The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

here this book called 'the holy grail in america'
we learn the possible way the templar came here and why

holy grail in america.webp

one of the book reviews

This revolutionary and fascinating documentary wanders all over the literal and figurative map, linking the Holy Grail, old Jerusalem, the Knights Templar, the FreeMasons, the Kensington Stone, Columbus, George Washington, the hooked X rune, the Newport tower, Cistercian monks, the Norsemen, sacred geometry, the money pit, and a host of other medieval, rune-laden tablets discovered all over North America. Perhaps too broad in scope, this DVD does offer solid history-shattering evidence that America was settled and claimed by Templars in 1362.
Theories on the reach of the Templars have flourished in recent years, thanks to Dan Brown and others, but never before has so much evidence been assembled to strongly suggest that the Templars, accompanied by a Cistercian monk (who new both Scandinavian and Templar runes), sailed their fleet of ships to America in 1362 to lay claim to the Mississippi headwaters as the New Jerusalem. Did they bring with them the Holy Grail and other treasures from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and bury them in the heartland of America in the 14th century?
This History Channel documentary gives strong evidence that the Templar fleet left Europe and sailed to America. They made their way on a 14-day journey from the East Coast through the Great Lakes to what is now Kensington, MN. Furthermore, even Columbus' father was a Templar who may have told him of the existence of the New World, still a secret in the 15th century known only to the Knights Templar. From Soloman's Temple to Minnesota?
Yes, I now believe they came to America in 1362!

more about ancient stones found in new england
david goudsward, new england ancient stone.webp
In New England today, there are megalithic stones, stone chambers and structures, carvings and petroglyphs, even an unidentified skeleton in armor that defy easy explanation. From Maine to Massachusetts, this work presents an examination of various unexplained historical remains in New England. From the most notorious to the lesser known, it explores not only the layout and dimensions of such sites—some reminiscent of Stonehenge with their huge stones, astronomical alignments and undiscovered purposes—but also the history and possible explanations for their existence. Theories regarding Norse, Phoenician, Irish, Celtic and Native American origins are presented here in an impartial and logical manner. Sites discussed include Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire (also known as America's Stonehenge); Dighton Rock in Berkley, Massachusetts; Newport Tower in Newport, Rhode Island; and the Bellows Falls Petroglyphs in Bellows Falls, Vermont. An appendix provides information regarding sites open to the public.
About the Author
David Goudsward is the author of numerous articles and publications on genealogy and New England megalithic sites. Formerly with the Dauphin County Library System in Pennsylvania, he is a frequent lecturer on genealogical and historical topics. He lives in Lake Worth, Florida.

knights templar in america.webp

A Fool’s Quest

There is a faint whisper among traditional historians that North America, the New World, was regularly visited not only by the Vikings and Irish, but by pre-Christian mariners such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Carthaginians and the Celts. Hints of these visits now appear to be revealing themselves through a variety of sources including classical mythology, Indian legend, and maritime folklore.

If true, one would expect a wealth of solid evidence to have been found suggesting, at the very least, temporary settlement, specifically along the eastern seaboard of North America. But hard physical evidence has yet to be found in any great detail. Could it be that those who came before Columbus and Champlain, men like the enlightened fourteenth century Prince Henry Sinclair, were agents of the secret Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon and other earlier secret societies? And could it be that these same Knights Templar, whose secrets and mysteries provided the basis of Freemasonry in Scotland, purposely covered their tracks throughout the New World?

This “New World secret" may have been part of a more ancient mystery that involved the Royal Merovingian Bloodline of France, the suggested “Grail Family” of Jesus Christ, and the Royal House of David and King Solomon. These unanswered questions have followed me for many years and as I searched for the answers, I began to unravel the thick tapestry of intrigue that hides the keys to these and many other secrets of the Knights Templar in Nova Scotia.

