The Peralta Stones

There is a verse in the Bible that might apply to this three,or any of the threes .
"And he made a molten sea, ten cubits from the one brim to the other: it was round all about, and his height was five cubits: and a line of thirty cubits did compass it about. (I Kings 7, 23) "
The mathematical result for Pi in this case happens to be "3" which may not be as accurate as 3.1416,but the casting described may not have been perfectly round and the measurements rough.
The tip of the possible "Pi" seems to point to the hole as well.



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Elie, you're going to make Gollom drop that stone his holding. Homar

Now all the 3's appear like notches on a gunman's pistol grip. Homar

Could be that the "R" is actually a "P",though.If this is "true", then the distance to the "P" is 3x...something from some point on the stone.


"Entertainment for nothin and your jokes for free"

Always wondered why Ellie,with all that free money comin in,them guys thought free chips were a big deal.

cactusjumper said:

Hope all is well.

"These tracings were produced prior to the stones being located by Tumlinson. The tracings also had a number of symbols that were removed from the stones before they were found by Tumlinson. Travis Marlow and Clarence Mitchell are one and the same man. Mitchell founded Moel."

Just curious......Did your dad know Tumlinson or Mitchell? I understand if you don't want to answer......just curious.

EB, My Father received Treasure Hunter of the Year", posthumously. He never hung out with the T hunter crowd, very private person, all I know is that he knew a lot more then he ever let on and he did hang with some knowledgeable folks that were very quiet and he was once a practicing Mason. He never went to meetings, but always wore his ring and he knew all the signs. When I first found out that he was involved with some prominent men looking for treasure I wanted to go with him. He told me that I was not invited and I should not follow him and, mind my own business.

I have no idea why you have injected all this talk about "sodomy", but maybe you can explain.

EB, I did not inject the information, the stone maps have implied that message; I only depicted what they wanted all to see or understand. If you were part of the group, you knew what this sign meant. Anyone else would be repulsed and have nothing to do with the stone maps. As far as I know you folks on the forum are the first in many years to have seen this symbol in all its entirety.

Could the left rear hoof be another three? I suppose the other hoof does look like an old time iron, so that's not so hard to follow. Problem is, Flat Iron and the rest of your horse are a little distance apart.

EB, Left rear hoof is an anchor, it is lying on its side, looks like to J's back to back, like double fish hook. Look again, to the southeast of the flat iron is our Holy Horse, neck and head, his mane flowing, looking south his eye focused on the cross of Christ. He is the major part of a SARA just north of Broadway Cave, south of Flat Iron, the cross is between his gaze and Broadway Cave. In fact it looks like he is looking directly at the Broadway Cave. Remember, time of day and time of year and location (viewing corridor).

Take care,


This is not a real good photo, but will give you the idea; Cannot find this file, will post later.

Ellie B

First EB,

Sorry to have to break the news to you, but the word on the horsey's flank is indeed PEDRO. I have about twenty pictures of the horse under black light and bright white LED lights from every angle. PEDRO


I got off the phone (literally five minutes ago) with Steven Dana's wife. She is 89 years old and VERY SWEET. While she remembers the stones vaguely, she has no detailed memories of the circumstances. While she did type all of her late husband's papers, she didn't understand most of what she was typing because she got a "D" in Geology. HAHAHA She majored in Phys Ed. She has six daughters who are all Geologists that graduated from Redlands University. Her husband didn't talk to any of them about the stones. She also said that there may not be copies of those papers because he would have done that job privately for Mitchell not through the university. She will continue looking and let me know if she finds anything new.


Hi Mike:
I was going to ask if you had gotten any good shots of the "PEDRO".
While at the museum looking at the stones,I could not make the letters out clearly,except for the "P",which seemed to be engraved,rather than merely scratched on the surface.I tried to get a good photo by shielding the flash with my hand,something that worked well in other shots,but there is still too much glass reflection of the overhead lighting in my photo of the Pedro.
Could you post one of your better pics?...thanks in advance.



I would also love to see a picture that shows the name "pedro" on the horse stone. I have pictures of the horse that can be blown up over 400% and the name can't be seen. I suppose my question would be, how and why would someone make such a light marking?

Not saying it's not there, just can't fathom why......




Here's something I noticed while looking for "dimples".Too tiny to be real and makes no sense,but interesting anyway.
Could also be an "18"...or a "13"...?

Edit---if it is a "13" and it is there ,where the hoof appears to be carved as damaged,could the meaning come from Christian theology?



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The mathematical result for Pi in this case happens to be "3" which may not be as accurate as 3.1416,but the casting described may not have been perfectly round and the measurements rough.
The tip of the possible "Pi" seems to point to the hole as well.


In this case we are talking about a circle. Apparently King Solomon knew about pi and its true nature. Sharp eyes SH. I had not noticed the symbol, but I have an idea of where to use it. I will let you know if this helps in any way. While you are at it read up on Circlestone, it can be found on section 33, R 12E, T 2N. Some good info. on line. The hole you are referring to is in fact an eye (meaning look at the circle). Goose bumps Dude!

