The Peralta Stones

Springfield said:
Ellie Baba said:
Hi Group,

Treasure Hunting is a profession, no doubt about it. ..... Just like any other trade one must start at the bottom end of the scale and start as an apprentice who must spend x amount of years learning from a professional of the craft. Later on you would become a Journeyman or receive a title indicating to all that you are actually a bonafied treasure hunter. Who are the Journeyman and who are the apprentices? We each have to decide for ourselves and we must do it honestly.

.... Treasure Hunters typically fail at finding any treasures as they want to keep their secrets and take them to the grave which eventually happens. There is the problem related to greed and trust. ..... And yes, most of them never found any treasures either....

Notwithstanding the proper use of technology to locate unseen anomalies, techniques which must be learned through experience and can be taught, I assume you are referring to aquiring certain other skills such as historical research, discovery and recognition of clues found in the field, and interpretation of all this in order to locate and recover 'treasure'. Yes, I guess to some extent these things can be taught too. However, as you've alluded to above, most of the 'best' THer's have nothing tangible to show for their decades of hard-earned expertice, Mel Fisher being a lonely exception. Even today, the man who is ardently trying to prove himself the 'world's greatest treasure hunter' continues to fail at his flagship site in Oklahoma. A member of his inner circle, one of the most brilliant friends I've had, died this week having never found a dime, but with incredible knowledge of things most of us would be slack-jawed to hear.

Bottom line? Those who recover treasure seem to be chosen by the powers above for the role. They either stumble into it or are give proprietary information by someone in the know. All the study, research, hard work, learning at the side of a journeyman, miles of hard trails, etc. (walking the walk and talking the talk), may give you knowledge of how the game is played, but is no guarantee for success. As they say, many are called but few are chosen.

your bottom line is correct ... well stated ...

i am just passing threw .. i have been alive so many life times i no longer count them i see things none of you would ever under stand .

compete .. there is no winners when the black death is free.... :coffee2:

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
BB gotcha beat easily kiddie. You can't begin to compete with a FEY Oirisher

Don Jose de La Mancha Y Mule
this comeing from sum one trying to use those 3 digit numbers as distence messurements ,

See Cat,

While several of your questions are good, you throw everything into doubt by trash talking a person you don't know anything about.

I didn't mean that we should absolutely take his word because he was an Ex-Cop. What was meant is that we have several interviews of people that knew the man and his wife. Not one person ever said that Tumlinson was a man prone to exaggeration or was a buII$hitter. Not one. Because of that fact, I am willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt.

I have personally corresponded with two people that knew Travis and Aileen Tumlinson quite well. Both of them said the Tumlinsons were straight shooters.

You can judge the man harshly if you want based on nothing but your imagination, but that says more about you than him.

Some of your questions show a profound lack of knowledge of the subject as many people have gone to the place where Tumlinson dug up the Stone Maps. That is how the Latin Heart was found. I have been there, and so have a couple of others on this forum that I know of.

One of your statements I actually agree with completely:

Why would someone hide a treasure, then bury everything needed to recover it in one hole. If you were going to put everything in the same hole, why make more than one stone engraving (especially why go to all the trouble to make the heart and the heart shaped indention)? There are a couple of possible answers:

1. If they were used by the Peraltas during the massacre, then they may have gotten thrown from a burro during the fight, and lay there till 1949.

2. Whatever treasures they led to were removed and they were no longer needed, so everything was dumped together, or whatever mines they led to were played out so they were all dumped together.

If it was a Jesuit Treasure buried in 1766-1767, then who is to say that they didn't come back sometime after 1814 after their suppression was ended? They may have recovered their own treasure then discarded the stones since they no longer served any purpose. If they were dumped together sometime between 1814 and 1935 then everybody's questions would be answered

When it comes to the finding of the Stone Maps, the very best story we have is second hand. It is known that Travis Tumlinson wrote a manuscript detailing both how he found the Stone Maps and his attempts to decipher them. Unfortunately, that manuscript seems to be lost to time.

All we know for certain is that both Travis and his Uncle Robert Tumlinson both believed beyond ANY doubt that the Stone Maps were authentic Treasure Maps. Later on, Clarence Mitchell also was a firm believer in their authenticity as well.


gollum said:
.... When it comes to the finding of the Stone Maps, the very best story we have is second hand. It is known that Travis Tumlinson wrote a manuscript detailing both how he found the Stone Maps and his attempts to decipher them. Unfortunately, that manuscript seems to be lost to time.

