The Knights Templar connection to Oak Island Challenge

Yes, they were but those were not the only reasons as they also had a knowledge that was perceived as a threat, the same knowledge the Cathar's had that also cost them dearly! The Cathars were exterminated, the Templars took the proof to Nova Scotia, in my own humble opinion!
The religious beliefs of the Cathars, which were different from the Church and considered as heresy, the assault on Montsegur is considered as the beginning of the Crusades, with sole purpose being the elimination of other religions considered as competition as was the later Inquisition.
There is no evidence that Cathars possess any physical object for their faith, or that the Templars ever sailed to Nova Scotia beyond speculation of myth, legend, lore, and the always mentioned coconut coir.
Simon de Montfort who conducted the assault upon the Cathars was not a Templar, his son, Simon de Montfort the Younger, was not a Templar, but was a Crusader in the Holy Land.

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Hi Knight Templar had to give up all their worldly possessions including Nobility Title and Birth Right , Land holdings , wealth and family . Catholic Religious Law. This fact is in all religious orders of the Catholic Church .If you cannot even get the basic understanding of Catholicism . Join and give up your evil protestant heretic ways.TP
RELIGION "thread", eh...?

Hi .Most concepts and stories about Knights Templar in modern culture came from inspired ideas made up from images in the paintings from a collection known as Salles Des Croisades which has been a part of the Palace of Vesailles since the mid 19th Century .


Do you want to keep putting more of the BS that is used as Evidence . TP
POLITICS, Otto was a NAZI! Think SS!

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The religious beliefs of the Cathars, which were different from the Church and considered as heresy, the assault on Montsegur is considered as the beginning of the Crusades, with sole purpose being the elimination of other religions considered as competition as was the later Inquisition.
There is no evidence that Cathars possess any physical object for their faith, or that the Templars ever sailed to Nova Scotia beyond speculation of myth, legend, lore, and the always mentioned coconut coir.
Simon de Montfort who conducted the assault upon the Cathars was not a Templar, his son, Simon de Montfort the Younger, was not a Templar, but was a Crusader in the Holy Land.

Their beliefs were certainly heresy, but the crusade against them didn't begin at Montsegur it basically ended at Montsegur in 1244, it had begun in 1209. Actually the Inquisition was first used against the Cathars and its records brought out the fact that 2 days before the fall of Montsegur something very important to their cause had been carried off Montsegur.
Of course the crusaders against the Cathars were not Templar's as the Templar's were sympathetic to their cause but were also bound by oath to the Church. The surrounding countryside had several Templar commanderies and some Cathar families even had members in the Order.

Cheers, Loki

Hi .The biggest treasure of all was those who controlled Jerusalem . Strategic position on the East West Trade Route , A holy place for pilgrims of different religions fresh water and the Templars were only part of the Christian Occupation . And if the Templars were as great as often claimed in this thread they sure didn,t show it .Defeated and eventually totality booted out. Clearly creating enemies of those envious of their financial success and popularity. Say no to a King in time when state and church was one was not healthy . Clearly the original Knight Templars ended . Any claim made later on is clearly a fabrication by another institution to gain .prestige. Famous people are remembered for their deeds and achievements and not by other institutions that they may have belonged too. How anyone could believe Catholicism and Protestant Freemasons have any thing in common is absurd and ridiculous . Raking through history riding the wave of secrets and conspiracy take pieces and conjuring the rest is not evidence . Clearly the historical obscurity of peasant corn farmers is little hard to swallow . TP

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The Knights Templar connection to OI is through science fiction, and it will necessarily lead you through clever faked modern stories you can find at Reine-le-Chateau, for example. There are very few people living in these European areas today that believe that stuff, and yet here we are on the other side of the ocean having to deal with people here who want their history to be retold to include details of admitted to deceptions.

I view all this as a landscape with which to tell allegorical stories. I suspect that is what the Templar theorists are actually up to. They want our Western History to be framed as if it came out of a White Christian soldier's quest to keep and defend the Truth. The joke is one them because even the stories of Templars are allegorical. What is real is nothing like what is myth. Does anyone speak of them as ethnic cleansers, terrorists, fake relic peddlers and con men? Why anyone would want to attach their wagon to these allegories is beyond me.

