The Knights Templar were never in the US or North America as far as we can tell
Although Finder's Keepers says that they are looking to reveal info that shows they were actually setting up a location in Nova Scotia at New Ross.
As far as what I know or what the facts are behind Oak Island, it is clear from the Legend of the Mi'kmaq tribes and their legends that some group came through the area wearing the White Garb and Red Cross on their outfits and on their sails.
They said these legends were handed down for hundreds of years but had no date that could be found from this one legend they tell in stories as part of their past in the area. But there is no definite date.
Most people like to say that the "Templar" entourage fled the area of France following the Friday 13th arrest in the 1300s, but honestly there are also groups that say that the Aztecs were only around since the 1300s.
So to say that these dates are really interpreted the right way from tales and carvings can only be found from the examination of the dates that the Mi'kmaq settled in Nova Scotia....were they even there that far back as the 1300s?
Their hieroglyphs show dozens of characters that have crosses and other clearly European markings.
This set of carvings should show a decent relation to other people that met with them throughout their history.
But were the 'Knights Templar" there on Oak Island in the 1300s?
The only record about their travels comes from the trial that was held to prosecute the Templar Order in England, held partly by Henry Sinclair, yes the same fabled "Sir Prince" Sinclair that sailed after them until he realized he was duped.
The record states that there were two that fled to England to look for help and to ask them to grant them a location to hide away from the French.
This is where Sinclair got his wild ideas of sailing to the West, leading him to search for their settlement after the trial. The Templar's were asked where the others fled to and they merely stated that they had sailed to a location in the west. Could that have been a lure to get Sinclair to make the voyage for no reason? And if they already had been loyal to other Kings and Regents, why not just hide with them. It was said that many of them fled to Spain where they were protected.
Later on through history, at a time when the men had formed their orders in Spain they became known as the Knights of Christ. They were the ones that wore the Cross on their outfits and on their sails that were seen by the Mi'kmaq and were talked about coming to their lands on "the back of a whale".
Noting how cryptic this all is, it becomes more clear that they were describing a little known group called the Order of the Helm, which was formed by King James I, Henry IV, and Felipe IV. They had brought the old order and mission of the Templar to their attention, and created their new order to ferry the goods that were found to be buried in France to Acadia, on a known mission to the area. It' even documented in Champlain's text, as is the name Gloosecap known..... This was founded with as few as 18 ships and had a massively important mission, to form the locations in stone that featured carvings of both the Order of the Helm, and the Native American Carvings found together. Gloosecap is a loosely translated word that combined the words Loose-fitting Goose-Feathered Cap. This word was known with their legends that were handed down only through a certain time in the native history there, and they said that they had met with them and talked with them for some time, which you don't see discussed in any other story or legend of the times.
These carvings, or written records can be seen along the way in a route that was made to show their meetings with the Natives and their passing of stories that hold the same overall ideal, and represent the same religious themes in them that were used to create a map that others could find when searching for their path using the native stories, mentation during vision quests, and the texts that were written with a "Great Mystery" involved in all of them.
The first carving that was found to hold the idea of both parties working together was found in Bedford Basin

The Mi'kmaq Star above and the image of a ship sailing is seen in this cryptic map above
Then moving further West you arrive at the locations that hold other important carvings. But that is AFTER you were foolish enough to dig the Money Pit looking for the Pirate Treasures of David Ingram, who's story of the 'impossible walk' was said to have brought their men to camp on an island 60 miles West of Cape Breton, which is exactly the distance from the point where they were picked up by the Frenchman M. Champagne. The story he told exposed his lie and they discovered that they were on the Island with over 100 men and officers, and were consistently pirating the area, so the idea that the Money Pit was theirs is clearly more logically founded, but that at a later time, when the Order of the Helm was formed they came through to set up a booby trap in the pit, and left a story about it all to lure foolish men to their death in the Folios of Shakespeare, while encrypting a map through the area to their final location.
Petter Amundsen proved that his ciphers found lead to the discovery of more cut stones under the Cross of Stones on Oak Island and that he proved it was encrypted in Shakespeare's many books. He also was invited to be the Keynote Speaker in the American Cryptogram Association's Annual Convention in 2017 and in a TedX Speech about the discoveries. They cannot be discredited.
This movement by Bacon, Teniers, Poussin, and Champlain, naturally would be moving to the other parts of their French Explorations of the area during the time that the colonies were founded and they left a trail OFF the island in plain sight. The routes of the Sailboat seen above then lead to the Stones you find on the South Shore, then pointing the mast at the Money Pit, and the Bow at a 7 degree angle off the Island. The holes in the two stones and the dome shaped rock in the water show a direct line to this stone. If that is not a sign that a Master Artist from France, Masons from England, and Native Americans were working together, then you might as well just dig a hole all the way to China.