All we know for certain is that both Travis and his Uncle Robert Tumlinson both believed beyond ANY doubt that the Stone Maps were authentic Treasure Maps. Later on, Clarence Mitchell also was a firm believer in their authenticity as well.


The provenance of the stones is suspect. If I were forced to wager, I would speculate that Travis's grandfather, the treasure hunter Peg-Leg Tumlinson, may have obtained the stones by nefarious means, as rumored (more hearsay), from it's original location and the family determined that the carvings related to the Superstition Mountains. Travis staged the 'discovery' to cover the dirty deed, and the rest is, as they say, history (more hearsay). To me, this option is at least plausible.

why dont you ask the one person that knows more about the stones then any one else alive me ,,, OK .. no coment at this time ! :coffee2: :thumbsup:

you guys are just to easy ..

who cares how the stones got there .. the fact is .. are they real or not .. the stones can stand on their own .. i being the only one to have ever translated the stone correctly .. tell you yes they are real and how they became public has nothing to do with that fact .. they are real or fakes .. i can tell you they are real ! made 1646 . by a Jesuit of Tayopa appointed by the pope him self .. that's the facts .. like it or not ...!

how they got there is irrelevant at this point in time .. ....the stones have already been translated ...

in a letter from scott wood .. he stated the peralta stones are not real, that they are fakes .. i have requested a fair hearing under the fedral disablities act ... i now have out right prove the stones are not fakes and i plan to prove it in a court of law ....


some times no matter if you lose or not you just got to step up and prove your right even if no one else under stand why your right ...

i can fully translate the stones and will do so in a fair hearing in court ...

i have request for scott to show his sorces that prove the stones are fakes ... if he can , or i can prove they are not fakes then i will win in court ..

i would rether drown in hell then have some one esle tell me that heaven is fake !

Blindbowman said:
in a letter from scott wood .. he stated the peralta stones are not real, that they are fakes .. i have requested a fair hearing under the fedral disablities act ... i now have out right prove the stones are not fakes and i plan to prove it in a court of law ....


some times no matter if you lose or not you just got to step up and prove your right even if no one else under stand why your right ...

i can fully translate the stones and will do so in a fair hearing in court ...

i have request for scott to show his sorces that prove the stones are fakes ... if he can , or i can prove they are not fakes then i will win in court ..

i would rether drown in hell then have some one esle tell me that heaven is fake !

Blindbowman please try to keep the 'big picture' in focus - you already know what Scott is basing his statement on, those expert opinions on the stone maps. What is needed is some expert opinion in opposition to those, if your main purpose is just to prove the stone maps are not frauds.

They are a set of stone maps - lets not make the stones more important than what they are supposed to lead you to. :-\ Right?

Oroblanco said:
Blindbowman said:
in a letter from scott wood .. he stated the peralta stones are not real, that they are fakes .. i have requested a fair hearing under the fedral disablities act ... i now have out right prove the stones are not fakes and i plan to prove it in a court of law ....


some times no matter if you lose or not you just got to step up and prove your right even if no one else under stand why your right ...

i can fully translate the stones and will do so in a fair hearing in court ...

i have request for scott to show his sorces that prove the stones are fakes ... if he can , or i can prove they are not fakes then i will win in court ..

i would rether drown in hell then have some one esle tell me that heaven is fake !

Blindbowman please try to keep the 'big picture' in focus - you already know what Scott is basing his statement on, those expert opinions on the stone maps. What is needed is some expert opinion in opposition to those, if your main purpose is just to prove the stone maps are not frauds.

They are a set of stone maps - lets not make the stones more important than what they are supposed to lead you to. :-\ Right?

i am a expert ... i corrected charts for the US navy .. hunders of them .. i am more then willing to face the NFS in a court of law and out right prove the stones are in fact the tayopa stones and are not fakes ..come watch their experts with their months falling open ..

i said i have translated the stones its time to prove in a court of law where we can have it out in the open .. where the treasures and the mines can be protected ..if i am right . i get a legal permits .. if i am wrong .. then i need to be locked up for ever and the key thrown away .. because i if scott can tell me those stones are fake based on someone that can not translate them .. then i will..

i do not think i can translate them i know i can with out any dout what so ever have no idea how much is coded into these stones ..

the NFS can call any one they want to the stand .. they can say anything they want about be .. but they better set back for the ride when i get my say ... this game is over !...i won ..

if they think they can find someone that can translate the stones let them bring it on ... i am ready any time ..