The Albigensian Crusade, considered the first Crudade against heretics sanctioned by the Church, was a twenty year war of elimination of the Cathar heretics, and as the Templars were Catholic Christians who were protectors of pilgrims to the Holy Land at that time, not Cathars whose beliefs opposed many Catholic teachings, there is NO record of them being "sympathetic to their (Cathar) cause".
As for end of the Cathars, it was a win-win for the Church ending the Cathar heresy and the King of France acquiring the Languedoc region under his control.

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The Albigensian Crusade, considered the first Crudade, was a twenty year war of elimination of the Cathar heretics, and as the Templars were Catholic Christians who were protectors of pilgrims to the Holy Land at that time, not Cathars whose beliefs opposed many Catholic teachings, there is NO record of them being "sympathetic to their (Cathar) cause".
As for end of the Cathars, it was a win-win for the Church ending the Cathar heresy and the King of France acquiring the Languedoc region under his control.

How come you were so mixed up on the dates in your earlier post? How come its the first crusade when the first crusade bagan in 1099 in Jerusalem, and 1209 to 1244 doesn't sound like 20 years to me, although others think the same way the actual period of battle was more like 35 years! Actually the last Cathar was burned at the stake in 1321.

Why didn't any Templar's take any part in the crusade if they were not sympathetic to the Cathars?

Cheers, Loki

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...What was the first Grandmaster of the Knight's Templar?
By that I mean when it was first formed. I know it went by a different name but who was the first leader of the Nine original Knight's? Hughes de Payne, am I not right?
Where was his first son born? Where did he get married and to whom? Now tell me there were no Knight's Templar in Scotland? There were hundreds of them. I have at least 300 of their names.
I even have names of Knight's that came over to Nova Scotia in 1357 and stayed over here. I even have the names of some that died. Some that stayed at Westport, Mass. and New Port, R. I. also New Ross, Nova Scotia. Also the name of one of the Knight's Templar that was killed near Kinsington, Minnesota.
Huges de Payens was born in France and was the co-founder of what became the Knights Templar.
The first nine Knight s were composed of members if his extended family.

In 1128 , de Payens traveled to England and Scotland ,establishing Templar chapters in those countries.
While there, he visited Sir Henry Sinclair at Rosslyn, and that is the source of many of these Sinclair Templars in Nova Scotia tales, including that he married Catherine Sinclair who bore him a son (Payens already had a wife and son in France), or that the Sinclair became Templars.
Huges de Payens died in Jerusalem in 1136.
What is your source of the list of 300 names of Scottish Templars. and the names if the Templars that allegedly came to Nova Scotia ,etc?

How come you were so mixed up on the dates in your earlier post? And 1209 to 1244 doesn't sound like 20 years to me! Actually the last Cathar was burned at the stake in 1321...
No mix up on dates as they were two separate events.
The Albigensian Crusade was from 1209-1229, twenty years.
The 9 month siege and eventual fall of Montsegur began in May of1243 and ended in 1244.
While a continuation of the purpose and goals of the Albigensian, it was not considered a part of that Crusade.

Who was this last Cathar burned at the stake in 1321 and where?
...and you haven't explained why the Templars were "sympathetic" to the Cathar cause.

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The religious beliefs of the Cathars, which were different from the Church and considered as heresy, the assault on Montsegur is considered as the beginning of the Crusades, with sole purpose being the elimination of other religions considered as competition as was the later Inquisition.

This what you wrote. Montsegur, if you use it as part of the Crusade was the end of it not the beginning therefore a 35 year long crusade ie, 1209 to 1244. You also called it the first Crusade, but I thought the First Crusade started over 100 years earlier.

