THE INJURY THREAD. Post your wounds here.

I don't have a pic of my injury that I'm about to talk about but a few years ago I fell about 20 or 30 feet and slammed into the concrete tile in the house I was living in at the time because they had remodeled it before I got the house and they built the stairs all wrong and my boot heel got caught on the back of one of the stairs sending me flying. First I bounced off the wall then I slammed into the concrete tile. I'm not a weak man so I thought I would just walk it off. I refused to go to the hospital too. I ended up walking around the rest of that day and most of the next day until I couldn't take the pain anymore and my wife took me to the ER and they immediately put me in a wheelchair and rushed me back to get X rays. The technician told me that they aren't supposed to show you your x rays right away but he wanted to show me because he had no idea how the break happened the way it did. My left arm had snapped up by my shoulder and the bone from my arm and the bone from my shoulder had lodged into each other. When I finally got to see the doctor he asked me when it happened and he asked how I was able to walk around for almost 2 days like that and I told him I hate hospitals. The doctor told me that I had 2 choices. Live the rest of my life with my arm the way it is or have surgery and risk losing use of the arm completely so I decided to not have the surgery. It's been a few years and my arm is still kind of jacked up but it's better than being crippled. Every time the weather changes my arm locks up on me and when it pops it basically rebreaks and hurts like crazy.

Darn guy not sure mine is even close but here goes.... Was out back building a small home for my then oldest daughter Kristi. I was up on a six foot ladder where it say's "NOT A STEP" (hint). I had an industrial Milwaukee 1/2 drill in my hands drilling a hole with a sharp wood boring bit from the outside of house in for a light fixture. The drill bit suddenly "BIT" and the large drill twisted in my hands. It flipped me off my feet, I let go, feet hit the ladder, ladder when down, I went upside down and landed on my shoulder and left side of head. DAMN did that hurt... stupid on my part I totally admit.

I was about 45-46 then (61 now). There's a difference between pain and injury and since I "know everything" I was just in pain and It'll just go away. Had engineering job then so I didn't have to lift or do manual labor at the time. For 3 days it didn't get much better and my shoulder turned black, blue, purple and a lovely shade of green. Wife said go to doc and I did. Got x-rays and discovered I had ripped my roto-cuff badly. Doc said let's schedule surgery and tie things back together again... ok? Naw... Mr. "I know everything" said it will heal. And..... it did. Within 18-24 months I couldn't throw a ball overhand anymore nor a football or raise my left arm straight above my head anymore without it hurting bad.

Fast forward to age 59.... Everything was still the same. Nothing had changed at all meaning no worse or better. My grown son said "Dad, let's go throw the football...ok"? I said but I don't know how long I can do it because of my arm. So out we go into yard. We were out there for about 15 minutes and I couldn't throw good at all or long. My son said "I bet you can't throw over that limb"...? So he goes first and made it... I wound up and threw HARD... MY ARM went POP internally and damn did it hurt at the time. But 5 seconds later for some reason I could throw without pain as far as I ever had.

Something popped, broke or gave way and I now have full motion again of my left arm? (bone spur?) But I can't believe I lived with a locked up shoulder for 13 yrs. The reason is probably because I "know everything".... right?

My wife sat down today and read the stories. After reading mine she said did you forget about Raven ? Yup, I did. Raven is a solid black quarter horse, and adult now. When we first got him, he was about a two month old colt. We were walking them from the barn to the upper pasture to play. Did I know better ? Yup. Did I still do it ? Yup. As we were walking up a slight grade I gave him the full 8 foot lead rope to look around. The first thing he did was buck, and I felt my watch on my left arm go flying. Didn't think to much of it till I went to put my watch back on and my arm was covered in blood. His rear hoof had cut me from the wrist to the elbow. Got the horses to the pasture, went in the house and rinsed off the arm and wrapped it is gauze and tried to convince the wife I only needed butterfly bandages. After listening to her explain to me, in the wifely way, I drove to the hospital. Tried the same thing with the Dr. but after he undid the gauze, he explained to me that we would be spending some quality time together. He stitched the inside, then did a different stitch outside so it wouldn't show as bad. He does good work as I know where I got hurt, but can never find the scar.

Thanks Brad and Whammy for your stories...
This thread confirms that us guys are hard-headed and stubborn huh?

On 7/31 I was hit by lightning (indirectly). It was storming outside and I opened up the metal storm door to look at the rain because it was coming down really hard. When I was holding the metal part of the storm door, lightning struck just to my right. I could feel it going up my arm.