Blindbowman wrote
i am a expert ... i corrected charts for the US navy .. hunders of them .. i am more then willing to face the NFS in a court of law and out right prove the stones are in fact the tayopa stones and are not fakes ..come watch their experts with their months falling open ..

i said i have translated the stones its time to prove in a court of law where we can have it out in the open .. where the treasures and the mines can be protected ..if i am right . i get a legal permits .. if i am wrong .. then i need to be locked up for ever and the key thrown away .. because i if scott can tell me those stones are fake based on someone that can not translate them .. then i will..

i do not think i can translate them i know i can with out any dout what so ever have no idea how much is coded into these stones ..

the NFS can call any one they want to the stand .. they can say anything they want about be .. but they better set back for the ride when i get my say ... this game is over !...i won ..

if they think they can find someone that can translate the stones let them bring it on ... i am ready any time ..

You do realize that it is not a matter of someone not translating them - many have, with many different versions of what they mean; the problem is there have been four (4) published expert opinions saying the stones are a modern fraud; so in the balance the government official (whether it is Scott Wood or any other FS personnel who has to make a decision concerning a permit) it is

"fraud....4 expert opinions" > VS <"genuine.....0 expert opinions"

And this is what they MUST make their decision on when anyone tries to apply for a permit using those Peralta stones as a basis. It is not something personal, it is not that no one has been able to de-code them etc they have to go by the 'best' information available, which is found in the form of the opinions of recognized experts. Regardless of your own expertise, unless you can show some kind of professional training in archaeology, anthropology, epigraphy etc your opinion and/or decoding version is not going to even enter that balance scale for the USFS to make a permit decision.

You are planning to take this to issue to court? May I ask which? I wonder if such a case could be done through one of the television courts, like "Judge Joe Brown" and still have a binding decision? It could be very costly to go through a court case - I have to wonder if that cost would be worth the decision?

Oroblanco said:
Blindbowman said:
in a letter from scott wood .. he stated the peralta stones are not real, that they are fakes .. i have requested a fair hearing under the fedral disablities act ... i now have out right prove the stones are not fakes and i plan to prove it in a court of law ....


some times no matter if you lose or not you just got to step up and prove your right even if no one else under stand why your right ...

i can fully translate the stones and will do so in a fair hearing in court ...

i have request for scott to show his sorces that prove the stones are fakes ... if he can , or i can prove they are not fakes then i will win in court ..

i would rether drown in hell then have some one esle tell me that heaven is fake !

Blindbowman please try to keep the 'big picture' in focus - you already know what Scott is basing his statement on, those expert opinions on the stone maps. What is needed is some expert opinion in opposition to those, if your main purpose is just to prove the stone maps are not frauds.

They are a set of stone maps - lets not make the stones more important than what they are supposed to lead you to. :-\ Right?


The real question here is.......Why are you still trying to give bb a rational reply to such irrational posts? It seem like an exercise in futility to me. You would have more success rubbing two icicles together to create a fire. :dontknow:

Take care,


joe until you can keep DR tracking for 72 ships at the same .. time kee :thumbsup:p your mouth shut ..

Cactusjumper wrote

The real question here is.......Why are you still trying to give bb a rational reply to such irrational posts? It seem like an exercise in futility to me. You would have more success rubbing two icicles together to create a fire. dontknow

Take care,

Well, in the eyes of many people, all of us here are irrational. Who in their right mind would waste their time and energy hunting for lost treasures anyway - after all, if there were anything to it, everyone would be doing it. I have heard that very argument, more than once.

so you think i based my findings on the stones .. not .. :coffee2:

there can be only one

have you stoped and looked at joe's " the dagger points north" is this the best ya have .. come on you got to be kidding right ... i can beat that with my eyes close and my hands behind my back sing with a mouth full of water ...

irrational i dont real think so .. i rewrote the equation E=MC2 at the age of 38 ... i rewrote the known structure of prime numbers in 2004 ,, guess what . i solve the stones in 2008..

if your going to focus and try to solve something .. never give up never take someone else 's word for fact .. under stand and observe...

the mines are real

no one wants the paper work that goes with them

where did you go joe .. you cant run and hide for ever... your wrong and i know your wrong .. you may be the last to under stand the fact ...

go get your team of half wites .. they can come and joke and make fun of me but your going home crying .. because your dagger is pointing north :coffee2:

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