My story begins with my own bloodline and its peculiar interests. The Mann family is steeped in military and Masonic history. From my earliest times, I can remember my great uncles and father confusing me with little stories of intrigue and honor, both on the battlefield and amongst the shadows. They constantly enthralled me with unusual puzzles and games. It was as though I was being challenged, yet for what purpose I didn’t know. Unfortunately, every time it appeared that I was starting to understand the symbolism behind their stories, the philosophy of love and harmony that was being exuded to me, someone would die before I could ask the right questions. I soon learned that to discover the answers to these secrets I would have to follow my own course.

My great-uncle was a gentle and understanding man. He explained to me that everyone possesses the ability for good and evil. In this way, all individuals have to search for their own balance of human nature, a balance between good and evil. I never questioned why he always talked in a moral, philosophical manner. I was exposed so much to the spiritual level of thinking that I considered it to be second nature. What my great-uncle did to raise my spirit when I was bedridden for a month at the age of thirteen was to ask me if I wanted to know a secret, a secret that no one knew except him. What he described, and ultimately showed me, was his Masonic ring, a ring that to a thirteen-year-old appeared magical and secretive. Frederic George Mann was showing me a ring of the Supreme Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Canada. I discovered this fact during the sorting of my mother’s personal things following her death. I now know that it was my great-uncle’s instilling in me of the notion of good and evil and the balance of nature that started me on my quest--a quest that ended at a secret Templar refuge in Nova Scotia.

What intrigued me and set me on a mosaic of fascinating geometric patterns was a map within the book Holy Grail Across the Atlantic, by Michael Bradley. This book illustrated what was thought to be Prince Henry Sinclair’s travels and exploration throughout Nova Scotia. Somehow, I traveled back to the ring of my great-uncle. The ring had a secret compartment. The setting was the standard Masonic emblem of a set-square and compass; but when manipulated and opened on hinges, underneath, set on a pale blue jeweled background was the intertwining of two golden rings centered on a gold bar with a round purple stone (amethyst) setting in the middle.

Don’t ask me how I made the mental connection but what was truly startling was that I could apply this configuration to the mainland portion of a map of Nova Scotia with the center of the jewel falling precisely on its center at a place called Mt. Uniacke. In my mind I turned over the name Uniacke, “one axis.” Was it possible that this symbol related specifically to Nova Scotia?

I was hooked! I rushed to the local library and gathered as much reading material as I could. The primary trail was through the many references to the Freemasons. However, I was unaware of my great-uncle’s position within the Freemasons/Knights Templar at that time. I was like a blind man in a train station, not knowing which way to turn. Still, a nagging feeling made me suspect that someone was guiding my hand. It was as though my great-uncle had planted a seed and that I had to feed and nourish and tend to the plant and follow its growth.

Good heavens. Now I get it. It will take me awhile to read through this whole thread, but now I see what you are saying about the tomb.
I need to send a PM, so will do that. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge Rangler.

greetings argonauts and true trackers,
now lets let the Sinclair, and his move to nova scotia, for a moment,
and flash back to the neolithic age, as in the bronze age, the time of
biblical this era, we have the early man building dolmens
[read tomb building] that was by some reports going back to 30,000bc
good grief - a stunning amount of time to be hoisting rocks over your
head to mark the passage of people that later morphed in to marking
the passing of the heavens over head...exact monuments built to capture
the soltice sun on its journey to the highest point the sky...23.5*

the construction of dolmen over the vast centuries was raised to a high art
astronomy became more important that the passing of people as people
came and went only the eternal sun came back ever solstice to mark the
passage of time.
Even further back in time in the biblical days of Isreal and the dispersing
of the ten tribes, jeremaih said build stone markers to find your way back...

Now enter King Solomon, the wisest person in the known world at that time..
he was mining gold from what ever current place he called Ophir...
I think it moved from the mid-east to northern Africa to the new world...
during this time he had to not only supply the ships the men , the knowledge
but he had to devise a code built with stone, to stand the centuries, to mark
the way to the mines once they were found, AND to mark the caches that
had to be stored while the ship loaded with gold made its return trip to Tyre
and Solomon building project, the Temple of Jerusalem...and its return.