I have not been able to find my SARA El Cobollo de Santa Fe photographs. They are here somewhere.

I am attaching two hearts on mountain range. There is so much going on in this photograph.



Mike, I will stand by the tracings over the stone maps. Besides the Peraltas had nothing to do with the stone maps. Nada mi amigo, nada, Pedro es no importa.


Here, for your enjoyment is PEDRO. Also, there are several places on the Horse/Witch Stone that look like several icons/symbols have been sanded off.


You seemed to place such great importance of PEDICO before. What happened? I can see where one might get the impression that it says pedico, but under the right light, pedro can be easily seen.

I also never said that the stones had anything to do with the Peraltas either. I just don't count out the possibility. Maybe when I see you on Drudge Report holding a gold bar in each hand, I will accept everything you say, but until that day, yours is just another in a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong line of possible theories.



  • pedro1.webp
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"Both Catholic and Protestant scholars agree that Peter/Pedro had an authority that superseded that of the other apostles." Apostle Peter / Apóstolo Pedro / Cephas / Pedro / Peter / Peter the Apostle / Peter the Fisherman / Peter, Apostle / Petrov / Petrus / Piere / Pietro / Pédro / S. Pedro / Saint Peter in Peder's dream / Saint Pierre / Saint-Pierre / San Pedro / San Pedro Apóstol / San Pietro / Shimon / Shimon Peter / Simon / Simon Pedro / Simon Peter / Simon Petrus / Simon Pietari / Simon called Peter / Simon-Pierre / Simão Pedro / Simón / Sint Pieter / Sint-Pieter / Sinte Pieter / St Peter / St Pieter / St. Peter / St. Peter in Heaven / The Apostle Peter Then Jesus addresses Simon by what seems to have been the nickname "Peter" (Cephas in Aramaic, Petros [rock] in Greek) and says, "On this rock I will build my church"


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For anyone interested in the factual history of the Stone Maps, my friend Garry Cundiff has created a site full of facts:

When it comes to researching all things LDM, Garry, IMHO, is at the top of the food chain.

You may take anything he submits to the bank. Like everyone, he can make mistakes, but those are few and far between when he publishes his research.


Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper said:
For anyone interested in the factual history of the Stone Maps, my friend Garry Cundiff has created a site full of facts:

When it comes to researching all things LDM, Garry, IMHO, is at the top of the food chain.

You may take anything he submits to the bank. Like everyone, he can make mistakes, but those are few and far between when he publishes his research.


Joe Ribaudo

I wholeheartedly second that recommendation and praise for Garry! If I were to ever need something investigated, I wouldn't hesitate to put him at the top of my list to get the job done.

One of his absolutely greatest assets when researching "Dutchman" related history is that he has no preconceived notions about ANYTHING - he allows the research and data to take him wherever it may lead and at the end then forms his opinions.


Here are a few interesting facts that can be found in the MOEL documents:

On Apr. 20, 1964, Boyd and Ruth Cochrane purchased 8,000 shares of MOEL stock. There is no record of them paying anything, as far as I could see.

On Dec. 27, 1963, Moel shows a receipt of $1,000 from Time Life for the Stones story.

Those are official exhibits in the SEC case, so those who say the Stone Maps are not even mentioned are only partially correct. They are not mentioned in the case against MOEL itself, but they are mentioned in the evidence on file.

A side note is that a man named Woodrow Stoker was a stockholder. Not connected to our family, as far as I know. :dontknow:

Take care,


cactusjumper said:
For anyone interested in the factual history of the Stone Maps, my friend Garry Cundiff has created a site full of facts:

When it comes to researching all things LDM, Garry, IMHO, is at the top of the food chain.

You may take anything he submits to the bank. Like everyone, he can make mistakes, but those are few and far between when he publishes his research.


Joe Ribaudo

Thank-you for the info. Joe. Some of the info I have and most I do not. I still have so much material to share relating to the stone maps and the depository areas. I would be lying if I told you all that I am not interested in the treasure(s). My main emphasis is related to the history and useage of the stone maps.
The SARA must be preserved and protected at all costs as it relates to the history here in Arizona and other locations all over this earth.

I am lucky in the sense of being able to work with some great treasure hunters and to have access to their documents, notes and stories. I have walked over the same ground that very famous men and women have walked centuries ago. I have been amazed, my breath taken away at what they left behind.
A very prominent psychic once told us that the treasure was indeed valuable, but the historic account of its journey was far more important, far more valuable and the people involved were dedicated to its secrecy and where it has been hidden.

I can share the secrets of the stone maps without revealing where the great treasure lies. The maps cannot tell you where these treasures are, they only tell us where to find the Lord's Horse of the Holy Faith, for he is the appointed guide to lead us to the treasure, we must follow him.


