The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

I stated that "new and old" is not a major clue and is actually no longer valid. FF said "I wish someone would go in there with a bike and get it" this is because they locked the quarry entrance that was once a place to park, now is invalid as place to park. WWWH is also a secondary clue and only realized when the canyon and it's water flow are understood. Neither one of these clues are needed to find a point on the map. Just an area that must be understood that the seeker is in the right direction. HOB is the FIRST clue that a "point" is marked for solving the puzzle.

I actually took my bike in. It's a rough ride and hike. I put in at St Joseph's Catholic Church. I promise, this is the only way in without a visit from ?

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Same rules apply to all members... End it now!

soooooo slick,
How does it feel to have someone claim they are your sidekick?I like debating with you.Both you and your solve lead me to believe that we could have a great debate live.I'll bring the beer.HOWEVER...dont feed the trolls and me thinks there is one bashing folks....not cool and nothing to do whatsoever with you.This lively and informative discussion will not survive that type of behaviour and that would be a shame.

I can disagree with you,and have.You can disagree with me,and have....neither have made it personal and I tip my hat to you..:occasion14:..for this I make this post.perhaps a quick look at"treasure hunting"to"cashe hunting"to forest fenn and read last,say,5 pages will shed light.Robin could make batman look bad.just sayin.Too much to lose,too much fun to be had.Too much perspective based info to be gleaned.

All good just didnt know if you knew you have a self proclaimed sidekick and if you are ok with that.


images.webp....perhaps this is where warm waters halt...:dontknow:

There was som tit for tat going on that I don't understand, or know what's going on, but the moderator stepped in and deleted a post, I guess it was personal, but not towards me.

Bigfoot, please, fire away! My solution will easily stand your scrutiny.

Not getting much on scrutiny or a challenge to my solution. I will answer all questions that are sensible. Not gonna chase my tail though over "Forrest Fenn said, so it must be gospel"

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Title of the thread says....SOLVED!
Game over right?


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Great news!

I just got banned from Dal's site oops on the link.

In order to post on this site, you must believe in Unicorns, Leprechauns and that a 10x10 box of hot air actually exisists.
It's such a fantasy land on this site that "Farts smell like roses" and unicorns fly out your ass. BELIEVE! or get the BOOT!
What's funny is, Dal knows "The Chase" is over, but either he's not smart enough to understand the solution to the puzzle OR he's going to spin it so he comes out smelling like roses.
At this point, he knows the truth, but sided with the puzzle master because they are friends!

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Why would an old man take a bike, while trying to carry a box of treasure into tough terrain?

What first brought you to this spot? Was it the Brown ranch?

Did you start in this area because you saw some imagery that fit parts of the poem with the horse, indian?

Was it the proximity to FF's home?

What made you clue in on this particular place? What was the hey, I need to look here moment?

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soooooo slick,
How does it feel to have someone claim they are your sidekick?I like debating with you.Both you and your solve lead me to believe that we could have a great debate live.I'll bring the beer.HOWEVER...dont feed the trolls and me thinks there is one bashing folks....not cool and nothing to do whatsoever with you.This lively and informative discussion will not survive that type of behaviour and that would be a shame.

I can disagree with you,and have.You can disagree with me,and have....neither have made it personal and I tip my hat to you..:occasion14:..for this I make this post.perhaps a quick look at"treasure hunting"to"cashe hunting"to forest fenn and read last,say,5 pages will shed light.Robin could make batman look bad.just sayin.Too much to lose,too much fun to be had.Too much perspective based info to be gleaned.

All good just didnt know if you knew you have a self proclaimed sidekick and if you are ok with that.


Don't let me stand in the way of a good debate. I will gladly step out of the way. The sidekick comment was a joke. Two separate threads....adios for now.

There was som tit for tat going on that I don't understand, or know what's going on, but the moderator stepped in and deleted a post, I guess it was personal, but not towards me.

Bigfoot, please, fire away! My solution will easily stand your scrutiny.

Not getting much on scrutiny or a challenge to my solution. I will answer all questions that are sensible. Not gonna chase my tail though over "Forrest Fenn said, so it must be gospel"

Your solve is a solve!:laughing7: How can anyone scrutinize it? But is it the solve? Well, I'd think FF would have to be looked at. And if claims about him are made, like he is Psychopath? Then that needs to be dug into. Or any other claims! That's one of the only ways to figure out if your solve is the correct solve! :dontknow: Maybe?

