greetings trackers,
to continue this thread...the overview is I think the land of ophir is solomons code for 'where we get the gold now' that the source of the gold played out..others came on line from africa to america ophir became the place solomon and the templars continued the tradition.

Solomon didnt manage his affairs later in life and could not finance some deals but he knew he had vast fortunes still left in Merika
with his death his effects were buried with him , but the charts and maps and other items were
carefully buried behind false walls under the temple, where the horse were kept.
The mystery of what the Templars dug up in the 12th century remains until this day..but surely
it was the secret of the trade winds ,know how yearly cycles of wind take on from east to west
then later west to east add to that the charts and coded symbols to find
the mines and the caches that had not been recovered..[ala mt victorio for one]
Just when the Templars undertook to building huge cathedrals and church's all over europe
so they needed finance...big finance..
Phoenician ships, king Solomon code book, supplies and a small army of masons..secular stone cutter types, they caught the trade wind of the coast of the gates of hercules....
and sailed in to the setting a new land full of mountains of gold and silver.
Next we will try to find out where they went and what they did...but scant little artifacts remain, many of those will fall to cynical critics.. so I will not take that route in this next
chapter of the Land of Ophir
A mountain of artifacts was stolen by the army from mount victorio, what is firmly believed by a lot of folks as King Solomon's storehouse of gold bars ready to be shipped to Solomon
when the returning ships complete their year and half cycle of trade winds [having to skip sailing time during the hurricane season, so the round trip of 3 years makes sense.
The way to confirm that the templars were here is to look at three things
yea I know that is used to find out if someone may be guilty, yes harkens back to my private
eye days...still if we can find the templars guilty of being here in the 12th century, we have climbed a tall mountain of everest proportions.
it will not be easy, it will not be quick [tn so check here just annually lol]
we will make leaps of faith..but not logic..and I know my buddy oro roy is
out there in the wilds of north dakota in a snow covered tepee with broad proof reading my tome...hehe
peace out, later