The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

You find my lack of faith disturbing?


I just prefer simple measurements. Like mass and weight. ;-)


Let me interject here. If one does not fully understand or accept
(for whatever reason) SlickNikel's processit is next to impossible to accept his conclusions.
I personally understand the process.
Therefore I personally accept SlickNikle's conclusions. I find it is a masterpiece of

There are many things to consider when finding a suitable starting point. Regardless, when I found the head of the horse, the clues expanded out from the "blaze" of the horses eye. I had the spot, but I had no idea of what direction I was going. The puzzle unfolded one clue at a time getting me to each of the points. The word "it" is where the seeker/guide places us at that moment "in" the puzzle, on the map and in the poem.

As a poet,
I dream.
I fixate on the moment then, expand my thoughts beyond space and time.
This is how I think.
I use concentric circles, first microscopic, then beyond the imagination, then, ratchet it back, step by step, with smaller and smaller circles. I do this 100's of times, just on one portion of quatrain or even a single word, then, back to the stars I go.

The intro of the poem is the alpha and the omega. It is a prelude of what is, what was, and what is about to come. I say this as a poet and NOT a puzzle solver. Two very different mind sets, with completely different trains of thought, so please don't confuse the POET with the puzzle solver.

There were times that I was completely lost in my mind as to what the puzzle master was saying. I didn't hit every mark perfectly until I understood with a 100% certainty, that I was in the puzzle masters head, and understood the clue.
My wife, knew, and knows when I'm not anywhere near earth, when I was in deep thought on Fenn's puzzle. 2,3,4am I would awake with the solution. (This is my normal sleep cycle when I write a lyric set. I have actually composed and solved many lyric sets in a sudo-transcending sleep) a love but also curse.

I progressed through the poem, and then went back to the top and did it again. I drew the lines three times a day, on a blank computer screen and then printed them out, put them back to back and in front of a bright light to compare the results. Not one time would it deviate more then a few feet. Better than any 8digit grid coordinate for accuracy.

This is how I knew that when I actually went to BOTG, I could move with confidence, and yes, I was mind blown, when the mausoleum appeared through the thick trees.

This is why I say, study my solution. Connect and draw the dots and lines on your own. Then take the journey as I have, and believe what you see on the UU mark. Just do it with reverence and respect to the nature that will surrounds you. This is a Holy place. Not necessarily the mausoleum, but the Y in the triangle, or just a bit north in the wash fold, where the Apache, would have left their dead.

Actually the word halt means to come to an abrupt stop, or a suspension of movement or activity.

My solutions, both #1 and #2 are several hundred miles apart. They both are contained within a couple of square miles.





FF said Think,

Now go back and look up halt!

Use ALL the definitions and spread them out, THEN think! And use the one that is most fitting OR IN THIS CASE, BOTH MEANINGS APPLY!
One for the physical portion of the Map/puzzle and the other definition, over the same word to show the seeker that halt=lame as in a Clue. Double entendre. Both are used and both are correct, not JUST one, that would be WRONG,

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FF said Think,

Now go back and look up halt!

Use ALL the definitions and spread them out, THEN think! And use the one that is most fitting OR IN THIS CASE, BOTH MEANINGS APPLY!
One for the physical portion of the Map/puzzle and the other definition, over the same word to show the seeker that halt=lame as in a Clue. Double entendre. Both are used and both are correct, not JUST one, that would be WRONG,

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 2.35.51 PM.webp

Nice try! But you need a different dictionary and OPEN YOUR MIND and stop with the single minded antics.
verb (used without object)
to falter, as in speech, reasoning, etc.; behesitant; stumble.
to be in doubt; waver between alternatives;vacillate.
Archaic. to be lame; walk lamely; limp.
Archaic. lame; limping.
Archaic. lameness; a limp.
(used with a plural verb) lame people,especially severely lamed ones (usuallypreceded by the):
the halt and the blind.

Occam's razor;

The principle states that among competing hypotheses that predict equally well, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. Other, more complicated solutions may ultimately prove to provide better predictions, but—in the absence of differences in predictive ability—the fewer assumptions that are made, the better.

My solution, #2 was developed along this principal.

I started with my solution #2 based on the assumption that what FF said is applicable to the solution and he was truthful.

Start at the beginning.

Use nothing but the poem.

Go step by step.

Look at this from an older man's perspective, physically.

The poem is so simple that when the treasure is found, many will say, "Why didn't I think of that?"

So, I worked this from the simplest angle possible, with the least amount of cyphering and in the most casual manner I could muster.

I've discussed my findings with a very trusted and close friend.

I believe solution #2 may be keeping him awake at night a little...


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Maybe! You should look around your location a little more! Just in case your wrong and there is treasure! Could you imagine releasing your solve to everyone then overlooking the treasure! OHHHH Boy!!!!! that would suck if someone used your solve and actually found it!:laughing7: Now!!! That would be the same kind of luck like I would have for sure!!!!!!!!!:laughing7:

Full Interview: Forrest Finn dishes on hidden treasure | News - KOAT Home

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Typical f. Fenn interview other than when he misspoke and said Church rather than chase. At that point he reacted as if
Holy Water had been sprinkled on him.


I read your posts.

In one sentence, you make sense and I agree with you and the logic you apply to the situation. You then, turn around and completely undo all of your previous logic by attempting to bend, twist and obscure a data source that is crucial to solving the puzzle.