Also, It's not just that simple of a concept! That Idea or opinion that he is a psychopath runs deep and has many variable's! It would have to be defined for him, to understand him...Not just a blanket description, that covers murder's and every one in the group. Many Doctors,lawyers,politicians,etc...Fall into this illness or borderline it. That is what makes some of them good at what they do! So even considering it an illness or disease could be argued to death! That could be never ending, and is just theory or opinion.

How do we know if your solve is the correct solve without fully dissecting the man in detail? To try to get an Idea of pattern,thought, or possible variable that might have disrupted or changed any of that! :dontknow: If it can even be done?

What FF said at different times might be important to determine if your solve is the correct one! Maybe not! But, can't just say the treasure does not exist because the man is a psychopath and expect everyone to believe it! How and why did it come to that conclusion! "Because my gut says?" Is not Proof that people are going to buy into! I'm Not for or against you on this. Just curious about it myself, now!:laughing7:

No doubt!! It is a solve! But where do the people that are interested, start to figure out if your solve is the correct and only solve FF intended? :dontknow:

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Don't let me stand in the way of a good debate. I will gladly step out of the way. The sidekick comment was a joke. Two separate threads....adios for now.

What is that? ^^^^^^^???

OHHH NOOOOO!:nono: You can't just walk away from this thread that easily! Nice try though!:laughing7:

Your stuck in it now! Can't just take the first excuse to bail! You can't just take your ball and go home! nope! Your "down the rabbit hole" now! Can't just help open Pandora's box and run away screaming, psstlike a little girl!:laughing7: !!!!??? :dontknow:Support the idea of helping people from being scammed! Insult them when they disagree or don't understand! Nope! We all have way too much to learn here!
This thread here? is like a life commitment! It's like a marriage!:laughing7: Or maybe a mirage? I'm not sure yet!:icon_scratch: Either way! This needs solved! If slicknickel is right and there is no treasure? I'm not going to go look for it. But if he is wrong? There are $2 million plus possibly sitting somewhere waiting to be picked up!:laughing7: Like a bunch of banana's Just waiting to be grabbed!:laughing7:

IF FF is a scam and IF he is taking advantage of people, it needs to be checked out completely! And people need to be shown! If he is not? Then the claim that he is a scam, hurts people too! So, this isn't as simple as it looks! This could be crushing dreams or people in either direction! So the claims are pretty serious and need to be looked into pretty deep! :dontknow:

Ohh never mind! Who really cares anyhow!.......... Did you pick up the, for my personal gain Joke? It was meant as a joke!:laughing7: Ok Ok maybe poor attempt!

Hows that for antagonizing Or motivation!? :laughing7:Did it work? I put Some thought into that post! Just having fun! It's all good! :occasion14: I'm obsessed with all this now and then.......the steam ran out!:laughing7:

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I highly value your opinion.

You have explained all the feelings I have about Forrest Fenn, into real WORDS, that I'm not qualified to say.

I really would just love to fire back on the issues that deal with the puzzle. I can defend my solution down to the "i" in any forum.

On the other hand, Nitric is correct on FF the man. My "gut" might serve me well as a guide to understanding people, but it's a FAR cry from having any validity in something as important as getting the truth to millions of people who don't have a clue.

I have been in touch with a news anchor at NBC. IMO, They want this to go away, since they started the hole thing without ever back-fact-check FF. FF supposedly fell sick last week and "Canceled" the interview with NBC for the TODAY Show. Does this sound like FF to miss an opportunity to shine, In front of "his public" or, is NBC finally getting cold feet?

ONE single person CAN make a difference.

have you made the dots on the map yourself, and drawn the lines yet?
Yo say this is "JUST" a solution. IT IS the Solution. LOOK AT THE GEOMETRY!!! It's the dead giveaway.


Take the poem, use up every word to its enth degree. Spread it out across the Rocky Mountains, or for that matter the whole USA. There are now MILLIONS of possible solutions.


