The Iceberg story- updated 2/23/07

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

potsy said:
Marbles, the crushed lords prayer, the abundance of coins, and also the star token, i have a bunch of them, and your in ohio. Sounds like an old amusement park to me. I had a butt load of that stuff at the old amusement park i used to hunt at. I think there is an old amusement park in your area, isn't there? I can't seem to remember the name though.

Potsy, there's LOTS of old amusmement parks in Ohio!...Puritas Park, Silver Lake Park, Brady Lake Park, Idora Park, Chipewa Lake Park, Summit Lake Park, Euclid Beach Park...the list is MUCH longer than this! (Bavaria Mike posted a link on here somewhere with a web page showing defunct parks) but sadly most of them have been torn down or have been pounded to death. This spot besides having a known large picnic grove and baseball field DID have yearly carnivals I was told. I wouldn't doubt for a second that the "wheatfield" area was once either a penny-pitch area or a game of chance booth (or both maybe?).
I have made it clear here on this thread that the exact location will not be revealed for obvious reasons (immediate visits from LOTS of folks swinging coils)
I was comfortable enough to share in this spot with a few close friends.

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

Thats cool man. I used to live in youngstown. I found about 100 of the lords prayer coins, and too many to remember of the lucky tokens..All was in Idora park. I just all looked so familiar to me. We found a spot in Idora where we would sift the dirt, or just pull out clumps and run them across the detector, there were too many hits in the ground. It's a good time. Also the time Dave and I found 700 in cash, 1950 -1969 all the bills dated, in a construction pile when they were demo'ing the place. Keep it up, find out where the coasters, if any or ferris wheels were, those will pay off, did for us.

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

You all have done great ... Can't wait to see what your spring and summer will bring

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

Old Tom said:
You all have done great ... Can't wait to see what your spring and summer will bring

I'd like to see a pic of all of the stuff they've found in a big pile or overflowing from the top of a chest or antique milk bottle or something. They should also submit a story about it to W&ET or their respective detector companies (ie history of the park...maybe some historical pics of people picnicing there, and how they happened across it etc etc).

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

Skrimpy said:
Old Tom said:
You all have done great ... Can't wait to see what your spring and summer will bring

I'd like to see a pic of all of the stuff they've found in a big pile or overflowing from the top of a chest or antique milk bottle or something. They should also submit a story about it to W&ET or their respective detector companies (ie history of the park...maybe some historical pics of people picnicing there, and how they happened across it etc etc).
Maybe years from now when the property is sold or we consider it hunted out, etc. Till then it'll remain what it is...As it is I have permission to be there from people that work for the owner and maintain the property.
As far as W&E, I have been asked to submit but prefer to keep a low profile.
As to a combined picture of finds...that WOULD be awesome, but getting Bob and Nate and I to get it all together for pics would be a pain in the rear.

Re: The Iceberg story- updated 1/29/07

Danimal said:
Skrimpy said:
Old Tom said:
You all have done great ... Can't wait to see what your spring and summer will bring

I'd like to see a pic of all of the stuff they've found in a big pile or overflowing from the top of a chest or antique milk bottle or something. They should also submit a story about it to W&ET or their respective detector companies (ie history of the park...maybe some historical pics of people picnicing there, and how they happened across it etc etc).
Maybe years from now when the property is sold or we consider it hunted out, etc. Till then it'll remain what it is...As it is I have permission to be there from people that work for the owner and maintain the property.
As far as W&E, I have been asked to submit but prefer to keep a low profile.
As to a combined picture of finds...that WOULD be awesome, but getting Bob and Nate and I to get it all together for pics would be a pain in the rear.

Understood. Have fun with that site. The rest of us can only hope to find something with so many good coins.

First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

Man I wanted to get out yesterday for a hunt at the 'Berg with Mirage or Zoso, but it didn't happen. Bob had his taxes to do and Zoso (Dave) had family plans. I could have gone anyways but didn't want to do the trek alone, so I stayed inside and basically vegged out, drinking Wheat beer and eating assorted crap...and all the time looking out the window and then looking over at my new DFX standing against the wall (whispering "take me out Dan...")
Woke up today with the snow again falling heavy and the weather report saying a high of 17deg. I decided what the only live once, and started gathering gear together. The drive out there was miserable with very limited visibility and slick roads (but nowhere near as bad as last week)
2-18-07hunt 007.webp.
Once parked I started the approx 1mi. hike in through knee deep (sometimes crotch deep) snow. Boy can I tell I haven't been mountainbiking in a while and am out of shape. I was forced to stop several times on the hike in just to catch my breath. I went to the "wheatfields" area, knowing that coins awaited me (we have pulled over 1000 wheat pennies here so far). I took off my backpack and started clearing out various areas in approx. 10x10ft plots. Having brought no snow shovel this was NOT easy!
The first plot had several good sounding targets but I really was struggling trying to figure out what in the world this new machine was saying. Being the #@!$%#@! I am, I ignored the factory starter programs and went right away to a custom program I copied from JerDFX. The only change I made was to drop the AC sens. down a notch (it was chattering badly) and to turn icons on as I am not familiar with what the VDI numbers are yet. As I TRIED to dig a few decent sounding targets, I found out the ground was NOT diggable at all. I was tired already and stopped for a coffee break. Caffeine enriched I picked up and went to another spot and again cleared a plot...first checking to see if I could even dig (which I kinda could) First target was a wheat and then another.
2-18-07hunt 001.webp
2-18-07hunt 002.webp
2-18-07hunt 003.webp
As the plot was clear of targets I was starting to get the hang of what sounds to listen to. I also was using the pinpoint to locate targets and then trying to ID them. I cranked the DC sens. up a bit too to make pinpointing a bit more sensitive. I cleared a bit further out and heard a nice high pitch tone and a VDI of 87 to 90. at about 5" I dug a 1954D silver rosie.
2-18-07hunt 004.webp
A few wheats later I had another real sweet high tone and chipped out a 1944 Merc in great shape.
2-18-07hunt 005.webp
Not bad I thought...the silver dimes had a MUCH higher, sweeter tone than the wheats. On my ACE250 they would have sounded the I think I will get to like the DFX!!
Total finds included a big aluminum button, part of a square nail and a few pulltabs
2-18-07hunt 008.webp

