The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM


There IS a baseline!

Check out his "leave no banana behind" and early childhood hustling days.

Lots of goodies out there for the head shrinkers to use, you will just have to dig. I just used my gut on what I have read. Lots of interviews and excerpts from his books that are relevant to establishing a "gut" profile of this guy.

Yes, Take any of our early days and tell me nothing would fit anything we wanted! We could take our own posts and twist and tweak them into what ever argument we wanted support.

You guys may be right! I'm just throwing out thoughts as I'm learning! :occasion14:

Heck, I can take posts from this thread and make them fit a psychopath or a sociopath. It still won't make it proof. Like I said! Maybe the man is! I'm just posting thoughts as I go along for the argument and thread. Just opinions, or thoughts....I'm staying open minded and neutral for now. I could actually care less either way! That's what makes it fun.

Also, where was his mind at the time of the poem. His past might mean a little, but where he was at the time of the poem and after. Is where it would be the most important. Maybe not. Just a thought.

You can take my past and some of it would or could be made to look like I'm a very bad person. As far as ethics, or morals. Yes, the past is what makes us, but it might not be who we are today. :dontknow: You can do that with anyone! It's easier to convince people of that when the person we are accusing has a little money! People tend to think (especially lately) that anyone with a little money is EVIL. :laughing7: He may be? I'm just staying open to both possibilities. And questioning both sides for my own curiosity, and learning.

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Slick and Nitric,

Have either of you read his profitable books? This sucker is in Yellow Stone. I use the word sucker on purpose by the way. He also say's in numerous interviews that the poem can be a solve but his books also supply clues. Early in his book too far to walk the title itself might be a clue??? If and I say better than 51/49 that the treasure he left behind is in yellow stone too much of his past lies within the park.

Slick and Nitric,

Have either of you read his profitable books? This sucker is in Yellow Stone. I use the word sucker on purpose by the way. He also say's in numerous interviews that the poem can be a solve but his books also supply clues. Early in his book too far to walk the title itself might be a clue??? If and I say better than 51/49 that the treasure he left behind is in yellow stone too much of his past lies within the park.

No, I'm still really new to this...Like a couple of days new! :laughing7: I heard about it in the past and never really checked it out too much, other than reading wiki. Since this thread I find the whole thing interesting and I'm almost becoming obsessed with it! :laughing7: So, I have a lot of catching up to do! Another reason for my posts, just my way of learning. :laughing7:

No need to BUY the book contrary to Slick's idea of ripping people off. Just go to the public library they can get it for you for free!!!!!

No, I'm still really new to this...Like a couple of days new! :laughing7: I heard about it in the past and never really checked it out too much, other than reading wiki. Since this thread I find the whole thing interesting and I'm almost becoming obsessed with it! :laughing7: So, I have a lot of catching up to do! Another reason for my posts, just my way of learning. :laughing7:

Just go to the public library they can get it for you for free!!!!!

It's not in any central Florida library system, I just tried to get it.

Can you tell me what library has it, and my local one can do a loan request.


One man's trash is another man's treasure:treasurechest:

If they do a search on there computer it should be somewhere otherwise fill out a request our precious tax dollars off to FF....LOL

I decided from the very start, NOT to feed the animal by purchasing his books. Don't need to. There is way more then enough material out there to understand the man. Any way, it isn't needed to solve the puzzle.

No, the book is not needed, but I would have found it interesting as another facet to this story.

Unfortunately it costs more than a normal book of comparable size and content, so the library system won't buy one.

I won't buy one either- just a passing fancy.

after having watched several videos I will huck this into the stew....I see no indication of sociopathic responce...I see an elderly man who is asked an amazingly stupid question followed by an equally stupid request."well you can tell me where it is"

I see politeness.ask yourself this...have you ever known an elderly person you cant shock?how about one who gets less animated when you trip up?Heck...forget elderly,just watch a celebrity when they are asked the same question over and your mom when a suggestion is dumb.

My take is that his behaviour is very ordinary for a person recieving attention at nauseum.

also I find that 50% of profits go to cancer charity.interesting to note that his works are avail only on amazon and a local book store.this lends credence to his claim that he paid for publishing,no publisher on earth is going for that deal if they invested in it.finally on amazon I see that sellers generally have less than 10 available and used versions are more numerous.hardly a formula for making millions,in fact quite the opposite.

He claims he hasnt even recovered publishing costs and looking at the dismal sales...prolly correct.

