretation of all this in order to locate and recover 'treasure'. Yes, I guess to some extent these things can be taught too. However, as you've alluded to above, most of the 'best' THer's have nothing tangible to show for their decades of hard-earned expertice, Mel Fisher being a lonely exception. Even today, the man who is ardently trying to prove himself the 'world's greatest treasure hunter' continues to fail at his flagship site in Oklahoma. A member of his inner circle, one of the most brilliant friends I've had, died this week having never found a dime, but with incredible knowledge of things most of us would be slack-jawed to hear.

Bottom line? Those who recover treasure seem to be chosen by the powers above for the role. They either stumble into it or are give proprietary information by someone in the know. All the study, research, hard work, learning at the side of a journeyman, miles of hard trails, etc. (walking the walk and talking the talk), may give you knowledge of how the game is played, but is no guarantee for success. As they say, many are called but few are chosen.

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