Taking flight from here in the direction the beak points, as well as in the direction of the Cross of Stones pointing to the tip of Nova Scotia, you find another "Templar" carving from the Order of the Helm with the Knights of Christ.
These all hold the same "Native" look mixed with European signs and markings used for mapping.

Hell it looks "Templar" ...... lol .... anyone would believe finding just one of them that they came from another land and were forming their movement there for some reason.....why not just make a show about a suspicion of who it was that left their marks there
Another reasoning I use when people say....it was the Templar......is that they have made markings that are in a trail in locations seeming to point in another and another, as if luring you on to a final location, after already duping you
Would that be more like a person that crafted a book called the Comedie of Errors, or would that be a secretive order that came to the New World fleeing capture?
Would a group fleeing capture in the 1300s leave marks behind to their stores of wealth for anyone to come find? NO.....but someone that wanted to leave a trap for Pirates would....especially if they were actually bringing something to the New World and wanted to put up a defense against people trying to pillage it, and leave a warning to those that tried to unearth it.
"Cursed is he that moves my bones"....lol
And to be honest folks....you will be spinning your wheels in Nova Scotia forever if the Laginas have their way duping the Canadians for a good laugh in their "War Room" any longer
This last carving is in Overton/Yarmouth and has been seen to be a map of the final series of their array in Vermont.

There are carvings at each of the 4 locations in this map and all are along river inlets or lake front areas with cliffs and stone flats....
So was the "Knight's Templar" there too ? But there is a BIG CROSS on the rock.....lol.....

Prolly not going down like that.....but Champlain was there and in Nova Scotia, and Petter proved it was Bacon that made the effort to bury the two rocks that he found on Oak Island and encrypt the works of Shakespeare with a star map to it all. He left the keys encrypted in the works he edited and published AFTER Shakespeare was dead.
Oh and BTW the original Templar was a Frenchman named Dagobert.....so naturally if the Templar's were possibly there, then they would be the one's returning at a later time as well.
But the Templars merely fled to Spain and then sent two to England, where the snitch and backstabber Sinclair decided to call them Heretics and oversee their trial, while then trying to look for their wealth.
Although Finder's Keepers says that they are looking to reveal info that shows they were actually setting up a location in Nova Scotia at New Ross.
As far as what I know or what the facts are behind Oak Island, it is clear from the Legend of the Mi'kmaq tribes and their legends that some group came through the area wearing the White Garb and Red Cross on their outfits and on their sails.
They said these legends were handed down for hundreds of years but had no date that could be found from this one legend they tell in stories as part of their past in the area. But there is no definite date.
Most people like to say that the "Templar" entourage fled the area of France following the Friday 13th arrest in the 1300s, but honestly there are also groups that say that the Aztecs were only around since the 1300s.
So to say that these dates are really interpreted the right way from tales and carvings can only be found from the examination of the dates that the Mi'kmaq settled in Nova Scotia....were they even there that far back as the 1300s?
Their hieroglyphs show dozens of characters that have crosses and other clearly European markings.
This set of carvings should show a decent relation to other people that met with them throughout their history.
But were the 'Knights Templar" there on Oak Island in the 1300s?
The only record about their travels comes from the trial that was held to prosecute the Templar Order in England, held partly by Henry Sinclair, yes the same fabled "Sir Prince" Sinclair that sailed after them until he realized he was duped.
The record states that there were two that fled to England to look for help and to ask them to grant them a location to hide away from the French.
This is where Sinclair got his wild ideas of sailing to the West, leading him to search for their settlement after the trial. The Templar's were asked where the others fled to and they merely stated that they had sailed to a location in the west. Could that have been a lure to get Sinclair to make the voyage for no reason? And if they already had been loyal to other Kings and Regents, why not just hide with them. It was said that many of them fled to Spain where they were protected.
Later on through history, at a time when the men had formed their orders in Spain they became known as the Knights of Christ. They were the ones that wore the Cross on their outfits and on their sails that were seen by the Mi'kmaq and were talked about coming to their lands on "the back of a whale".
Noting how cryptic this all is, it becomes more clear that they were describing a little known group called the Order of the Helm, which was formed by King James I, Henry IV, and Felipe IV. They had brought the old order and mission of the Templar to their attention, and created their new order to ferry the goods that were found to be buried in France to Acadia, on a known mission to the area. It' even documented in Champlain's text, as is the name Gloosecap known..... This was founded with as few as 18 ships and had a massively important mission, to form the locations in stone that featured carvings of both the Order of the Helm, and the Native American Carvings found together. Gloosecap is a loosely translated word that combined the words Loose-fitting Goose-Feathered Cap. This word was known with their legends that were handed down only through a certain time in the native history there, and they said that they had met with them and talked with them for some time, which you don't see discussed in any other story or legend of the times.
These carvings, or written records can be seen along the way in a route that was made to show their meetings with the Natives and their passing of stories that hold the same overall ideal, and represent the same religious themes in them that were used to create a map that others could find when searching for their path using the native stories, mentation during vision quests, and the texts that were written with a "Great Mystery" involved in all of them.
The first carving that was found to hold the idea of both parties working together was found in Bedford Basin