This is why I must follow the tracings and not the stone maps, because there is missing information that was removed years ago. If pedico was in fact left off of the horse map and we used the word Pedro instead we would never be able to solve the maps. This treasure truly belongs to a beloved child my friends.

More later,


cactusjumper said:

Here are a few interesting facts that can be found in the MOEL documents:

On Apr. 20, 1964, Boyd and Ruth Cochrane purchased 8,000 shares of MOEL stock. There is no record of them paying anything, as far as I could see.

On Dec. 27, 1963, Moel shows a receipt of $1,000 from Time Life for the Stones story.

Those are official exhibits in the SEC case, so those who say the Stone Maps are not even mentioned are only partially correct. They are not mentioned in the case against MOEL itself, but they are mentioned in the evidence on file.

A side note is that a man named Woodrow Stoker was a stockholder. Not connected to our family, as far as I know. :dontknow:

Take care,



I haven't had time to go through everything Garry listed. I have much of what he shows regarding the SEC Case. All the Bernice McGee Letters are very enlightening.

What you posted about the ledger entries is not that big a deal. If the stones would have played any part in the case, they would have been mentioned in the "Complaint for Injunction" or the "Final Decree of Permanent Injunction". What I found most enlightening was a quote from a letter from Grace Mitchell where she refers to the stones as MOEL's "last tangible asset," as well as a quote from the SEC Investigator stating that the only monetary income that MOEL got was from the sale of stock. That sends off a huge red flag to me.

Since MOEL stood for Mining, Oil, Exploration, and Leasing, wouldn't you think that MOEL should have a geologist on staff? The business was supposed to be about locating mineral and oil rich properties and leasing the land to big business. How are you going to assess potential mineral rich properties without a geologist? I guess they could farm everything out on an individual basis, but that would get very costly very quickly.

I guess that with a "detecting device that can and will detect any mineral, liquid, or gasses" you don't need a geologist!




buscar Post subject: Re: “Non-Ferrous Electro Magnet”Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:45 pm

Part Timer

Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:36 am
Posts: 155
Location: Mohawk Valley Can a magnet pick up wood?

Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew about physics!!!

Keeler In The Morning Radio Show: Can a magnet pick up wood?

Can a magnet pick up wood?
Jay Graff on 04/29/2010 12:37:00 pm

Inventor Lawrence Wandell, from Herkimer, came into the Keeler in the Morning
Show to show off his invention, a non ferrous "magnet". But not just any magnet.
Excuse me for not knowing all of the scientific terms, as I know that there is
another name for this "magnet", but Lawrence demonstrated it's ability to pick
up not only metal, but also gold, silver, wood, and even an insect!!!
Knowing nothing about physics other than a magnet CAN'T pick up wood, Keeler and
the crew were amazed as Lawrence proved to us that his invention could do the
seemingly impossible. He was grateful to have the chance to demonstrate it to
us, and said that scientist wouldn't give it a look because it broke the "rules
of physics".
Physics or not, that damned magnet lifted a wooden nickel, and a Japanese beetle
of the ground!
Our next goal is to get some physics teachers in the studio with Lawrence as he
show's off his "magnet".


buscar Post subject: Re: “Non-Ferrous Electro Magnet”Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:32 pm

Part Timer

Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:36 am
Posts: 155
Location: Mohawk Valley Inventor Lawrence Wandell, from Herkimer, just returned from America’s largest Invention Show in Pittsburg, winning the International Jury award of Innovative Excellence in the Category of Specialized Technology, for his invention of the Non-Ferrous Electromagnet. The device will attract aluminum, copper, lead, brass, silver and gold (in pure form), also leaves, wood, insects, stone, coins and a whole bunch of other interesting things one wouldn‘t normally associate with a magnet. Associate Professor, Kent Hsieh at the National Formosa University (Taiwan) wishes to purchase the Electromagnet. Professor Hsieh, stated that the technology is needed to further an innovative idea, they have been trying to develop. Wandell, said that he was filmed for the Tonight Show Jay Leno.


I have known Larry for some time now (Internet friend). Who knows what's out there?

Take care,


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy!"


I couldn't agree more. Although in the fifties and sixties there were a ton of scam artists out there hawking detectors like that, that did nothing. Even today, look on the LRL Section of this forum and see people hawking their wares that do absolutely nothing. HAHAHA

I myself own a Mineoro DC2007. A friend who fell for their line bought two (a DC2008 and a DC2007). Too late, he realized they did nothing. He gave me both of them.

..............also..........the proof is in the pudding (so to speak), because MOEL's only source of income from 1961 until 1964 was from the sale of 1,000,000 shares of stock. This says that their magical detecting device, they couldn't find any appreciable gold, silver, oil, or anything.

An old saying regarding the LRL industry is that the only things their products are good at detecting are the wallets of suckers!


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