The Land of Ophir and the Ancients Ones....

OD & TC,
I found this at my ancient site.
Layton's book has an "M" similar to this one. What do you think?


  • Mar62010 008.webp
    Mar62010 008.webp
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okey dokey said:
OD & TC,
I found this at my ancient site.
Layton's book has an "M" similar to this one. What do you think?
Maybe MR with trail in/trail out. One of them is up high?


I'm no stone mason or conquistador but, it appears that the glyph was created from left to right. Red represents the first section, yellow is the second, and green is the last. If you look back at the original you will see that the yellow section passes through the red and the green passes through them all. Each time a line passed through another it left a 'wall' as it passed through. Just like a river does when it carves a canyon. Maybe this is useful in determining individual symbol identities.


  • Mar62010 008.webp
    Mar62010 008.webp
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I think you hit the nail on the head about the arrows pointing to different trails. There are markers along the bottom of the bluff going left and markers at the top of the bluff going right. Only, it appears to me now that instead of two trails it could be two different burials.

okey dokey

First off, Rangler...WOW! Thanks for all of this inciteful information.

Second, I hesitated for many months in reading this post because of the implications on so many different levels. I wish I would have picked up on it sooner. Your words read like a good book, if not better.

I will be catching up on the next few pages over the next couple days but have one comment to make prior to that task. I respectfully appreciate this post in all of its intent and I am not intending to dis-credit ANY of this excellent information, just wondering if; like the Spaniards, French, and English there might happen to be Phoenician wreckage offshore some where.

Very respectfully yours, :icon_thumright:

Seeker (also a humble attempt at a tagging of this post)

I can't get enough

Seems like I read somewhere recently that a Phoenician wreck had been discovered off of the coast of Maine. Or maybe New Foundland.

Okay it could be the fire water speaking but I should clarify. Dating as in terms of the wreckage, not with the natives. ;D

LOL I've been reading and spot reading so much lately that I have no real idea where I saw that write up. Since I wasn't looking for that particular info, I didn't "file" it away or write a note on it. I read the newspaper everyday and some of America B.C., by Fell. There is a lot of info about the Phoenicians, Celts, Egyptians, and other ancients visiting North America in that book. So the reference to that wreck could have been late news via my paper or OLD news via the book.

"rangler, have one of your much older than spanish elephants here in US and have a story passed on to me down in Mexico after I was shown a carving of spanish that was placed on top of carving that the Indios tell was ancient when their ancestors saw it..I've seen it and can describe if interested."

yessss always interested in pieces of the puzzle!..especially in May-e-c0!

Rangler Glad to see you are back Mi Amigo. Would you know what an elephant means. I have also seen one. very large.


Have not seen much activity on your thread here lately.

I value your expertise in many fashions whether spanish, amerindian, both, or otherwise. The point to this post is that you have inspired me to write a thesis and arguement for a research paper at a college that I am attending.

I would be honored if you could offer either your own information or that of your own sources for the foundation of this forum posting's arguement that Columbus infact was not the first explorer to "find" the "New World".

I am going to write a paper of around 8-10 pages signifying that there are many other options with historical reference to the "discovery" of America; mostly focused on the the Bible and Ophir (Phoenecians?), the Kennsington Runestone, and the Pacific Islanders or Siberians.

Any information and links from your research would come in expressedly vital to the success of my arguement and would be cited in accordance to APA regulations. I will also submit my research to you for approval.

My professor is minutely knowledgeable in this area partly due to the fact that her husband worked on the filming of The History Channel's, "The Holy Grail in America" (Kennsington Runestone).

I am not a historian, but am fascinated with the foundation of the topic. There is no way in my vision that Columbus (in his conquistador ways) "found" America.

Thank you for your knowledge in advance,



PM is full, need to contact you if possible.



seekeroforo said:

PM is full, need to contact you if possible.



I would recommend "America B.C." by Barry Fell, and "Michigan Copper-The Untold Story" by C. Fred Rydholm.


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