You will not be successful at all, if you don't consider all the data sources that are needed and then be the seeker to interpret, discover and solve the puzzle/poem.

You are in shallow water when you try and spin a simple word as "halt" and attempt to sway the masses that "THIS" is the true definition and then try and back this up with Occam's Razor. It doesn't work that way. I have posted many weeks ago how Occam's Razor was actually used to solve the puzzle, but the logic must be completely and unbiasedly applied to ALL data. Not just a halfassed attempt on 1/10 of the definition of "halt"

Forrest Fennis is wise in the ways of the world and in the usage of words. His age alone, puts him closer to meanings and usage of words, and sayings, that most of have never heard of unless, it's been recently resurrected by a researcher on a movie set like "I'm your huckleberry".
So, the logic that needs to be derived from his age, is his understanding and usage of archaic definitions of words. He knows them, he used them and this is ALL LAID OUT in my solution article. So here I am, repeating myself for something that could have been learned and understood, if the article was read in its entirety.

If you want to see the beauty in FF poem/ puzzle, then let's apply the logic straight up, and with No BS. In order for you to do this, you will have to swim to the deep end and put on your big boy swimgear and stop the halfassed child's dictionary games, and use the data sources that are necessary to understand the puzzle. Then apply the logic fairly and evenly throughout the puzzle solving process.

Typical f. Fenn interview other than when he misspoke and said Church rather than chase. At that point he reacted as if
Holy Water had been sprinkled on him.

I thought maybe because he might have been going to say Chert. And he caught himself! He definitely had a reaction when he misspoke! Glad someone else caught that though! I thought it was just me! But his reaction was kind of strong for a misspeak, unless it was just frustration.:dontknow:

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Why search for something that doesn't exist?

I went with a metal detector, because those are the tools of the trade. I also went with 2 gallons of water/gatoraid because those too are needed in the ground game.

I drank all of my rations and used my battery packs to full depletion. My BOTG planning and analysis, was needed for accuracy and "proof" ( like in the old time whisky trade).

I don't halfassed anything especially if has to do with a love for puzzle solving.

I promise, if FF buried a 10x10 bronze box, I would have found it. I checked the soil depth and know EXACTLY what it would have taken to conceal a piece of metal that big, and I doubt that FF lit off several sticks of dynamite. Lol,
Interesting, was the metal on location. Not much, but what I found was old, really old. Wagon train days kind of old.

Did I miss a clue? Nope! If I did, I wouldn't be sleeping at all! I sleep just fine!

Could a 10x10 box show up in the hands of a FF delegate? Sure! Why not!
They would have found it in the hidey-hole! Lol or 10 ft from where my picture was taken under an old stump.

I checked the stump!

I did a full grid search of every nook and cranny within 160 ft in all direction, not just at the mausoleum, but at many other points as well, looking for any historical metal indicators of past occupation by wagon trains.

I used the maximum time allowed, with my standard search criteria, using my normal metal detection techniques, with the minimum amount of disturbance to this area.

Be plain stupid to drive 48 hours and not bring the tools necessary to solve the puzzle.

Slicknickle, post by our rules or lose the ability to post. I have already posted once to end insults and attacks....


My intent is not to insult.

It is to inform.

I have been your guide.
I am seasoned and wise in the ways of the world.
I ask of nothing, except for you to believe in what you see.
I have shown you the way,
now it's your turn to do the journey on your own. PF

Apologies again.


I'm not telling you that you were wrong. I'm not saying you are incorrect. Nor am I saying either of my solutions are the holy grail.

I said I have derived at a different conclusion than you, and explained my methodology for both of my solutions.

You don't have to accept my conclusions. It's okay by me. This was just a conversation, not an attempt to sway any mass or convince anyone of anything.

I found your solution, by my logic, flawed. But, it's what makes you happy, so in that, I'm happy for you.

Until the treasure is definitively proven to not exist by independent means, then it can exist, and I have an as equally correct solution as you do.


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I had a very good friend of mine ask me this, "Why, if thousands of people have been searching for the treasure, what makes you think you have the answer?"

I told him, "10,000 people may have found the correct solution. 9,999 of us found an empty hole."


Blessings and good luck on your journeys.

Love and peace to all who seek,
Just seek the right things in life.


My intent is not to insult.

It is to inform.

I have been your guide.
I am seasoned and wise in the ways of the world.
I ask of nothing, except for you to believe in what you see.
I have shown you the way,
now it's your turn to do the journey on your own. PF

Apologies again.

Attempting to get your mind around SlickNikle's masterpiece of decoding the
poem map is one thing, however, to argue a matter with vigor here on Tnet is
much like tip toeing thru the tulips in a former war zone without steping on a landmine.

I had a very good friend of mine ask me this, "Why, if thousands of people have been searching for the treasure, what makes you think you have the answer?"

I told him, "10,000 people may have found the correct solution. 9,999 of us found an empty hole."

I could go the conspiracy route!!!? Slicknickel already found it! But to avoid suspicion and taxes, goes on a campaign saying it doesn't exist! See? right now he is laughing counting his gold coins, putting them into little stacks, spinning giant egg size gold nuggets with his fingers on the table like tops, and play fighting with carved figurines, Putting gems in his eyes, sitting around in his new giant computer chair!:laughing7:

I'm JKG slicknickel! Again........

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