I thought Fenn said that he didn't recover the money from publishing and there are no profits? If there are no profits how can he donate 50% to charity? What charity is he working with? The man is attention seeking to the nth degree, surely he didn't donate anonymously. This should be traceable.

Just because somebody had cancer or theoretically works with charities does not mean they cannot also be a liar and a cheat. Ahem...Lance Armstrong.

FYI: psychopaths and sociopaths are synonyms.

Crispin wrote.."Do you ever get the idea you have no idea what you are talking about?"

A question for you Crispin, why the hell are you being so damn sarcastic towards me, and please explain what was wrong with my two statements. The idea I get is that you are just a rude person always on the rag...

I don't remember where I wrote that but it does sound like something I would say. Can you post the link so I can go have a good laugh again? Define irony: Somebody accusing somebody of being rude by telling them they seem like they are a rude person always on the rag...

I am sorry if you feel I have singled you out to be sarcastic to. Its not personal, I am sarcastic to a lot of people. After all the abuse I have suffered from various groups here on TNET I have earned the right to be sarcastic. If I do it repeatedly to you then it might say something about the quality of your posts. As to picking you as target to ridicule you are not on my list; however, I can add your name if you would like?

Another piece that fits your solve. The Indian and horse from the sky. If he would have flown over that I'm almost sure he would have seen that. Indian artifacts were one of his passions. So, in my mind, he would have had to of seen that from the sky! And I'm sure it would have drawn him in to check it out!:dontknow:

Here is why I think there is a treasure! When talking about it, his most prized possession wasn't worth that much. He also claims if someone finds it he would like to buy it back. That might be a set up, or act to make it seem more real too though! It may have cost him a lot to bury and let go of some of his possessions. But the man is attention hungry too! He says this ,when he says "wouldn't it be neat if someone finds my treasure and it ends up in the smithsonian 2000 years from now."(or similar)

When people are attention hungry, sometimes they will pay a lot of money to get it! Even if greedy! Example....sports cars,expensive suits,watches, the trophy wives, the cost is crazy! His cost may have been a 2 million chest of gold. It would be the biggest attention ever! Some of these guys hit a point where money is a tool, it has little to do with the money! They already have anything and everything they wanted. It's the thrill of the chase! In every area of life! This is another one of his sayings!

I was fortunate enough in life at one point, for a short time, to understand this, not to the point of him.(no longer:laughing7:) Money becomes, just paper. It's hard to understand, We view it different,when we don't have it! A hundred was like a buck to me. Now, I'd be happy to find a ten, and there aren't any hundreds around.:laughing7: He sees it as a possible damaging thing, and it is! He eludes to this a couple of times. He wants his life story to be looked at and told. Maybe, he feels guilty,proud of his accomplishment with no more than a high school diploma to start with, or who knows. I think A person would do this at any cost! Whether it's 2mil in gold or a big lie! Hard to know! Since he says he has everything he wants, and he is not leaving it to his grandchildren...Maybe, he really did bury it. It was his cost!

So, I do think the treasure could be out there! Maybe not?

There are other reasons too, that I'm not completely convinced there isn't a treasure. Just more thoughts and rambling!:laughing7:

Added instead of another post.....

I know he is being claimed to be a psychopath? Maybe, he is! I wouldn't know! But here are some thoughts just from sitting and thinking about that.

Psychopaths,even have a friend or a person they somewhat trust. (Not in all cases.)Usually someone they do look up to or feel might be an equal in some way, maybe even a challenge to them. They do have feeling for some thing though! Kids,animals,the world,nature,.....something! There is a key! They can also switch! So, death of a parent, life threatening disease, could switch a direction or feeling in an area. They will also go through great lengths to support an idea! Or to show!(in some cases) So, even IF he is a psychopath it doesn't mean the treasure doesn't exist! We just can't believe the reasons why he did it! I've met some and they are very unpredictable if you don't KNOW them. But there is a trigger or key to most that I have met. A doc. or law enforcement has a hard time because they don't know the person they are dealing with. They can only base what they know on past experience or what they are trained to look for. There is not a book or blanket that covers all thought's and actions of every psychopath, just starting point theories or ideas,Commonalities, Baselines(?)! So? Is he a psychopath? How would anyone know? unless they personally knew him and has spent a LOT of time with him!Not just a few interviews or pieces of history, of a what? 80 year life? And he would have had to trust that person to even give a hint! I'm nothing, and don't have a degree in anything. I've just been around a few people that I really believe are psychopaths,close, or fall along the same lines. And was? In a sick way fascinated with their behavior!