My right arm was burning inside and it was numb from my hand to my elbow. My ring finger and pinky went numb and half my hand. Arm was tingly up to my elbow. It itched really bad, like a wound that's healing. My vision was horrible, it was like I had cataracts - like I was looking through a foggy window (back to normal now). I had a horrible metallic taste in my mouth that lasted for about a week. It happened around 5:30 pm and I can kind of remember stuff from later that night, but not much. About a week later I found out I ordered jewelry when it arrived. I don't even remember buying anything (it's on its way back lol). When I was in bed, my toes on both feet and my knees felt like they were being electrocuted. Had a few headaches above my left eye.

Monday, Aug 1, it felt like someone was stabbing my left sinus cavity. Hurt like crap. Since the beginning of time (my time), I have not been able to breathe out of my left nostril. As of that Monday morning, I have been able to breathe with no problem whatsoever.

I went to the ER that day because my doctor insisted that I go b/c I was having a lot of symptoms that he was not comfortable with. I had a CT scan, EKG, x-rays, blood work and every test came out fine.

Had horrible ringing in my ears for a week and it still comes and goes. My ears have definitely been damaged, I can't hear as well now. I was not able to spell very well at all. I never misspell words. The words that I tried to type, didn't end up on the screen correctly, almost as if there was a wire from my brain to my fingers that wasn't connected. I could see that it was wrong, so I had to erase a lot and type slower if I could remember what I typed.

I had a lot of zingers all over my body - that's the best way I can describe it. It was just my nerves regenerating. The worst thing was the short term memory loss. Drives me mad. It's much better now, but I still have to ask someone to repeat something they said 30 seconds ago sometimes. We had a bit of a storm today, complete with lightning, and I had a full blown panic attack. I hope that doesn't continue. I love(d) storms, I just want to love them from afar!

This whole experience has turned me off from wanting to chase tornadoes - there are storm chasers that let individuals go on tornado chases for a vacation. I think I'll stick to watching storms from afar and on the weather channel for now. No more lightning for this girl. No way!

If this is a bit hard to follow, sorry :/ try being in my shoes - my brain is scattered, covered, and smothered!

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Wow girl! What an amazing story!!! Thankyou so much for sharing your traumatic experience, gives us all some perspective that lightning don't play.
The good news is, you can now breathe out of your left nostril...that's outstanding!
Gods way of giving you a gift for surviving a close call.... Hope your wacky symptoms go away, and you lern how to spell again. (get it?)

Thanks Brad and Whammy for your stories...
This thread confirms that us guys are hard-headed and stubborn huh?

Or STUPID...! And/or thought we knew what "pain" was from the "glory days" instead of injury from into our later years. It used to be pain came first and injury later because we were "learning". Like when running a sub 4:49 mile split into your 2 mile run as a sophomore in H.S. That HURT... but I wasn't injured at all... all heart then.

But later when we're older pain now comes first which is a warning... INJURY IS ONCOMING BUDDY!!!! Those H.S. days are LONG GONE! No more 4:30+ mile times or 9: 40+ 2 mile times ANY MORE!!! If it even sounds like it might hurt ... IT DOES!!! Glory days are now gone.... Let's move on.... Brad

Wow girl! What an amazing story!!! Thankyou so much for sharing your traumatic experience, gives us all some perspective that lightning don't play.
The good news is, you can now breathe out of your left nostril...that's outstanding!
Gods way of giving you a gift for surviving a close call.... Hope your wacky symptoms go away, and you lern how to spell again. (get it?)

lol totally get it :) my spelling is much better now, thank God! That was the one thing that bothered me the most next to the memory loss. I still have a bit of an issue, as you can see, I just had to edit it.

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Or STUPID...! And/or thought we knew what "pain" was from the "glory days" instead of injury from into our later years. It used to be pain came first and injury later because we were "learning". Like when running a sub 4:49 mile split into your 2 mile run as a sophomore in H.S. That HURT... but I wasn't injured at all... all heart then.

