The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I assure you I can follow a map and know exactly where the heart is. I also know what the heart is and it is not what you think. But that is what makes the world go around. What makes it easy for me is I can be there in one hour and stand on that exact spot. I dont have much interest in it though. My hands are full as is and to be honest the gold is just that. Some gold. Its just a thing and I get bored easily

Oh! Its Peralta Tesora Mappa. Make sure your looking at the correct map or you will be in the wrong location!

You keep bringing up a gold witch. I am a little lost with that statement. Watch out for the hornets. A 40 foot drop below their nest.

The gold witch is one of my partners wife. She has a special gift. She can see and feel gold underground. Can say where and how much and is never wrong! Sees dead people too but that is a story in itself. As with anything everyone on the team has a talent. One finds the location. One points out the gold and others process the material. End result massive gold.

Out getting gold in the Bradshaws. Too hot in the supers and fire restrictions in place. Can't run small motors.

We'll good to know. Was beginning to think that gold witch sent ya up the wrong hill. I spent some time around nothing this past winter and I found,we'll,,, nothing. Speaking of gold I was watching a show on h2. They said if all the gold ever found in the world was made into a solid brick it would cover the area of a tennis court and stand 30 foot high. I was thinking that sounded like a very small amount. Anyone think gold is really that hard to come by? A buddy of mine said we walk over gold everyday. It's just ya don't know how far down it is.

I saw one that said it would fill an Olympic sized swimming pool, I take bigger craps than that

I've heard some women have wedding ring collections that might put Ft.Knox to shame.
But there probably is more gold in jewelry worldwide to exceed those estimates.....much of it never declared for taxes, etc.
.... nevermind the gross amounts used for electronics and other things merely plated or foiled.
Perhaps the volumes quoted are actually average annual production ?

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just wanted to say you all seem like a decent group of people on here.. sorry if i offended some and got others hopes up. but i am beginning to think that this isnt my thing.. too much time away from the wife and kids researching this stuff on here.. i think i am just going to stick with hiking and keeping my eyes open..if i run across anything unusaul i will come back on.. but until then i feel i havent really contributed anuthing to this forum except an insult here and a try at humor there..if i just so happen to find the ldm whilst hiking the supes i will make sure to invite the majority of ya to the christening all be good and stay the spanish death traps out there. i am out!

Good luck, horse. The Sierra Estrella sounds interesting too.

Ditto to the words of Springfield, good luck amigo!

Yeah but seeing that the superstitions were created by three Super VolCano's back in the day, that gold or e that Walt had could have just popped up anywhere in the mountains. Like a big zit on a perfectly clear face.

You might want to check with a geologist on that. There are older rocks which have been metamorphosed which contain the mineralization in general. Think vertical bedding.

Folding an faulting and such is where it is at. Those volcanoes came thru older rock more recently.

One question that I have wondered about for a long time, is why do the creeks on the Stones run in the wrong direction?

Some folks have, for different reasons, thought that these Stone Maps were designed by highly trained map makers, either by ariel observation or by precision surveying skills. But how can that be if they couldn't draw the creeks right?

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this way for the trail maps......the trail arrows point this way up a canyon through terrain markers that are scribed on the map.

the rio salado is clearly to the bottom and the ridge line up top.....the R signifies where to place the R in the COAZON, or stone heart

Is it not possible that the pyramid shaped image on the stones was actually a pyramid structure that had its top blown off,lets say sometimes in the late 1700"s,to cover up that fact , and now may be under the Salt river,or even partially exposed,but as a flatter mounument. It makes sense that it would be near the water for many reasons,my opinon. A famous Jesuit priest was from Germany, and German fuse dated to the 1700:s was found I believe in the 20"s that dated to 1700 whatever. A pyramid is a very disctinct looking object, not a teepee,and not a needle.
Time now for beer and chilli.

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On My solve the NOTO TRIANGULAM (sp.) is the triangle with what appears to be a meteor through it. you can see a crater at the top of this canyon I believe is the trail to the heart shaped box canyon.


Now, that's what I call a servant of the holy faith! :laughing7:

I saw one that said it would fill an Olympic sized swimming pool, I take bigger craps than that

True I crap bigger deuce loggers than that....

the peralta troves are slotted to hold over 520,000 lbs of bullion split into numerous troves....the number varies, but if of that amount

it would fill my warehouse of 1200 sq ft, at least 3 feet high with 400 oz good delivery bars.... so that would equate to peralta having mined 1/10th of all the gold on the planet

thats a motherload vein if I ever heard of one....LOL

Both the symbol on the heart insert and the "unknown source" map portray a very sharp needle-like peak.
The depiction,labelled "Weavers Needle" on Julia's map is rounded at the peak.
Assuming that Weavers was named as a "needle",rather than simply "mountain",it seems likely for "Weavers Needle" to have been a bit more pointy in the past.However,since the loss of such a sharply pointed and prominent summit is not mentioned in accounts of the Bavispe earthquake of 1887,or in any other documented accounts past or prior to that date that I am aware of,it could be that the pointed symbols refer to another peak.Some think Miners Needle a likely candidate.



There is one published report that describes a "distant mountain top" being lost during the earthquake. This was observed during some type of parade or military review at Ft. McDowell. They (soldiers) even mounted an expedition to the site. I am not sure if Weaver can be seen from FM or not (22 miles away). Obviously, if not, this might be where that "story" began and would essentially eliminate Weavers.

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