HH everyone!

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg


You are seriously 'hard core' digging in those frozen conditions!!! Do you ever damage coins during recovery in frozen ground? I'd imagine it's all about making your plug large enough and keeping the target in the plug.

BTW.. Great finds!!!!

Also, what do you think about those KillerB's headphones? I've been thinking about picking up a pair.


Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

DetectorBase said:

You are seriously 'hard core' digging in those frozen conditions!!! Do you ever damage coins during recovery in frozen ground? I'd imagine it's all about making your plug large enough and keeping the target in the plug.

BTW.. Great finds!!!!

Also, what do you think about those KillerB's headphones? I've been thinking about picking up a pair.

I try to make sure the target is centered and dig a large enough plug so that the coin is encased in one of the frozen chunks that come out of the hole. I have nicked a few, but I am ok with that (won't be saying that when I nick a 1916D merc or such though!)
This was my fist time using the Killer B's and I gotta say the leather ear cups are very comfy and the 150ohm speakers sound great! For $76.00 they are a great buy. I do wish the cord was a tad longer, but I'm sure it'll stretch out a bit w/use. I got 'em (and a lot of my gear) from Souther Treasures.

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

Man, what a savage first hunt with the DFX! 2 silver from the wheatfield is great. Me and Mirage are off tomorrow...he'll consider a trip there. It feels like such a loooong time since I've detected (lol cause it has been). Really enjoyed the post.

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

hey danimal

what DetectorBase said your hard core.....however.....I would do it... great stuff how long did it take to recover a target in those conditions?... The last time I was out it took about 20 min. for 1 wheat...Nice job, gotta love the Iceburg...H.H.


Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

Nate in Ohio said:
Man, what a savage first hunt with the DFX! 2 silver from the wheatfield is great. Me and Mirage are off tomorrow...he'll consider a trip there. It feels like such a loooong time since I've detected (lol cause it has been). Really enjoyed the post.

If you two go, I suggest taking some C4...or maybe a pickaxe at the least. Your Dad's Lesche relic shovel need a sharper point. :D

GL if ya go.

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

TnT2000 said:
hey danimal

what DetectorBase said your hard core.....however.....I would do it... great stuff how long did it take to recover a target in those conditions?... The last time I was out it took about 20 min. for 1 wheat...Nice job, gotta love the Iceburg...H.H.

TnT...recovery time was probably about 5-10 min/coin. Only one wheat was within the top3" of soil and came out with the first "chunk"...the others were deeper and needed subsequent "chunks" lol..
It wouldn't have been so bad if the hike in wasn't such a bitch. I mean there were times the snow was thigh-high and I was breathin hard. When I got home I ended up shoveling out the driveway and sidewalk too...I am pooped.

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

Im still lookin out the window.New DFX still armed,ready and waiting.
I admire your determination and its rewards....Joe

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

You da man!

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

halfdime said:
You da man!


Takes grit. Did it last week, that was enough for me.

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

halfdime said:
You da man!

Look am NOT the "man" :D

I figured it's like this..we've got probably 18" or more snow cover and even if it somehow manages to get above freezing, it'll be weeks before I see ground again. The way the DFX has been talking to me I know I couldn't last that long without going crazy(er). I know I some of you it may seem nuts, but I am not trying to prove anything. More than a few TNet members have been doing the hammer and chisel thing now, so maybe it's becoming more commonplace. Kinda like a polar bear thing w/out the swimming. Yes, I could have stayed in and done something productive, but now I have just made things worse...I have heard the tone of silver on the DFX. I understand why ToneID should forever remain on. I was able to see and hear the difference DC sensitivity made while pinpointing. I switched VDI Normalization off and then back on and SAW what it did to the VDI scale. I made PROGRESS man!!

Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

Are you kidding me, Dan? Now that is total metal detecting dedication at its fullest! I don't think I would be that psychotic, but you proved your toughness! That Wheat beer sounds great, but I wouldn't go to the point of eating "assorted crap." hehehe

The DFX was a great purchase, bud



Re: First silver for the DFX-High tones and low temps at the Iceberg

I can totally understand your desire to use the new DFX. I must say, you set the bar pretty high for extreme detecting!

Congratulations on the dimes (they look fantastic), and on getting out with your new machine. ;)


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