Let's take the same poem with the EXACT same scenario, but ONLY apply the solution to 2 square miles. Now the solution becomes way more difficult to discard as being "lucky" or random. It is by this simple logic, that demands respect when viewing the solution as a whole.
Let's throw in "The first rule of Poetry" the Indian that sports a headdress of a horse, and ONE CLUE that is obvious for a puzzle master who's into himself (Forrest Fenn=Folsom Falls)
Now, the whole picture is crystal clear. Apply the geometry with the points in reference to their relationship with the poem, and in this very small area, a "Y" shows up almost perfectly centered in a triangle. Connect that with the other "Y" that the poem instructs the seeker to do, and voila! YY=uu in Greek ! The mother load in all of the FF diaries.

This is the solution with the picture at the end. It was with complete confidence, that I walked up to this place.
In my first release of my solution, I tried to dramaticise the "Y" and lead the reader on a journey that made sense for someone who might make the journey. When the seeker actually stands at the "Y" it is uneventful. BUT, when the UU intersection if then followed, all becomes crystal clear. If the UU line is taken from the "Y" intersection, the seeker will get the "Ahhhhhhh" experience and be able to see the beauty and wonder, of this diamond in the rough.

What is that? ^^^^^^^???

OHHH NOOOOO!:nono: You can't just walk away from this thread that easily! Nice try though!:laughing7:

Your stuck in it now! Can't just take the first excuse to bail! You can't just take your ball and go home! nope! Your "down the rabbit hole" now! Can't just help open Pandora's box and run away screaming, psstlike a little girl!:laughing7: !!!!??? :dontknow:Support the idea of helping people from being scammed! Insult them when they disagree or don't understand! Nope! We all have way too much to learn here!
This thread here? is like a life commitment! It's like a marriage!:laughing7: Or maybe a mirage? I'm not sure yet!:icon_scratch: Either way! This needs solved! If slicknickel is right and there is no treasure? I'm not going to go look for it. But if he is wrong? There are $2 million plus possibly sitting somewhere waiting to be picked up!:laughing7: Like a bunch of banana's Just waiting to be grabbed!:laughing7:

IF FF is a scam and IF he is taking advantage of people, it needs to be checked out completely! And people need to be shown! If he is not? Then the claim that he is a scam, hurts people too! So, this isn't as simple as it looks! This could be crushing dreams or people in either direction! So the claims are pretty serious and need to be looked into pretty deep! :dontknow:

Ohh never mind! Who really cares anyhow!.......... Did you pick up the, for my personal gain Joke? It was meant as a joke!:laughing7: Ok Ok maybe poor attempt!

Hows that for antagonizing Or motivation!? :laughing7:Did it work? I put Some thought into that post! Just having fun! It's all good! :occasion14: I'm obsessed with all this now and then.......the steam ran out!:laughing7:

Hay Nitric, are you the desk clerk on this thread?

"Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast."

"Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!

(Credit to The Eagles and Hotel California)

Hay Nitric, are you the desk clerk on this thread?

"Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the beast."

"Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.
You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!

(Credit to The Eagles and Hotel California)

:sign10: I just like these kind of debates, for a lot of reasons. I like fact checking and getting detailed with it, while trying to think or question all possibilities. I also think we live in a world where this is no longer done. And people are quick to support one idea or another pretty quick, just because some one says, with out going deep into facts.And even checking the "fact" checkers!:icon_scratch: It's not always easy to do!!!! And can get very complicated!Sometimes it's easier to be a follower, rather than check into things! So yes!:whip2: Everyone get in here and tear this sucker(FF treasure claims) wide open!:laughing7: Slicknickel says there isn't a treasure! He may be right! How can we prove he is right or wrong, the best we can, individually or collectively? And each part of it has to stand up to scrutiny and detail by anyone!

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Why would an old man take a bike, while trying to carry a box of treasure into tough terrain?

What first brought you to this spot? Was it the Brown ranch?

Did you start in this area because you saw some imagery that fit parts of the poem with the horse, indian?

Was it the proximity to FF's home?

What made you clue in on this particular place? What was the hey, I need to look here moment?

FF didn't take a bike! 5 years ago, the quarry gate was open! HE COULD PARK HIS CAR IN THE QUARRY! It's now locked and has a no trespassing sign on it.
FF later made his "bike statement"'if some one can find that interview or article, I would be obliged, if they posted it.