The Mi'kmaq Star above and the image of a ship sailing is seen in this cryptic map above
Then moving further West you arrive at the locations that hold other important carvings. But that is AFTER you were foolish enough to dig the Money Pit looking for the Pirate Treasures of David Ingram, who's story of the 'impossible walk' was said to have brought their men to camp on an island 60 miles West of Cape Breton, which is exactly the distance from the point where they were picked up by the Frenchman M. Champagne. The story he told exposed his lie and they discovered that they were on the Island with over 100 men and officers, and were consistently pirating the area, so the idea that the Money Pit was theirs is clearly more logically founded, but that at a later time, when the Order of the Helm was formed they came through to set up a booby trap in the pit, and left a story about it all to lure foolish men to their death in the Folios of Shakespeare, while encrypting a map through the area to their final location.
Petter Amundsen proved that his ciphers found lead to the discovery of more cut stones under the Cross of Stones on Oak Island and that he proved it was encrypted in Shakespeare's many books. He also was invited to be the Keynote Speaker in the American Cryptogram Association's Annual Convention in 2017 and in a TedX Speech about the discoveries. They cannot be discredited.
This movement by Bacon, Teniers, Poussin, and Champlain, naturally would be moving to the other parts of their French Explorations of the area during the time that the colonies were founded and they left a trail OFF the island in plain sight. The routes of the Sailboat seen above then lead to the Stones you find on the South Shore, then pointing the mast at the Money Pit, and the Bow at a 7 degree angle off the Island. The holes in the two stones and the dome shaped rock in the water show a direct line to this stone. If that is not a sign that a Master Artist from France, Masons from England, and Native Americans were working together, then you might as well just dig a hole all the way to China.

Taking flight from here in the direction the beak points, as well as in the direction of the Cross of Stones pointing to the tip of Nova Scotia, you find another "Templar" carving from the Order of the Helm with the Knights of Christ.
These all hold the same "Native" look mixed with European signs and markings used for mapping.

Hell it looks "Templar" ...... lol .... anyone would believe finding just one of them that they came from another land and were forming their movement there for some reason.....why not just make a show about a suspicion of who it was that left their marks there
Another reasoning I use when people say....it was the Templar......is that they have made markings that are in a trail in locations seeming to point in another and another, as if luring you on to a final location, after already duping you
Would that be more like a person that crafted a book called the Comedie of Errors, or would that be a secretive order that came to the New World fleeing capture?
Would a group fleeing capture in the 1300s leave marks behind to their stores of wealth for anyone to come find? NO.....but someone that wanted to leave a trap for Pirates would....especially if they were actually bringing something to the New World and wanted to put up a defense against people trying to pillage it, and leave a warning to those that tried to unearth it.
"Cursed is he that moves my bones"....lol
And to be honest folks....you will be spinning your wheels in Nova Scotia forever if the Laginas have their way duping the Canadians for a good laugh in their "War Room" any longer
This last carving is in Overton/Yarmouth and has been seen to be a map of the final series of their array in Vermont.

There are carvings at each of the 4 locations in this map and all are along river inlets or lake front areas with cliffs and stone flats....
So was the "Knight's Templar" there too ? But there is a BIG CROSS on the rock.....lol.....

Prolly not going down like that.....but Champlain was there and in Nova Scotia, and Petter proved it was Bacon that made the effort to bury the two rocks that he found on Oak Island and encrypt the works of Shakespeare with a star map to it all. He left the keys encrypted in the works he edited and published AFTER Shakespeare was dead.
Oh and BTW the original Templar was a Frenchman named Dagobert.....so naturally if the Templar's were possibly there, then they would be the one's returning at a later time as well.
But the Templars merely fled to Spain and then sent two to England, where the snitch and backstabber Sinclair decided to call them Heretics and oversee their trial, while then trying to look for their wealth.
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