THE INJURY THREAD. Post your wounds here.

What did you start here....BWD?

My chicken bit me and drew blood protecting her "sister". Does that count? Did treasure hunt and got one egg.

This is my wife when I first posted my toe...:laughing7:

My chicken bit me and drew blood protecting her "sister". Does that count? Did treasure hunt and got one egg.

HELLO......!!!!! Which your MD over to egg's. Damn how easy is that...? I switched my to arrowheads and started to haul them in. Read the instructions.... :BangHead:

That's a solid contribution to the thread fmerg...sorry it came at the expense of your face....
Glad the punks got caught.
you think that face is bad you should of seen it before

Here's one of my minor ones. Nov. 2014. R/C pusher airplane took a bite out of a few fingers. Felt like somebody smacked my hand with a hammer. First photo is about 1/2 an hour after, being on blood thinners didn't help. Second one was about a week later.
Being a manly man, I never went to the hospital, just wrapped it up with gauze and tape. So now I have a third finger that kinda points the wrong way, and a nail on that finger that's growing in from 3 different directions. :icon_scratch:

I've got even better ones, like the 87 staples in my left leg from my first ACL reconstructive surgery. Scar runs from above both sides of the knee then down to almost the ankle. That was after 3 months in a body cast from neck to toes, and a jaw wired shut ,broke it in 4 places, shattered both cheek bones, knocked both eyes out of the sockets. Add to that the broken pelvis and back, couple of ribs and 2 toes, skull fractures, and multiple internal injuries. Took nearly two years to recover and learn to walk again somewhat. They tell me it was a heck of a crash. I don't remember any of it. :tongue3:


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Wow!....and out of nowhere comes Dr. Syn...with a doozie too!
Thanks for posting a great story with pics...and your other "life experiences".... Well played sir....

My chicken bit me and drew blood protecting her "sister". Does that count? Did treasure hunt and got one egg.

no that doesn't count!!!
It's a chicken....they lay eggs and say cock a doodle doo!

I'm the chicken bit smokeythecat, protecting "her" that was another girl, right? Hens don't cockadoodledoo, roosters do. And roosters don't bite, they wallop you with their spurs, and it's a pain that you won't forget. If a hen bit you, it couldn't have been that bad...if there was no blood, it don't count!
At least you got the egg.

I don't have a pic of my injury that I'm about to talk about but a few years ago I fell about 20 or 30 feet and slammed into the concrete tile in the house I was living in at the time because they had remodeled it before I got the house and they built the stairs all wrong and my boot heel got caught on the back of one of the stairs sending me flying. First I bounced off the wall then I slammed into the concrete tile. I'm not a weak man so I thought I would just walk it off. I refused to go to the hospital too. I ended up walking around the rest of that day and most of the next day until I couldn't take the pain anymore and my wife took me to the ER and they immediately put me in a wheelchair and rushed me back to get X rays. The technician told me that they aren't supposed to show you your x rays right away but he wanted to show me because he had no idea how the break happened the way it did. My left arm had snapped up by my shoulder and the bone from my arm and the bone from my shoulder had lodged into each other. When I finally got to see the doctor he asked me when it happened and he asked how I was able to walk around for almost 2 days like that and I told him I hate hospitals. The doctor told me that I had 2 choices. Live the rest of my life with my arm the way it is or have surgery and risk losing use of the arm completely so I decided to not have the surgery. It's been a few years and my arm is still kind of jacked up but it's better than being crippled. Every time the weather changes my arm locks up on me and when it pops it basically rebreaks and hurts like crazy.

You are tough as nails my friend, I would be addicted to morphine within minutes.

Yeah, even the doctor was saying he didn't know how I was walking around with it the way it was when I got to the ER. I was back out working within a week and lifting furniture and mowing lawns etc. My wife has me go pick up an antique sofa and the guy saw my arm all swollen and in a sling and he goes "How are you gonna lift it?" I grabbed it with my right hand and threw in it the back of the pickup and he just looked at me and laughed and shook his head. I was working for what turned out to be a slumlord at that time and he had me out mowing all his properties and he knew I had a severely messed up arm and he didn't care.

You must have a really high pain tolerance. :eek:

Yeah I do. I come from a family of naturally tough people. My family rarely ever goes to the hospital when they get hurt. I guess it's just in my blood.

please someone! take Dr. Syn's pics off ( I have a weak stomach)

how about if your wife bites it?

easy killer...

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