First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg
Man I wanted to get out yesterday for a hunt at the 'Berg with Mirage or Zoso, but it didn't happen. Bob had his taxes to do and Zoso (Dave) had family plans. I
could have gone anyways but didn't want to do the trek alone, so I stayed inside and basically vegged out, drinking Wheat beer and eating assorted crap...and all the time looking out the window and then looking over at my new DFX standing against the wall (whispering "take me out Dan...")
Woke up today with the snow again falling heavy and the weather report saying a high of 17deg. I decided what the only live once, and started gathering gear together. The drive out there was miserable with very limited visibility and slick roads (but nowhere near as bad as last week)

Once parked I started the approx 1mi. hike in through knee deep (sometimes crotch deep) snow. Boy can I tell I haven't been mountainbiking in a while and am out of shape. I was forced to stop several times on the hike in just to catch my breath. I went to the "wheatfields" area, knowing that coins awaited me (we have pulled over 1000 wheat pennies here so far). I took off my backpack and started clearing out various areas in approx. 10x10ft plots. Having brought no snow shovel this was NOT easy!
The first plot had several good sounding targets but I really was struggling trying to figure out what in the world this new machine was saying. Being the #@!$%#@! I am, I ignored the factory starter programs and went right away to a custom program I copied from JerDFX. The only change I made was to drop the AC sens. down a notch (it was chattering badly) and to turn icons on as I am not familiar with what the VDI numbers are yet. As I TRIED to dig a few decent sounding targets, I found out the ground was NOT diggable at all. I was tired already and stopped for a coffee break. Caffeine enriched I picked up and went to another spot and again cleared a plot...first checking to see if I could even dig (which I kinda could) First target was a wheat and then another.

As the plot was clear of targets I was starting to get the hang of what sounds to listen to. I also was using the pinpoint to locate targets and then trying to ID them. I cranked the DC sens. up a bit too to make pinpointing a bit more sensitive. I cleared a bit further out and heard a nice high pitch tone and a VDI of 87 to 90. at about 5" I dug a 1954D silver rosie.

A few wheats later I had another real sweet high tone and chipped out a 1944 Merc in great shape.

Not bad I thought...the silver dimes had a MUCH higher, sweeter tone than the wheats. On my ACE250 they would have sounded the I think I will get to like the DFX!!
Total finds included a big aluminum button, part of a square nail and a few pulltabs
HH everyone!