But later when we're older pain now comes first which is a warning... INJURY IS ONCOMING BUDDY!!!! Those H.S. days are LONG GONE! No more 4:30+ mile times or 9: 40+ 2 mile times ANY MORE!!! If it even sounds like it might hurt ... IT DOES!!! Glory days are now gone.... Let's move on.... Brad

Glory days are NOT gone Bradley......I have almost finished recording an album....'course I'm too old to tour....:BangHead:.Wait..
OK. A few years ago I was outside my place, scaring coons out of my front yard. Door was locked....wife was asleep....
Ah-Ha!! Back door is open I think. (doggie door so I can lay down and reach the knob, and deadbolt)
Problem is the gate was padlocked from the inside, something I did at night. Gate built by me, 6 foot? welded wire. I climb it and slide off the top to the inside of the yard.....If you look closely at welded wire, it has nasty little sharp nubs! My calf's and inside of my legs looked like a big cat scratched me!! I was drunk also...:laughing7:
Pictures? No....If BWD would have started this thread years ago...well I would have gladly documented my stupidity...

This thread will be open, waiting for you...whenever you need it, it will be here....waiting.

This thread will be open, waiting for you...whenever you need it, it will be here....waiting.

Gee thanks...but no. The 276 pound Viking....will NOT be climbing fences...(knock 'em down maybe..) No more street bikes (unless I buy a Harley, which I would soup up a wife says no)

Gee thanks...but no. The 276 pound Viking....will NOT be climbing fences...(knock 'em down maybe..) No more street bikes (unless I buy a Harley, which I would soup up a wife says no)

You thought she said "so"! When you heard her! It wasn't "no"... "I'm buying a bike" "NOOOOOO" later........." I thought you said SOOOOO":dontknow:

Please post injury's from wife!!

You thought she said "so"! When you heard her! It wasn't "no"... "I'm buying a bike" "NOOOOOO" later........." I thought you said SOOOOO":dontknow:

Please post injury's from wife!!

She has seen my glory day's tickets. Excessive tire smoke, Tire noise, speed display....I wheelied all my bikes street especially.

A moose once bit my sister. (Monty Python) I always laugh at that one when I watch Quest for the Holy Grail.

I've got more boo boos the any one person should have. Did I mention the chain saw to the shin? Or how bout the time I swung a splitting maul, it skipped off the log, and nailed me right in the foot. Worse part was getting the boot off. It was a steel toe, and the maul smashed it into the foot.
Or getting kicked through a sheep fence, and post by a horse.
Then there was the time I fell off the top of the hay stack, managed to miss the floor, went right through the hole to drop hay down into the cattle pens, and landed in one of the pens.
Got to shoot my dad's .308 when I was 6. Word of advice, do not put your eye up against the scope and pull the trigger. Man did I have a shiner with that one.

Nearly forgot about the pedal car one. We have a long 45% hill from my farm that leads to the town. One day I got this idea to see how fast I could go down that hill. Let's just say, once the car reached ballistic speed the pedals became nothing you wanted your feet anywhere near. Also as it neared the sound barrier it started to weave back and forth. Finally going into the ditch beside the road. There it and I departed ways. After multiple impacts, last one being the evil car plowing into me, I had to drag the darn thing back home and explain to my mom what happened, and why I looked like I had gone through a trash compactor.

Oh the joys of growing up on a farm. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

I think the best one though was the nipple incident. Working on our club's travel trailer. Walked into the trailer at night, forgot about the bungee cord stretched between a set of cabinets. The fall wasn't so bad, it was my left nipple catching the edge of the pressed wood kitchen booth. That edge caught and didn't let go as I continued my downward spiral. I swear that nipple stretched out a foot before I hit the floor. The pain was bad, but worse was my wife and buddies rolling around on the ground laughing so hard, after I told them what happened. :laughing7:

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Why the heck is it after we say something, it kinda dawns on us we should have kept our mouth shut. I would be willing to bet that the now generation would be horrified about all our injuries. It's pretty hard to get injured while setting on the couch playing computer games. I really hope we are not the last generation of people who know how to get outside and have some fun.

In my job, when I interact with customers, part of my schpiel is the hot water feature on their water cooler is hot enough for instant tea, coffee, etc....and it's optional, because there is a switch. When they respond with, "just keep it off, cuz I have kids, don't want them to get burned"....drives me crazy.
I want to tell them, that when I was a kid, there were risks, and if you got scalded with hot water, didn't happen again. You learned your lesson.
The list goes on...
Mothers smoked during pregnancy,
Pill bottles weren't childproof,
Cribs at best could contain you until a baby could stand, (and usually lead painted pretty colors)
No car seats, seat belts were just in the way,
Electric sockets didn't have those little plastic plug-in covers,
Cleaners under the sink didn't have a lock on them,
Playground equipment was white hot metal, especially the slide,
Sunblock? What's that?,
If you had a ball, every kid in town would play...if you had a stick, even better!
Scores were settled with clenched fists, when name calling wouldn't solve it,
Trying out for a ball team didn't guarantee you a spot on the team...
(and don't get me started with participation trophies)
Trees were for climbing, not hugging....and if you fell out of one, well, your Dad did too!
Bike helmets were for special kids,
Go outside and play until it got dark,
Jarts!....kinda like horseshoes, only with flying missile of death, I was great at that game as I recall....

