My injuries are largely athletic related...and the fact that I'm am not much of an athlete.
Threw 1 (one) pass in high school. I was a 40/40 player...if we were 40 points behind, I was in..40 seconds left in the game, yep, I got in. My coach had a sense of humor.
My one touchdown came at a price on that pass. I was hit under my right shoulder as I released the ball, dislocating it. The pass was complete in the end zone, the band started playing the fight song, and as the kicker (old school, straight on), I stayed out there with my arm dangling and kicked the point after. I went over to the bench and the trainer, in front of God and everybody, stuck my right hand in the front of my pants and promptly set my shoulder back into place. I believe I saw Jesus shortly afterwards. If I could have moved, I believe I would have killed that trainer at that moment.
The hard part was explaining to my friends after the game why I had my hand in the front of my pants in front of them, God, and everybody. I didn't date much after that.
Played HS basketball, safely ensconced on the bench. No injuries except pride.
Walked on in college to play football as a placekicker...the only player that was any good on our team was, you guessed it, the placekicker. All-conference. Never suited up in 4 years except one time, but I got to practice and get to know some now dear friends.
Now I pastor a church, and have the joy of watching others do more on the fields of life than I ever achieved...and it is marginally safer...except the deacon meetings.