Big wave...I didn't take any pics but I have a somewhat funny story that just happened with my 2 year old....
I have to explain this whole thing so that you can get a visual and the mindset I was in when it happened....
We have been going camping with a our two year old this summer. The second time out we were there for two days, he's crying and the ticks were real bad. So At about 9 at night after being ummmm...I'll from a couple too many adult beverages the night before. which is rare for me now a days. but the wife had him under control and I had fun!
Anyhow....9 at night, head pounding still from the night before. I decide we are paking it up and heading home. Get home at 3am, everyone takes showers and goes through "tick check" etc.....and get to bed about 5am. My son wakes up at 8. I set him in the living room with his toys, basically an empty room. Toys, a tv, and a couch so there is nothing for him to get hurt on. Wife goes out for a cig, my head is still pounding,(ya I'm a light weight and can't drink anymore, I get sick for 2 days...Lightweight!) I doze off on the couch. I wake up to my son kind of half crying. I'm half out of it....look over...And Blood everywhere! Blood on his shirt,legs,arms, up the wall, carpet. etc.........I jump up! still trying to figure out where I'm at, I Freak out! I pick him up and it's pumping out of his hand. I run him down the steps to the kitchen with a trail of blood. By then It's all over me......I'm still trying to figure out what happened, freaking because it's my 2 year old son!!!!! and the amount of blood, I thought the kid lost a finger or something. I wrap his hand in a towel, still not able to see exactly what happened, and at that point was more worried about getting him to the hospital than I was iterested in the wound. All I knew was tooo much blood at this point is coming out of a little kid. She drives us to the hospital which is right down the road, while I held him in my lap with the towel around his hand and above his heart.
All that happened? He was reaching under one of our closed doors for a toy, there is enough gap there he can almost get his whole hand under there. and caught a little nail sticking up from the tack strip along the edge. Just a small cut. They pushed some stuff down in it to help stop the blood, But he nicked an artery or something in the back of his hand. It was just pumping out with his heart beats. They fixed it fast since it was so small.
I was kind embarrassed at the hospital, and very glad that's all it was. My mom was here, and when we cleaning up the blood, she said shes never seen that much blood come out of a little kid that fast.
If I would have been in a different frame of mind it wouldn't have been as scary....hahaha