What brought me to the spot? Here in Missouri, we have sinkholes. I lived 1 mile from the largest sinkhole in Missouri. It's perfectly round. I love to look at satellite maps and find terrain features and anomalies in nature, then trek to their location. Mostly deep woods stuff.
It was the perfect circle of the "horse's EYE" that I first saw. I was amazed at how perfect in nature it was. A place where more than anything, wanted to visit. Throw in the Brown ranch and Folsom Falls, "Water high", and it materialized very quickly, as a poet, that this was the place.

When I first saw the horse head, I thought it was a cougar, because I was using a different sat datum then the standard Google E. My sat map was a sunrise long shadow cast in a westerly direction, completely changing its appearance. Actually looked like big teeth in its mouth. It wasn't until I switched over to Google, that my wife said "it's a horse" mind you, my wife and I sit on the back porch on the beautiful fluffy cloudy days with a brewskies and see what we can find in the clouds. Great amusement and fun. One day, it was ALL Abe Lincoln's OR too much beer!

The first time I knew this was the place was when I saw the horse head. For me, it invoked the first rule of poetry. Throw in Folsom Falls and the brown ranch, then the word "nigh" "the left side of a horse/animal" and that was all she wrote. I knew this place to be the spot. I did have some help, and I must give the credit to the Spirit that made his finger painting in the first place and showed me the direction to go in.

Folsom Falls is NE of Santa Fe. Maybe 3 hour drive? Someone can fact check that I'm sure and correct me on the distance and time.

In reading your reply, I am led to understand that you accidentally stumbled upon the location and then applied the solution to the poem.

By seeing the 'Eye' first, then applying certain aspects of the poem, you arrived at a conclusion based upon an instinct.

Let's assume that I accept your methodology and regard your solution as correct.

That would mean there are three known solutions (to me) regarding the poem, all with different answers.

All three solutions have merit, and all three were derived from different styles of thought.

All three, are equal in their ability to be correct, due to none of them being proven incorrect.

Solution #1 is based on the psychology of the author, and deriving a solution that fits a predetermined answer due it's location of the author.

Solution #1 and #3 are both 'reverse-engineered' solutions where the answer was pre-determined, and then the steps to get to that answer were decided upon.

With your solution I don't see any focus on what I consider a major clue, which is a key to the solution I call #2. (yours is #3 by the way)

"Begin it where warm waters halt
and take it in the canyon down,
not far, but too far to walk.”

How does Folsom Falls relate to where warm waters halt?

Here is a tidbit of info that as yet, I haven't released.

Everyone has been searching for "Where Warm Waters Halt" WWWH

Everyone THINKS this is a MAJOR clue, but I promise you, it's not, and here's why.

The dictionary is our guide!

The word Halt, means lame!

This is a vague and lame clue!

In my best YODA voice.

"Lame, this clue is! Continue you must"

Actually, just about any Star Wars character will fit well in FF's puzzle. After all, it's just fantasy.

Let me edit this in as well,


Take the poem, use up every word to its enth degree. Spread it out across the Rocky Mountains, or for that matter the whole USA. There are now MILLIONS of possible solutions.


Let's take the same poem with the EXACT same scenario, but ONLY apply the solution to 2 square miles. Now the solution becomes way more difficult to discard as being "lucky" or random. It is by this simple logic, that demands respect when viewing the solution as a whole.
Let's throw in "The first rule of Poetry" the Indian that sports a headdress of a horse, and ONE CLUE that is obvious for a puzzle master who's into himself (Forrest Fenn=Folsom Falls)
Now, the whole picture is crystal clear. Apply the geometry with the points in reference to their relationship with the poem, and in this very small area, a "Y" shows up almost perfectly centered in a triangle. Connect that with the other "Y" that the poem instructs the seeker to do, and voila! YY=uu in Greek ! The mother load in all of the FF diaries.

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The dictionary is our guide!

The word Halt, means lame!

Actually the word halt means to come to an abrupt stop, or a suspension of movement or activity.

My solutions, both #1 and #2 are several hundred miles apart. They both are contained within a couple of square miles.

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