The lost Treasure of Napoleon Bonaparte

Hello Crow...Definitely..we exchanged a lot of debates and ideas,and you produced very amazing facts, so I would say we have potential hot spots than general ideas. Prior to the debates I had the general idea of in and around Vilnuis as potential candidate..But now that has been sharpened and focused,thanks to you.:thumbsup:

tintin treasure

And your Hamlet Barn theory I would say is original,,or at least was forgotten for long time and you brought it out to light again...:thumbsup:

tintin treasure

Hello TT Remember that could be one of many places for caches.

Still there might be a possability to deal with local land holders? It really depends on the law in Belarus?????


Hello TT Remember that could be one of many places for caches.

Still there might be a possability to deal with local land holders? It really depends on the law in Belarus?????


Ofcourse Crow...For now we have identified that Barn, some potential hiding places in Vilnuis and the Lake nearby,,,,you also convinced us that given the situation much of the loot might have been taken by attacking Cossacks and peasants ...

tintin treasure

Ofcourse Crow...For now we have identified that Barn, some potential hiding places in Vilnuis and the Lake nearby,,,,you also convinced us that given the situation much of the loot might have been taken by attacking Cossacks and peasants ...

tintin treasure

Crow..You could also deal with the EU appropriate office as mass grave (800 or so) of multinationals in Napoeloen army could be of interest for EU History/cultural office and the gold or treasure find could be interesting for Belarus and Russia.

tintin treasure

Hello TT I like the line of thinking.....:thumbsup:

We just might make a treasure treasure researcher yet!8-)

You might want to take look at this old chart....dated 1882


Many maps were made in different languages. Some towns had several names

Its late and Old needs to roost...


Of course other stories may need to be looked at to understand Napoleons frame of mind when in Moscow. He must of realized the Russians had hustled him and his grand Army?

the following newspaper story tells how he left documents behind?

The Mercury , Saturday 22 December 1934, page 5 secrets of the kermlin p1.webp

Another doscovery of dossier of private letters showing an almost contempt for he men when retreating from Moscow.

Examiner  Tuesday 6 November 1934, page 6.webp


Another discovery treasure of coins found in the mud of the river Elbe

The Mercury , Monday 21 October 1929, page 15.webp

So may there is some hope yet???


Another discovery treasure of coins found in the mud of the river Elbe

View attachment 1065263

So may there is some hope yet???


Thanks Crow for these important pieces...The fact some treasure was found in Elbe probably shows the last contingents which left Vlnuis hastily and whom we assumed buried or dumped the trove in and around Vilnuis still had some treasure left until reaching the Elba river further west,..and for some reason decided to dump the remaining in Elba....quite a yarn.:icon_scratch:

tintin treasure

Thanks Crow for these important pieces...The fact some treasure was found in Elbe probably shows the last contingents which left Vlnuis hastily and whom we assumed buried or dumped the trove in and around Vilnuis still had some treasure left until reaching the Elba river further west,..and for some reason decided to dump the remaining in Elba....quite a yarn.:icon_scratch:

tintin treasure

Hello TT by the time they got to Elbe river I think many were too ill and beyond caring as their main concern was survival.


Hello TT by the time they got to Elbe river I think many were too ill and beyond caring as their main concern was survival.


Hello Crow...true... the bulk of treasure they carried along already left in Vilnuis and elsewhere ,,they might have only just some , can we then explain the news you posted?:dontknow:

tintin treasure

Hello TT the suffering did not end after reaching Vilnius soldiers kept on dying all along the way back to France the only difference was they did not have cossacks taking pot shots at them..I have no doubt some looted gold not much but some even made back to France.


I suspect there is a greater chance in finding small caches buried along the line of retreat from Moscow. This perhaps provides multiple sites that could yield results rather than search for one large alleged treasure hoard.

If I was in that neck of woods I would swing a detector in the discreet country locations..


I suspect there is a greater chance in finding small caches buried along the line of retreat from Moscow. This perhaps provides multiple sites that could yield results rather than search for one large alleged treasure hoard.

If I was in that neck of woods I would swing a detector in the discreet country locations..


True Crow..probably a single soldier may not bury alone but 3 or 4 of them decide to bury the loot they have together,,and when u scale this as you say we may have multiple potential places and it might be still a significant find like the one find by a French man that heard story from his grandpa(the one u posted last time).

tintin treasure

Possible by ya might be surprise what a single person can do when greed kicks in also?


Or several men bury and 1 kills off the others………greed makes some men do truly evil things……
And also why keeping below the radar is a good idea…….always have a cover story……..

Hello releventchair not all all in fact I agree very much as it does complement each other what they are doing over there. One day I am sure along the line of retreat a nice treasure cache will found.


Senor Crow, I would agree that treasure catches remain to be found, the question is, if it will become public…….I would guess yes since so few understand the need to shut up………the old, loose lips sink ships thing……nothing good will happen from people knowing……...

Yes I agree in some cases.... this treasure story will never be a major project for me because it does not tick all the boxes....and my approach is much more professional these days and the methods we use is the same as if doing a mining project. What will happen over time more people will get wind of the story and more detectorists will go searching across the fields and finally ya get the idiots with do the wrong thing and upset the farmers and it will be off limits...... The nature of the beast....then we will get the con artist seing a buck in exploiting thus....Muddying the issue....


And there is still some UXO after a century of wars waiting for the careless……...

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