What perfect way to build these monuments than to imitate the tombs of
the dead...everyone would respect them , no goods were buried with the dead
save some artifacts perhaps useful in the all the examples of HOW
to build it were the construction of - or - really the conversion
of dolmens in to master monuments was under way....and his experience
with building the Temple..his knowledge of math, astronomy, natural sciences
completed the code.
King Solomons' Code was born. All those dusty eons ago...and that code would
hold...until the Knight Templar dug under the Temple stables in the 1100's
and found King Solomons Code Book and the secret of the Trade Winds

Working with Masons, the Knights Templar expanded on the code...
the old 'souls holes' from the Dolmen days was now the 'hoyo' of the Tempar Code
the 8-9 stone holding up the early dolmens was now the 8-9 elements to confirm
a monument...the soltice was used to 'hide' the code for as much as 6 months of
the year...using light and shadow, the Templars added the shadows to the Solomon
Code to make it even more difficult to find, and decode....

After the Templar bbq, a couple of hundred years pass, until the fact of what was done
in the world of New Spain was told to- the Pope - who invents the Jesuits to cold trail the Templar in New Spain and to decode the monuments and to start shipping 80% of the gold to him.The blessed the crew and gave them a fresh copy of the Bible...what was missing from the code was now the bible verses that would set the tone and give clues that could always be found, as long as there was a planet earth, a copy of the bible would be close at hand...
The pay off to the King of Spain for allowing them to mine and ship the goods was,
the King would get a 20% be buried and monumented for his recovery crew to
make their annual pick up of the goods...
Of course much attention was paid to the cover story , that the jesuits where only there to
save souls, blah blah blah..when it fact is was the jesuits them selves that had the equivalent
of a couple of doctors degrees in mining engineering, metallurgy, astronomy, cartography..ect
no one else in the universe had the background and resources to pull off this mining caper
in the new world..the jesuits...foot soldiers [read miners] of the pope...
this thinly veneered cover story would hold in some quarters even to this day, but these types
are apologist for the catholic church and professional treasure deniers to boot.

oh the single biggest player in the cover story was the secular jesuits who had not taken the final vows...the brethern..were imported from europe and given the land grants where these mines were found..and in plain clothes undercover in plan site, these jesuit brothers did the dirty work, that the cover story said would not be done by the jesuit priest themselves...

look at them for what they were, the forerunners of the you know how the cover story worked for so many centuries.
Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you otherwise, it is their own agenda you are hearing.

Now the Jesuit updated the code with measurement units, ie, the height of the King [5'9"
also known as a Braza...most goodies were to be buried...una braza, however, my own personal experience in Mexico in the 90's showed the bigger stashes were at dos braza]
so remember that if your digging at a confirmed spot and you hit nothing at a una braza
you gotta try una mas braza...just saying...for a total of dos brazas senior.

Now we see, thanks to you trackers out there..who have posted monuments from the time of the Templars, where we see a "hybrid' of the Dolmen, and the Alpha or master monument...this is a watershed moment...the smoking gun as it were...
and just how that transition was made...from neolithic mans dolmen tombs, to solomons alpha to the Templar improvements, and the final refining of the code by the Jesuits.

right down to the june 17th,2011 when the code was broken.
156public dolem public domain.webp
public dolmen, public domain- how spectacular and amazing this dolmen is
soaring over head, defying gravity- speaking to the skill of the builders~! breath taking~!

Treasurechest, I have detected numerous times around Victorio Peak as part of a group of MD's helping the White Sands Arch. with a troop & indian engagements n the basin. To my best knownledge there is no cross located on or around Victorio Peak. The book "100 tons of gold" is the accounts of Doc Noss and the treasure of Victorio Peak. Hope this helps.

Drgonslyer said:
Treasurechest, I have detected numerous times around Victorio Peak as part of a group of MD's helping the White Sands Arch. with a troop & indian engagements n the basin. To my best knownledge there is no cross located on or around Victorio Peak. The book "100 tons of gold" is the accounts of Doc Noss and the treasure of Victorio Peak. Hope this helps.

Hi Dragonslayer. Since I am in the area. If you have room for one more I would love to join you. I do not use my detector so much as my eyes and camera.

