The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....


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Hadji - You got it. I just learned that I'm lost in Pareidolia . Thats OK cause I'm Lovin it. Jim

Here's what I see after enhancing the lighting and contrast a little bit.
1--That large eyecatcher / pointer is a shield tilted toward the left at it's top. The top has a pointed peak in the center that lines up with the large, sharpened bottom. I laid down a sight line from the small top beak; through the large botton point and extended it all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

2--That figure on the left is a man wearing a mongol styled head piece; could be a mountain man's fur cap.
3--That man figure is holding a lance or staff that has a pennant at it's top end.
4--You'll notice that the extended line from the shield goes through an area that has 3 to 4 figures that have the appearance of a legion of guards.

5--Now, for the real muse; could this be the sight of the tomb of a great leader? Could that area of the cliff with the "guards" be the doorway or plugged opening to the chamber?

Footnote: I believe that shield / pointer is larger enough and artificially shaped enough to be it's own verification mark. But, of course, that is just MY presumption. :icon_pirat:

I outlined and colored in the figure to the left and his guideon staff / lance for clarity.


Good job Bill
picking out the only socially redeemable shape that might be something..right now however
that shield , pointer, that looks exactly liked fletched feather on an arrow..and you rightfully extended the arrow down in the correct direction, so far so good. In this pic however the arrow points to nothing i can discern as intelligent info or data. I think that perhaps the time of day that this pic was taken, was accidental and not at the time for the shadows to blossom out and reveal what the arrow is looking at.....
that item is needed for it will be confirmation that this is a real monument and not background camo
hope this helps

ps edit note..just looked at the photo again and the other possiblity is that where the arrow ends of the bedrock, there might be a miniature rock map there, and the other is perhaps the arrow is pointing to something OFF the frame of the pic!... more that has to do with the time of day that the pic was taken is...the arrow passes thru a black shadow...that is almost heart shaped, so maybe later on in the day..that shadow might blossom out to be a shadow for thought

Shortstack Thanks! Some food for thought there. I dont think there is a tomb here,though I'm clearly missing something. Rangler The original question was ,could this be ancient? The figure seems more eastern or moorish to me. I know the moors invaded and held most of Spain at one time and this probably influenced them when they were working this country. Still, the pigment picture is far more detailed and seems different in style than anything I have seen,also please remember that the figure is rotated 90 deg. The mans back is to the ground. Admittedly I've not seen enough to fully realize the full breath of the Spanish style. The area one can view this is a fairly narrow band and I spent a lot of time trying to find the perfect light to bring out this feature as it seemed the only thing designated by the pointer. Perhaps this is one of those signs that only fully shows for a short time when the angle of the sun is perfect. ---- I want to apologize to all for not showing a larger view of the area, but the original question didn't require it and I've an agreement not to post such things. As the discussion has broadened it feels unfair not to show more and I feel a bit caddish. Sorry! Jim

Rotating the pic 90 degrees left doesn't change my mark up. I still think my eval is correct........except that maybe that is not a door or plug to a hole or tomb. I'm wondering why the originator would draw this large picture VERTICALLY. Really unusual. :icon_scratch:

rangler said:
goldguru et al
Nice photo, but from this angle I cant see any obvious confirmation marks
what are you guys using for confirmation or is this a work in progress?

Due to an Unforeseen Passing in the family I was By the above Pic again lil clear'r skies.
would everyone like to see a few Other shots?.
these are taken over 1/2 mile away But the are over 4 MB's in size

Shortstack If I find a grave, it will be left as is. Hope thats not the case. This may be one of those signs that only shows clearly for a short time of the year. Will keep trying to get better definition this winter. Thanks!

Here's Another View of the 1st picture.this day was a little bit nicer.


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Here's what I see in this clearer photo. There is a King figure and, on the left, is a black mountain goat figure. Is that a sharpened pointer close to the bottom?

2010_09200039 Merged.webp

Here is another view..
Also beside your king I saw another face with the left eye shut.
Not sure if this will help with your pointer question..these pics are for speculation only as they are a 10 hr trip 1 way not likely i will be persuing anything here.


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Gold guru....I am starting to call that group of marker x. I would indeed very much want to see your full size ones..if you would drop them to my email. Not sure it is a separate group of folks either.

These are just a little too fuzzy for see much much than the characteristic triangle..and even that am not sure of.



Tertiary... looks you got layers in that pic. If the vignette is suppose to be viewed from that first impression was slaving expedition, the second was an exploration expedition that went astray.

Note the flag carrying figure is nice and fat..the stick figures seem to be bent and skinny. Yep the fat guy got captives and a good horse or two maybe.

Well..going into cloud reading land..the fat figure could be considered to be riding a horse not seen, the flag staff perhaps also a rifle. . Reminds me of Navajo in a way.

The skinny figures do not seem to have many belongings.

And of course when viewed from the correct angle you have something square and unnatural up left atop that rock pillar.
Viewed from correct angle..the vignette looks partially topographic to me.


Desertmoons Thanks! I'm hoping more detail will come out this winter. Who knows,maybe something unexpected will show up nearby . Rangler suggested that mural wasn't important enough to be pointed out by the arrow and I must agree. So, something probably will show with the rite sun angle or perhaps I'm just missing something. Nothing like a day spotting bear sign, lion kills and shadow sign. This wasn't a lion kill . Jim


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Pm machine is ready to receive..sorry I gets lots of pms forgot the needed maintenance..I am on it now
thanks for the heads up..mi amigo

desertmoons said:
Gold guru....I am starting to call that group of marker x. I would indeed very much want to see your full size ones..if you would drop them to my email. Not sure it is a separate group of folks either.

These are just a little too fuzzy for see much much than the characteristic triangle..and even that am not sure of.



thnx for the Email Kim

Re: Holy Grail search on History channel....

Hey gang,
just a little heads up tuesday 10/19/10 the History Channel will air a segment called 'The Holy Grail in America"! 8pm on west coast, check you local listings for time and channel...

In the preview one of the researchers showed a sign carved in stone...

...saying that it meant something buried in the ground..and he thinks it might be the Holy Grail.
I am pretty sure it does mean 'buried' but I dont think it has anything to do with the Grail, but
it will be fun to watch it, so tune in and perhaps we can learn some little piece of our own puzzles.


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Re: Holy Grail search on History channel....

rangler said:
Hey gang,
In the preview one of the researchers showed a sign carved in stone...

...saying that it meant something buried in the ground..and he thinks it might be the Holy Grail.
I am pretty sure it does mean 'buried' but I dont think it has anything to do with the Grail, but
it will be fun to watch it, so tune in and perhaps we can learn some little piece of our own puzzles.

This sign has several meanings depending on the culture that used it.
I agree that it means buried as a single meaning.

For all,
The most recent and commonly used meanings were left by the Spanish.
The quartered circle first and foremost is the sign for four (4).
A secondary meaning and next most common use is an end sign.
it uses the 4 as a distance measure and indicates the closeness to the end of the trail by saying "one more sign".
That sign is usually a set of directions such as a directional and a series of three numbers or letters ... 123, BCA etc...
These indicate a triangle with the primary or motherly corner listed first.
these final directions are of the utmost importance. if any of these are missed the treasure or cache that was hidden will be missed. the process for measuring the triangle is a special thing as well. following rules laid out by Royal Decree.
Miss the point by a foot and you miss...

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