Psychopath? No! I wouldn't think, But I'm limited to only my experiences.
Sociopath? Maybe? But I tend to get the definitions mixed and there is a fine line really. I still say either one has feeling towards something other than self.(sometimes) Which fits FF's life better , if you wanted to put a label on him with the claims being made?:dontknow: If it was only money he was after? He wouldn't have shelves and collections,passions. He would have sold that stuff and took the money! So, he does have feelings and attachments to things other than money! The books are about him, and what he wants to show. Not the money, I think the money might be secondary. OH, probably important! But I don't believe it is his main goal! Control is his goal! Look at me, what I've learned,what I have accomplished, Look at what I see in the beauty and freedom of nature, fits what I see of him so far. He paid for his Grand daughters medical school, under conditions even, That she practices in a small town and does house calls for the first two years. Control? Yes! But why? To show her something HE wants her to see. That's his cost! To show what he wants! It fits, an Idea of why he would put the treasure out there in the first place. But who knows? These are just some thoughts!

Psychopaths are born without the fear circuit. It is the lack of this fear circuit that leads to their behaviors. The penal system does not work on them. Why do most people not speed? Because they don't want a ticket.

If you have no fear of getting a speed.

Psychopaths are that multiplied to the nth degree. John Gacy: no fear of getting caught raping and killing he does. Ariel Castro: no fear of getting caught raping and holding three women he does it. Forest Fenn: no fear of getting caught ripping millions of people off with he does it.

Very simple concept really.

As for the granddaughter and med school thing. That is just sick and cruel. The girl does four years undergrad, 4 years med school, and 4 years residency and he wants her to do house calls? Ridiculous, he should pay for her school to honor the sacrifices she makes. I can see working at a volunteer clinic...I did that for four years to help pay my debt to humanity. But house calls, really, really???!!! You gonna bring a CT scan, lab, and all those other tests to the house with you. We out of the 1920s. Just another will for him to implement his will and control others. This guy makes me want to vomit.


Glad to see you're still in fine form....and to those who think you single them out for abuse that's just not true you dish it out to all comers heck been there and done

Take care buddy.

Regards + HH


I don't remember where I wrote that but it does sound like something I would say. Can you post the link so I can go have a good laugh again? Define irony: Somebody accusing somebody of being rude by telling them they seem like they are a rude person always on the rag...

I am sorry if you feel I have singled you out to be sarcastic to. Its not personal, I am sarcastic to a lot of people. After all the abuse I have suffered from various groups here on TNET I have earned the right to be sarcastic. If I do it repeatedly to you then it might say something about the quality of your posts. As to picking you as target to ridicule you are not on my list; however, I can add your name if you would like?

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Glad to see you're still in fine form....and to those who think you single them out for abuse that's just not true you dish it out to all comers heck been there and done

Take care buddy.

Regards + HH


Regards + HH


Thanks Uncle Bill,

Hope you are doing well.



I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Thomas Edison.

I'd rather quote Tesla!
Now I'm off to chase the ball I do every week on the beach!

I agree, Tesla is volts ahead of TE!


I'm doing ok....

As to the Forrest Fenn thread seems like a big con game to my mind.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it must be a duck if you get my drift.

Regards + HH


Thanks Uncle Bill,

Hope you are doing well.



You started your clue digestion here:

I will now start with the first REAL clue in the poem, and progress through the clues, one at a time describing each clue, and revealing its hidden meaning IN THE POEM. I will then Start at the beginning again, and put the clues together, so each clue can be identified and DRAWN ON THE MAP.

And hint of riches new and old.“new” = hardball/blacktop road...

Why didn't you start with Begin in the second set? Begin would made sense in many ways.

To begin- here is the starting point.

Why didn't you begin at the beginning?

And wouldn't the beginning be in Texas? Or is that why you didn't begin there?

I thought Fenn said that he didn't recover the money from publishing and there are no profits? If there are no profits how can he donate 50% to charity? What charity is he working with? The man is attention seeking to the nth degree, surely he didn't donate anonymously. This should be traceable.

Just because somebody had cancer or theoretically works with charities does not mean they cannot also be a liar and a cheat. Ahem...Lance Armstrong.

FYI: psychopaths and sociopaths are synonyms.

Synonym-Cinnamon-Synonym-Cinnamon. Try that out loud....
Good thing it's not a sobriety test. Or psychotic one. Or is it?
I keep messing it up ,and only had one beer. Must be the beer. :occasion14:

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