The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

For those of you who enjoy reading about ancient travelers who might have explored North and South America before the time of Columbus, there is a book called Where Troy Once Stood by Iman Wilkens. He has an interesting theory that the Trojan War was actually fought in Britian between Celtic tribes and that the wandering hero Odyseus ended up in North America after the Trojan War. I found it to be a very interesting and fun read. Mdog

Mdog - in case no one has said it to you yet, WELCOME TO TREASURENET and thank you for the suggested read! :read2: :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Thank you Oroblanco and you are welcome.
I read the Iliad three times when I was in junior high school. The first time was to get the names straight. The second time was to get the story straight. And the third time was for my enjoyment. Then I moved on to the Odyssey. I've always had a love for history.
Thanks again. Mdog

Blind.In.Texas said:

I'm no stone mason or conquistador but, it appears that the glyph was created from left to right. Red represents the first section, yellow is the second, and green is the last. If you look back at the original you will see that the yellow section passes through the red and the green passes through them all. Each time a line passed through another it left a 'wall' as it passed through. Just like a river does when it carves a canyon. Maybe this is useful in determining individual symbol identities.

A dominant and particular set of large river turns that are aligned with 4 peaks; position and direction; something to do with treasure..........Are we in Apache Land yet? :dontknow:

Thanks Ris,
lots of fun in the making and the partaking


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Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any information on the Knights Templar Cross on Victorio peak? I read about it in this thread earlier, and I can't find anything on it by searching Google. I'd like to see a picture of it. I also Google Earthed Victorio Peak, and I can't find a cross on that thing anywhere. I search 360° around it, and couldn't see it.


wow one week after you found real hoyo, your after the 'holy grail' of the treasure hunters!![the Knights Templar treasure of New mexico]...Very ambitious I must say, but hey go for it, stranger things have happened,
First realize that google earth will not show items if they are carved on a vertical surface
and not couple stories high...remember it was not carved flat on the ground waiting 3-4 centuries for satellites to photo it..
Second you need to read the life story of one Roger Snow, look over at Ancient
Lost , it will take some time to find all of his writings,but well worth it..his story reads like a movie, so it will be interesting and informative.
You can certainly bite this one off, but you will need Roger to help you "chew"
specul13 solomons labyrinth.webp

Argonauts, and trackers,
I have some atounding news regarding the Newport Tower, I talked about in this thread, as well as the Kenningston rune stone...

Researchers have found a sighting point on the Newport tower, an astronomical obsersatory, that point directly to the Kenningston Rune Stone location. Amazing,
seems the Rune stone was buried in the 1300's as a discovery/claim marker that takes in most of the Midwestern USA. The practice of burying a stone at the head waters of a large river, means that you claim the entire water shed, and this stone set at the head waters of the Red River and the Mississippi!! The Newport tower was built on the coast so that later waves of the claimants could be oriented and directed to find the Rune Marker to validate their discovery, this is at a time when the Knight Templar where being prosecuted and they needed a new homeland..Also the Tower points back to Roslyn Chapel as their homeward bound compass bearing.
I will have the full story posted here , when I get the change to research it and write what ever facts they found, stay tuned, an amazing set of circumstances! wow..

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I apologize for not reading all the threads yet. But this discovery means there is another reference point for some of the sites we see. Im wondering how the Spanish and the ancients played together in that train of thought? Who had the better plan? I need to read further, and posted to get this thread on my pc. I will have to get some maps and start plotting things to see if I can make and prove a point. Thanks, Rangler

PS. Between pyramids, language, and engineering practices, I feel very comfortable saying there is some people from Asia who made it here a long time before the Spanish. These people have probably lead others to some wonderful finds. I love it when a treasure hunter says he doesn't believe that. I do, I really do.