I could go on and on....
IMO, today's kids are soft, if they knew how we rolled in the 40s -70s, they wouldn't believe it, they would like and share it though!

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Glory days are NOT gone Bradley......I have almost finished recording an album....'course I'm too old to tour....:BangHead:.Wait..
OK. A few years ago I was outside my place, scaring coons out of my front yard. Door was locked....wife was asleep....
Ah-Ha!! Back door is open I think. (doggie door so I can lay down and reach the knob, and deadbolt)
Problem is the gate was padlocked from the inside, something I did at night. Gate built by me, 6 foot? welded wire. I climb it and slide off the top to the inside of the yard.....If you look closely at welded wire, it has nasty little sharp nubs! My calf's and inside of my legs looked like a big cat scratched me!! I was drunk also...:laughing7:
Pictures? No....If BWD would have started this thread years ago...well I would have gladly documented my stupidity...

I did SOMETHING so damn stupid last week (7-10 days go) I cannot get my head wrapped around it. When I say STUPID... I mean F***ING STUPID!!!!! I'm trying to get enough guts to rat myself out.... but I'm so ashamed of myself. "Honest" mistake but no excuse for STUPIDLY.

Maybe some Fri. night in the drinking mode... MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did SOMETHING so damn stupid last week (7-10 days go) I cannot get my head wrapped around it. When I say STUPID... I mean F***ING STUPID!!!!! I'm trying to get enough guts to rat myself out.... but I'm so ashamed of myself. "Honest" mistake but no excuse for STUPIDLY.

Maybe some Fri. night in the drinking mode... MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too late now!! You already opened the door!! COME ON!! Tell us!!!!:laughing7:

We won't laugh!! WELL? maybe! We haven't heard it yet!:laughing7:

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I did SOMETHING so damn stupid last week (7-10 days go) I cannot get my head wrapped around it. When I say STUPID... I mean F***ING STUPID!!!!! I'm trying to get enough guts to rat myself out.... but I'm so ashamed of myself. "Honest" mistake but no excuse for STUPIDLY.

Maybe some Fri. night in the drinking mode... MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This ought to be it Friday yet?

A moose once bit my sister. (Monty Python) I always laugh at that one when I watch Quest for the Holy Grail.

I've got more boo boos the any one person should have. Did I mention the chain saw to the shin? Or how bout the time I swung a splitting maul, it skipped off the log, and nailed me right in the foot. Worse part was getting the boot off. It was a steel toe, and the maul smashed it into the foot.
Or getting kicked through a sheep fence, and post by a horse.
Then there was the time I fell off the top of the hay stack, managed to miss the floor, went right through the hole to drop hay down into the cattle pens, and landed in one of the pens.
Got to shoot my dad's .308 when I was 6. Word of advice, do not put your eye up against the scope and pull the trigger. Man did I have a shiner with that one.

Nearly forgot about the pedal car one. We have a long 45% hill from my farm that leads to the town. One day I got this idea to see how fast I could go down that hill. Let's just say, once the car reached ballistic speed the pedals became nothing you wanted your feet anywhere near. Also as it neared the sound barrier it started to weave back and forth. Finally going into the ditch beside the road. There it and I departed ways. After multiple impacts, last one being the evil car plowing into me, I had to drag the darn thing back home and explain to my mom what happened, and why I looked like I had gone through a trash compactor.

Oh the joys of growing up on a farm. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

I think the best one though was the nipple incident. Working on our club's travel trailer. Walked into the trailer at night, forgot about the bungee cord stretched between a set of cabinets. The fall wasn't so bad, it was my left nipple catching the edge of the pressed wood kitchen booth. That edge caught and didn't let go as I continued my downward spiral. I swear that nipple stretched out a foot before I hit the floor. The pain was bad, but worse was my wife and buddies rolling around on the ground laughing so hard, after I told them what happened. :laughing7:

Sounds like you had the same childhood as me - only I didn't actually TRY to kill myself! :laughing7:

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