ringfinder said:
Man nice digs. Guess you will be using the ACE as a back up now huh. Too bad, look at all the neat finds you found with that great detector.
Gary and I have been itching too get out, maybe this week or next we can hit the old Happy Trails site. Maybe we will take along a jack hammer and a bigger pick and axe. LOL
Well HH, and keep the coil to the soil if you can get to it through the snow. LOL, Ringfinder
Denny...the ACE will now be my son Spencer's detector, replacing his BH Fast Tracker. Look...if ANYONE ever doubted the ACE250's ability to go deep and find good coins they would now think twice if they have paid any attention to posts from you, me and other ACE proponents that have a clue about what it can do and combine that with good research and field techniques. The ACE served it's purpose and then some for me. It got me hooked and then kept producing. I have no doubt though that the DFX and ML Explorer series can provide more target data and be more flexible (albeit also wear your arm out quicker!) and be tweaked to go deeper than the ACE. Anyone that knows me knows I will NEVER put the ACE down (verbally). I just wanted more than three or four tones.
Today, I could HEAR the difference between a silver dime and a wheat cent. Now with the ACE, I would have dug both coins, not knowing one might be silver until it was unearthed. After that first rosie today, I KNEW that the merc was a silver coin before I even stuck the shovel into the ground. Vaughan Garrett tried to get me to use a GTI2500 when I told him I wanted a better machine. Honestly, I think that the GTI will get more depth than the ACE250 in All-Metal non-motion mode, but then it's all one-tone from there. After playing around with Mirage's EXII and Nate's DFX, I was hooked on the symphony of sounds those two machine can make.
Hey...it's all good.