Was this on the History channel last nite?
I remember the seeing them lay the capstone and then a phone call.

treasurechest said:
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any information on the Knights Templar Cross on Victorio peak? I read about it in this thread earlier, and I can't find anything on it by searching Google. I'd like to see a picture of it. I also Google Earthed Victorio Peak, and I can't find a cross on that thing anywhere. I search 360° around it, and couldn't see it.


Hi Brandon,

Several storys associated with Victorio Peak. The Roger Snow lead is one of many. You are in my backyard, so I have heard some things.

I looked up the Geological history of the Snow Ranch and it will tell you many clues, not so much about the Knights Templar, but clues of some of the possible treasure in Victorio Peak, and who put it there.

Your area of research will lead you elsewhere.

I really can't tell, but it looks like a large fish giving chase to a smaller fish, very directional, most of the time this type of notch points to the cache site, not to another symbol, V = 22 X 10 + 220 cm may be depth, may be distance, feet/ pace, large fish / small fish = 1 and 1/2 X, crafty little critters. Good luck


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hey casa looking at your pic it kinda looks like a finger the cut out is the finger nail

greetings trackers,
to continue this thread...the overview is I think the land of ophir is solomons code for 'where we get the gold now' that the source of the gold played out..others came on line from africa to america ophir became the place solomon and the templars continued the tradition.
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Solomon didnt manage his affairs later in life and could not finance some deals but he knew he had vast fortunes still left in Merika
with his death his effects were buried with him , but the charts and maps and other items were
carefully buried behind false walls under the temple, where the horse were kept.

The mystery of what the Templars dug up in the 12th century remains until this day..but surely
it was the secret of the trade winds ,know how yearly cycles of wind take on from east to west
then later west to east add to that the charts and coded symbols to find
the mines and the caches that had not been recovered..[ala mt victorio for one]
Just when the Templars undertook to building huge cathedrals and church's all over europe
so they needed finance...big finance..

Phoenician ships, king Solomon code book, supplies and a small army of masons..secular stone cutter types, they caught the trade wind of the coast of the gates of hercules....
and sailed in to the setting a new land full of mountains of gold and silver.

Next we will try to find out where they went and what they did...but scant little artifacts remain, many of those will fall to cynical critics.. so I will not take that route in this next
chapter of the Land of Ophir

A mountain of artifacts was stolen by the army from mount victorio, what is firmly believed by a lot of folks as King Solomon's storehouse of gold bars ready to be shipped to Solomon
when the returning ships complete their year and half cycle of trade winds [having to skip sailing time during the hurricane season, so the round trip of 3 years makes sense.

The way to confirm that the templars were here is to look at three things

yea I know that is used to find out if someone may be guilty, yes harkens back to my private
eye days...still if we can find the templars guilty of being here in the 12th century, we have climbed a tall mountain of everest proportions.

it will not be easy, it will not be quick [tn so check here just annually lol]
we will make leaps of faith..but not logic..and I know my buddy oro roy is
out there in the wilds of north dakota in a snow covered tepee with broad proof reading my tome...hehe
peace out, later


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before the templars came to america, sinclair would lead the way...
The Templar Secret Science

While most of the Templar treasure was in the currency of the day, gold, silver and jewels, the greatest secret was the knowledge uncovered by the order. From the oldest days man from the Orkneys to Egypt built monuments in stone that were aligned to the Sun and Moon and the important events in the sky. The Templars incorporated this knowledge in their monuments great and small. From the labyrinth at the Cathedral of Chartres, to the small baptisteries, the evidence was in plain sight if one knew what to look for. Days like the solstice and the equinox, and other lesser known dates such as January 17th, the feast of St. Sulpice were marked in these structures in remarkably coordinated effects

Just as the sunlight penetrated the center of Ireland’s New Grange on the Solstice, the sun carved a path through a stained-glass window to the Roseline on the church floor and a carefully placed obelisk in St. Sulpice in Paris.