The Templars did not fight in the Crusade at all, why not? Many of them came from the area of Montsegur/ Rennes le Chateau and ect. and from Cathar families. Even the local Catholic Lords were sympathetic to the Cathars.

edited to change 200 years to 100

Cheers, Loki

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The Knights Templar were formed as an Order of the Catholic Church.
Because of their vast wealth and growing power, they were perceived to be a threat to the Church's power, and the French King desired their wealth and holdings.
What they allegedly found under Solomon's Temple had nothing to do with the October raids on Friday the 13th, only given rise to unproven myths, legends, lore that have been incorporated by the writers of pulp quasi history books as garbled facts proving their various undocumented claims existing only in these books of "pop" history.

All is what you have been taught to believe is not always the truth. You need to read the trial statements. The trial was mostly about heresy and sins against the Holy Bible and against Jesus that they say the Knight's Templar practiced. There is nothing about funds owed by the Pope or the King of France. All though that is the reason for the crimes against the Church.

I corrected that reference on post #847, Loki, to clarify that Crusades against heretics was separate from the Crusades in the Holy Land against the Saracens.
Where the source of all this Cathar "sympathy" from the Templars.
You've made that statement many times, without documentation.
Maybe the Templars didn't take part in the Albigensian Crusades or the Siege of Montsegur because some were busy fighting in the Holy Land, and others were building wealth with shipping and banking concerns.
So, who and where was this last Cathar that was burned at the stake in 1321?

All is what you have been taught to believe is not always the truth. You need to read the trial statements. The trial was mostly about heresy and sins against the Holy Bible and against Jesus that they say the Knight's Templar practiced. There is nothing about funds owed by the Pope or the King of France. All though that is the reason for the crimes against the Church.
Yes that was what their charged "crimes" were, but the true purpose was seizing their wealth and property for the coffers of France and the Vatican.

Yes that was what their charged "crimes" were, but the true purpose was seizing their wealth and property for the coffers of France and the Vatican.

How can you state it as "the true purpose was seizing their wealth and property" It is not stated in the Knight's Templar Trial so I will just have to say you take that as the accepted fact. When it is only your thoughts and not what the trials are said to be all about. That is what historians poke out there as that is what they believe instead of what they know for fact.

I corrected that reference on post #847, Loki, to clarify that Crusades against heretics was separate from the Crusades in the Holy Land against the Saracens.
Where the source of all this Cathar "sympathy" from the Templars.
You've made that statement many times, without documentation.
Maybe the Templars didn't take part in the Albigensian Crusades or the Siege of Montsegur because some were busy fighting in the Holy Land, and others were building wealth with shipping and banking concerns.
So, who and where was this last Cathar that was burned at the stake in 1321?

Guillaume Belibaste, his last words were "in 700 years the laurel will turn green again".
This is common knowledge on Google, so easy to find I'm surprised you couldn't.

Cathar sympathy is also common knowledge as is the "fact" that many Templar's came from Cathar Families in the Languedoc which, in case you don't know was the center of the Cathar heresy.

Cheers, Loki

How can you state it as "the true purpose was seizing their wealth and property"
It is not stated in the Knight's Templar Trial so I will just have to say you take that as the accepted fact. When it is only your thoughts and not what the trials are said to be all about. That is what historians poke out there as that is what they believe instead of what they know for fact.
Franklin, the aftermath of the trials, many by torture, was the seizing of Templar wealth and property by the French King and the Vatican, proving to be the real motivation for the Templar blasphemy trials.
"All what you have been taught to believe is not always the truth" -Franklin

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Cathar sympathy is also common knowledge as is the "fact" that many Templar's came from Cathar Families in the Languedoc which, in case you don't know was the center of the Cathar heresy.
'After the fall of Montsegur, the Languedoc was annexed as part of France, gaining additional tax revenues to fill the King's coffers.
...Now with all this random information about Cathars, Templars, Huges de Payens, Henry Sinclair, and such, none of which proves any connection to Oak Island, the alleged treasure, or alleged visits made whomever.
Its all a continuation of adding more items into an already overfull caldron of salmagundi to change the flavor and aroma, but in the end, its still salmagundi.

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