Ill be happy to share my thoughts and finds with anyone in the area. I dont dig as a rule, I am more into understanding all the different types of sites I have found.

The east side of the Mountains need looked at real hard. If they are safe to do so. Victorio Peak was just one of many caches as you already know.

I also have another site for you on the other side of the mountains.

Good Luck

Just a thought, The south side of the hill / mountain seems to have more information than the others, in my part of the country

treasurechest said:
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any information on the Knights Templar Cross on Victorio peak? I read about it in this thread earlier, and I can't find anything on it by searching Google. I'd like to see a picture of it. I also Google Earthed Victorio Peak, and I can't find a cross on that thing anywhere. I search 360° around it, and couldn't see it.


This isn't at Soledad, but it's what to look for.


  • Possession 6.webp
    Possession 6.webp
    80 KB · Views: 1,507
those 'crosses' might be
early Templar, however, my understanding is those are
ameridian and they denote Venus the late evening and
morning star..very prized icons of the native americans
what separates them is the outline..around the 'cross'
thumbnail.aspx templar.webp
late templar
thumbnail.aspx st george.webp
st georges [perhaps early templar?]


  • thumbnail.aspx templar.webp
    thumbnail.aspx templar.webp
    1.5 KB · Views: 1,484
  • thumbnail.aspx st george.webp
    thumbnail.aspx st george.webp
    812 bytes · Views: 1,484
I didnt think treasure finder would mind me posting his pic he found online,
here in the Ancient Ones this certainly appears ancient to me..

The invitation made on 'treasure finders' thread is to ask all true trackers
what they see in this pic., it is a monument, albiet nature made..and man
manipulated into alpha monument...I have confirmed the necessary amount
of signs, needed when no hoyo is have fun with this one...all the
signs are right there in front of you...'hidden in plain site' ~! simply delicious

if anyone gets the major pointer to the major sign...then I will send you
a starbucks gift card for :coffee2: :coffee2: caffeine to keep you going in the
right direction~!!

this one is just plain fun :thumbsup:

rangler said:
those 'crosses' might be
early Templar, however, my understanding is those are
ameridian and they denote Venus the late evening and
morning star..very prized icons of the native americans
what separates them is the outline..around the 'cross'

late templar

st georges [perhaps early templar?]

Rangler, good work, you are correct. It's a game of associations. Why do you suppose the Mexica associated Cortes with Quetzalcoatl? And why do you suppose Quetzalcoatl was associated with the planet Venus?

steve.. I am always right, finally you realized that , :thumbsup:
say white bearded man...come from east..venus reminds them he was coming...
Quetzalcoatl web image.webp
feathered serpent

rangler said:
steve.. I am always right, finally you realized that , :thumbsup:
say white bearded man...come from east..venus reminds them he was coming...

Yes, as they say, even a blind pig occasionally finds an acorn. Just kidding, no offense intended - actually I love pigs. Here, help a pig:

You're on the right track with that Quetzranglercotl thing. Look at this:


  • Totonteac-3.webp
    49.1 KB · Views: 1,422
  • Totonteac-3.webp
    49.1 KB · Views: 1,347
Steve yep,
I can see the Quetz and the cotl, the feather and the serpent
cool, nm stuff?

Springfield said:
treasurechest said:
Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any information on the Knights Templar Cross on Victorio peak? I read about it in this thread earlier, and I can't find anything on it by searching Google. I'd like to see a picture of it. I also Google Earthed Victorio Peak, and I can't find a cross on that thing anywhere. I search 360° around it, and couldn't see it.


This isn't at Soledad, but it's what to look for.

not trying to argue here but i would not exclude the possibility of that cross being much older , perhaps the cross of one or more "ancient ", for lack of a better word , sun gods .

kanabite said:
.....not trying to argue here but i would not exclude the possibility of that cross being much older , perhaps the cross of one or more "ancient ", for lack of a better word , sun gods .

Well, I've always believed that all the sun gods, back to the ancients and including the most recent, are in the same club (most of them actually not real, but metaphors for the solar religions). The symbols themselves are likely ancient too.

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