After Verrazano’s discoverey*, another secret society, modeled on the original Templars, is founded. It planted a colony in the New World and name it for the Templar stronghold of Montreal. There the group would build a two-storied round tower at the new St. Sulpice which stands today.
*(born 1485, Tuscany, Italy — died 1528, Lesser Antilles) Italian navigator and explorer for France. Educated in Florence, he moved to Dieppe, France, where he entered the maritime service. In 1524 he was sent to find a westward passage to Asia and reached North America. He explored the eastern coast from Cape Fear northward and became the first European to explore the sites of present-day New York Harbor and Narragansett Bay. He sailed along the coast to Newfoundland, then returned to France. He later led expeditions to Brazil (1527) and to the Caribbean, where he was killed and eaten by cannibals.

Read more:

next we look at a book by steven sora
here he shows that the attemt to find a nw passage by verrazano was a cover story
and the real reason to find what might be left of the colony of tempars at newport ri
it makes a good case..and writes a good book.

The Lost Colony of the Templars
steven sora lost templars in america.webp
Verrazano's Secret Mission to America
By (author) Steven Sora

ISBN-13: 978-1-59477-019-7
ISBN: 1-59477-019-0

Quality Paperback — 10/27/04

Page Count: 288; 6.00 (width) x 9.00 (height)

Imprint: Destiny Books

Availability: Usually ships within 1-2 business days.

Price: $16.95


Browse Our Book
The Lost Colony of the Templars

About The Lost Colony of the Templars
Reveals the existence of a Templar colony in the New World and how the explorer Verrazano, also a member of a secret society, attempted to reestablish contact with it

• Explores Columbus’s connection to Henry Sinclair’s maps of the New World

• Examines the secret alliance of Catholic Sulpicians and French Huguenots to preserve the Templar legacy

• Reveals the hidden knowledge preserved in the Templar baptisteries found throughout Europe and in Newport, Rhode Island

In 1524 the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazano was sent by the French king Francis I on an expedition ostensibly to find a shorter route to China. However, his true mission, Steven Sora suggests, was to contact a Templar colony that might have been established in Newport, Rhode Island, by Henry Sinclair at the end of the 14th century. In his expedition log Verrazano recorded that his only stay on this journey was at Newport Harbor, the site of a tower built to the exact measurements of a Templar baptistery, a sacred sanctuary representing baptism and eternal life.

This tower is a remnant of Sinclair’s voyage to America nearly a century before that of Columbus (who had access to Sinclair’s maps thanks to his wife, who was Sinclair’s great-granddaughter). While Verrazano’s mission succeeded in finding the tower, the colony itself eluded him. His backers then decided to resurrect the dream of Acadia--a place where they could aspire to higher knowledge without fear of Church or state--by creating a new Secret Society that included Huguenots and Catholic Sulpicians. This Company of the Holy Sacrament would lay the foundations for Montreal in an attempt to realize the ambitions of Sinclair and his Templar companions, as well as to stave off efforts by the Jesuits to transform Quebec into a fiefdom of the orthodox Church. Quebec’s motto, “Je me souviens” (I remember), is a reference to this secret history.

now dont forget trackers this is a treasure story , an ulitmate one that will land on the shore of an island off the coast of nova scotia [new scotland laddie~!] the page is there but the link is bad...
this will give you the background on oak island if you have been living under a

How did Sinclair get to the new world and when

the idea of a place an 'albion' a 'camelot' or in this case 'arcadia' as it where, for free thinkers who could live free from the total domination of the catholic church.

He heard of some explorers reporting lands east ward ... Captian Zeno by now was an admiral
in the Venician Navy...and in fhe act touched the ground over the endless sea.


Seems more research shows. that in a war against england, sinclair was made duke, and in the battle to control the shetlandanders he saves Captain Zeno ship, a weird set of cirmcustances that led to Sinclair sailing with Zeno to the new world and staying for a year waiting or the favorable winds, what else is a guy to do but explore, and that he did all the way south,
to Massachusetts and Rhode island,.......... Scot/siclair.htm
sinclairs motto

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